
Call for Papers

Theme: Environment, Peace and Spirituality
Type: International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Location: Siliguri (India)
Date: 10.–12.1.2019
Deadline: 31.7.2018


Directed and organized by the Institute of Cross Cultural Studies and
Academic Exchange, Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, Elon,


Environment and Economic Justice; Ecosystem and Sustainability;
Environmental Ethics; Global Warming, Climate Change and
Biodiversity; Green Ideology; Environmentalism, Feminism and
Multiculturalism; Vegetarianism, Environmentalism and Animal
Advocacy; Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Globalisation; Culture and
Ethics of Globalisation; Global Village, Ethics, Morality and
Society; Morality and Moral Controversies in Environmentalism and
Literature; Diaspora and Globalization, Environment and Society,
Sustainability, Climate Change, Ecofeminism, Peace and Non-violence,
Gandhi and Satyagraha Movement, Conflict Resolution, Peaceful
Coexistence, Culture of War, Materialism and Spiritualism, Gun
Violence, Inequality and Violence, Atheism, Positivism and Nihilism,
World Religions and Peace Movements.

Topics are only suggestive and not exhaustive.

Deadline to submit abstract (150 words): July 31st, 2018.

Acceptance of proposal will be mailed within 2 weeks or earlier to

Email your abstract (150 words, along with the title of your
presentation and current affiliation) to:

Copy to:

Scholars from different corners of the world join our conferences. The
Cambridge Scholars Press has published seven books co-edited by
members of our advisory board from selected papers from our last
conferences. We also publish papers in our Journal of Indian
Philosophy & Religion if the theme of the paper is in the area of
publication of the Journal.

Scholars can bring their students to join the undergraduate
competition and “Encounter India program”.

Undergraduates can submit papers for international competition. Best 2
papers selected will be awarded a discounted short trip inside India
along with free tickets to cultural programs.

Advisory Board:
Yolanda Espina (Portugal), Tommi Lehtonen (Finland), Debkumar
Mukhopadhyya (India), Deven Patel (USA), Nina Petek (Slovenia),
Rizwan Rahman (India), Ming Shao (China), Richard Vulich (USA), Su
Chen Wu (Taiwan), Yanling Xu (China)


Conference website:


Chandana Chakrabarti, Ph.D., Executive Director
Institute for Cross Cultural Studies and Academic Exchange
PO Box 79
Elon, NC 27244
Phone: +1 336 350-5639
Email: chandanac...@gmail.com


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