
Call for Publications

Theme: Interality Studies
Publication: China Media Research
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 30.10.2016


From: Guo-Ming Chen <gmc...@uri.edu>

This special issue (CMR-2017-04) is a follow-up to the special section
of China Media Research (Vol. 11, No. 2, 2015) on interology and the
special issue of the Canadian Journal of Communication (Vol. 41, No.
3, 2016) on interality. The concept of interality comes from the
Chinese ideograph "間," which presents the image of the sun shining
through an interval in the door. The character has since acquired
multiple meanings including interval, betweenness, beyondness, empty
space, void, liminality, interplay, etc. The purpose of the special
issue is to take interality studies forward from a multiplicity of
perspectives, partly to illustrate the serviceability of the concept
of interality. We are open to submissions that elaborate on,
problematize, apply, or otherwise engage the concept through a
plurality of lenses, including humanities, social sciences, sciences,
and other disciplines. We especially welcome contributions that bring
the concept to bear on problematics that matter in the here and now.

Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under
consideration by another publication. We will accept complete papers
or extended abstracts (800-1000 words) at the first stage of the
reviewing process. Please email a Word attachment of the submission
to the guest editor, Peter Zhang at zha...@gvsu.edu. Please include
"CMR Submission" in the subject line.

All abstracts must be received by October 30, 2016.
The complete manuscript must be received by April 15, 2017 after the
abstract is accepted.

Accepted manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with APA style
and should not exceed 8,000 words (including references). Please visit
http://www.chinamediaresearch.net for more information about the
quarterly journal of China Media Research.


Peter Zhang, Guest Editor
China Media Research
Email: zha...@gvsu.edu
Web: http://www.chinamediaresearch.net


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