Tomasz Nowak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> BMC 0.63 shows up only in DOS update software package
>> Operating Systems&lang=eng
>> I'll upgrade to 0.63 today.
>I've tried hard, but it's impossible.
>I have wasted 4 hours on this :(
Wow!  That really stinks.  I'm sorry to hear that.

>I've burned RAM-DOS iso from Development Toolkit 2.0,
>it boots ok, but entering dos shell mode neither allows me
>to see usb-key nor even second CD with firmware files.
>Both available disk (C:, D:) are RAM-DOS controlled.
Have you tried it with a USB keyfob?

>2. So then I've tried Intel Development Aassistant 1.3
>(isolinux etc). Very nice tool, but:
>  a) Intel on-line updates show January'08 versions
>     as lastest (these I already have installed this way)
>  b) software packages (.zip) for DOS updates that I've downloaded
>     from April last update are not seen from IDA (even if
>     release.txt says they should)
>3. So I've created my own zip with R0088.Cap, ALBMC63C.hex
>etc and edited flashupdt.cfg manually to point to new files.
>My own created zip was discovered and I've managed to upgrade
>bios to v88, but.. BMC firmware still seems not to be seen
>by IDA. At least no new version is shown in the update table.
>I didn't risk bricking my server to I've tried tha final way:
Luckily, the BIOS recoverable on the AL.  I've never seen a BMC fail
from firmware updates.  The update must succeed in order for the new FW
image to be used.

>4. - OFU
Uh oh.  I don't think I like to hear what's coming next.

># Utilities/OFU/setup_linux
>Segmentation fault
You might need to be in the Utilities/OFU directory.  The last time I
worked on OFU was in 2003 and back then it did not handle non-working
directory usage.

>installme: *1* Installing flashupdt RPM package...
>error: Failed dependencies:
> is needed by flashupdt-1.9.61-1.i386
>installme: *ERROR* Installation of the flashupdt RPM package failed.
>Exiting installation...
>* kernel: setup_linux[3403]: segfault at 0000000000000047
>rip 00000000f7e222b0 rsp 00000000ffbc2da0 error 4
Remind me again... Are you using Red Hat or ...?

Were you able to install libwwwzip and try again?

My only other suggestion would be to use DOS (sorry Andrew) on a usb fob
with the FW update tool and FW image.

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