After reviewing this document, I think the draft looks fairly good. I found a 
few small issues which should be addressed in the next revision. Comments on 
these issues are below.

We adopted this draft at IETF 100 and I haven't seen any discussion on it 
since. I'd like to see more review by the working group before sending it 
forward to the IESG. Are there any concerns with starting a WG last call on the 

-- Comments

1 - There are lowercase RFC2119 keywords in teh draft that don't appear to be 
normative (e.g., "may" in section 5). You should use text from RFC8174 to 
indicate that lowercase versions of the
keywords are not normative.

Something like the following would work:

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

5 - IIV is not spelled out on first use.

7 - "as long as certain security requirements are met" It would be useful to 
clarify what "certain" means here. Maybe a reference to section 2 would 
suffice? Or a reference to where the text in the next paragraph lands? See next 

7 - The second paragraph contains normative requirements in the Security 
Considerations. This is typically frowned upon. It might make sense to move 
these requirements to an earlier section (e.g., section 4).

9 - "woudl" replace with "would"



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