I was doing the review of the draft-ietf-ipsecme-rfc8229bis while
doing the shepherd writeup, and here are my comments to the draft.

In section 7.5:
   If a NAT is detected due to the SHA-1 digests not matching the
   expected values, no change should be made for encapsulation of
   subsequent IKE or ESP packets, since TCP encapsulation inherently
   supports NAT traversal.  Implementations MAY use the information that
   a NAT is present to influence keep-alive timer values.

   If a NAT is detected, implementations need to handle transport mode
   TCP and UDP packet checksum fixup as defined for UDP encapsulation in

Is bit confusing, as you first say that no change is done, but then
you say you still need to implement checksum fixup.


   If a NAT is detected due to the SHA-1 digests not matching the
   expected values, no change should be made for encapsulation of
   subsequent IKE or ESP packets, since TCP encapsulation inherently
   supports NAT traversal, but the in the decapsulation the
   implementations need to handle transport mode TCP and UDP packet
   checksum fixup as defined for UDP encapsulation in [RFC3948].
   Implementations MAY use the information that a NAT is present to
   influence keep-alive timer values.

In secton 7.7:

       this functionality is needed, implementations should create
       several IKE SAs over TCP and assign a corresponding DSCP value to
       each of them.

I think we should be clear that we need to run several IKE SAs over
separate TCP connections:

       If this functionality is needed, implementations should create
       several IKE SAs each over separate TCP connection and assign a
       corresponding DSCP value to each of them.

In section 8.1 we are missing description what happens to the old TCP
connection in case the mobike detects change of network. Of course it
the mobike detects that IP-address changed and the old IP-addresses
are no longer usable, the old TCP connection needs to be closed, but
in some cases mobike might get new network before loosing connection
to the previous network, and we need to define how the TCP connection
is handled in that case.

I.e., I would assume that if implementation is using TCP encapsulation
and then mobike detects new network and notices that UDP works over
that it should close the unused TCP connection after mobike connection
has finished updating.

Same when moving from one TCP connection to another.

Now the question what does the responder do if the other end was using
TCP connection and mobike, and then responder gets update to new
IP-address, but does not receive close to the TCP (for example other
end might have lost its access to the previous network).

I assume it should close the TCP connection after it has verified that
other has moved all traffic to the new connection (either UDP or TCP).

Also note that as described in the RFC 4555 section 3.5 the mobike
requires retransmit of all outstanding IKE exchanges after the address
update, and we should most likely make a note of that here too.

I.e. note that RFC4555 has following sentence:
   o  If there are outstanding IKEv2 requests (requests for which the
      initiator has not yet received a reply), continues retransmitting
      them using the addresses in the IKE_SA (the new addresses).

This should be done even when moving from TCP to TCP.

In section 11 security considarations there is text saying:
   Since TCP provides reliable, in-order delivery of ESP messages, the
   ESP anti-replay window size SHOULD be set to 1.  See [RFC4303] for a
   complete description of the ESP anti-replay window.  This increases
   the protection of implementations against replay attacks.

I am not sure if that is good advice. There are cases where ESP
packets might still be sent out of order in case one TCP connection is
teared down and new one is created, and of course if using MOBIKE with
TCP this should not be used, as MOBIKE may move the traffic from TCP
to UDP at any time.

Other case where packets might be sent out of order is when reordering
happens inside the node, for example because it has multiple hardware
encryption cores, and it sends big packet to first core, and small
packet to second core, and the second core finished before the the
first one, and the packes then come out of order.

I am not sure if setting the window size to 1 actually offers any more
protection than having normal anti-replay window size.

I would simply delete the whole paragarph.

And the final sentence is definiately untrue. Using replay window of 1
DOES NOT change the protection against replay attacks. Replays are
detected regardless of the window size if the anti-replay protection
is enabled.

In section B.4 I think we are missing second MOBIKE update, i.e. after
step 6, there should another INFORMATIONAL, HDR, SK {
N(UPDATE_SA_ADDRESS), ... } message and reply that. This is because if
the MOBIKE detected it needed to send its update over mutliple
addresses (or transport method like in this case), it will use the
retransmissions of the first one to detect which path work, and after
that finishes, it will immediately start new one to make sure that
information is in sync in both ends. For example the NAT_DETECTION_*
payloads might change when moving from UDP to TCP (or from one TCP to
another TCP).

This is described in the RFC4555 section 3.5 as follows:
   o  If a new address change occurs while waiting for the response,
      starts again from the first step (and ignores responses to this
      UPDATE_SA_ADDRESSES request).

So adding another UPDATE_SA_ADDRESSES there between steps 6 and 7
should be done.

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