[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2020-01-10 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) WG in the Security Area
of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional information, please contact
the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)
Current status: Active WG

  Yoav Nir 
  Tero Kivinen 

Assigned Area Director:
  Benjamin Kaduk 

Security Area Directors:
  Benjamin Kaduk 
  Roman Danyliw 

Mailing list:
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/ipsec/

Group page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/ipsecme/

Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-ipsecme/

The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409 and associated
RFCs, IKEv1 is now obsoleted), IKEv2 (RFC 7296), and the IPsec
security architecture (RFC 4301). IPsec is widely deployed in VPN
gateways, VPN remote access clients, and as a substrate for
host-to-host, host-to-network, and network-to-network security.

The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group continues the work
of the earlier IPsec Working Group which was concluded in 2005. Its
purpose is to maintain the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion
of clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec, mostly to
ESP and IKEv2. The working group also serves as a focus point for
other IETF Working Groups who use IPsec in their own protocols.

The current work items include:

IKEv1 using shared secret authentication was partially resistant to
quantum computers. IKEv2 removed this feature to make the protocol
more usable. The working group will add a mode to IKEv2 or otherwise
modify the shared-secret mode of IKEv2 to have similar or better quantum
resistant properties to those of IKEv1.

Currently, widely used counter mode based ciphers send both the ESP
sequence number and IV in the form of a counter, as they are very
commonly the same. There has been interest to work on a document that
will compress the packet and derive IV from the sequence number
instead of sending it in separate field. The working group will
specify how this compression can be negotiated in the IKEv2, and
specify how the encryption algorithm and ESP format is used in this

The Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI - RFC 6407) is an IKEv1-based
protocol for negotiating group keys for both multicast and unicast
uses. The Working Group will develop an IKEv2-based alternative that
will include cryptographic updates. A possible starting point is

Postquantum Cryptography brings new key exchange methods. Most of
these methods that are known to date have much larger public keys than
conventional Diffie-Hellman public keys. Directly using these methods in
IKEv2 might lead to a number of problems due to the increased size of
initial IKEv2 messages. The working group will analyze the possible
problems and develop a solution, that will make adding Postquantum key
exchange methods more easy. The solution will allow post quantum key
exchange to be performed in parallel with (or instead of) the existing
Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

A growing number of use cases for constrained networks - but not
limited to those networks - have shown interest in reducing ESP (resp. IKEv2)
overhead by compressing ESP (resp IKEv2) fields. The WG will define
extensions of ESP and IKEv2 to enable ESP header compression.

Possible starting points are draft-mglt-ipsecme-diet-esp,
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-compression and

RFC7427 allows peers to indicate hash algorithms they support, thus
eliminating ambiguity in selecting a hash function for digital
signature authentication. However, advances in cryptography lead to a
situation when some signature algorithms have several signature
formats. A prominent example is RSASSA-PKCS#1 v 1.5 and RSASSA-PSS; however
it is envisioned that the same situation may repeat in future with
other signature algorithms. Currently IKE peers have no explicit way
to indicate to each other which signature format(s) they support. That
leads to interoperability problems. The WG will investigate the
situation and come up with a solution that allows peers to deal with
the problem in an interoperable way.

RFC7296 defines a generic notification code that is related to a
failure to handle an internal address failure. That code does not
explicitly allow an initiator to determine why a given address family
is not assigned, nor whether it should try using another address
family. The Working Group will specify a set of more specific
notification codes that will provide sufficient information to the
IKEv2 initiator about the encountered failure. A possible starting
pointing is draft-boucadair-ipsecme-ipv6-ipv4-codes.

Some systems support security labels (aka security context) as one of
the selectors of the SPD. This labe

[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2018-09-17 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) WG in the Security Area
of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional information, please contact
the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)
Current status: Active WG

  David Waltermire 
  Tero Kivinen 

Assigned Area Director:
  Eric Rescorla 

Security Area Directors:
  Eric Rescorla 
  Benjamin Kaduk 

Mailing list:
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/ipsec/

Group page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/ipsecme/

Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-ipsecme/

The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409 and associated
RFCs, IKEv1 is now obsoleted), IKEv2 (RFC 7296), and the IPsec
security architecture (RFC 4301). IPsec is widely deployed in VPN
gateways, VPN remote access clients, and as a substrate for
host-to-host, host-to-network, and network-to-network security.

The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group continues the work
of the earlier IPsec Working Group which was concluded in 2005. Its
purpose is to maintain the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion
of clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec, mostly to
ESP and IKEv2. The working group also serves as a focus point for
other IETF Working Groups who use IPsec in their own protocols.

The current work items include:

IKEv1 using shared secret authentication was partially resistant to
quantum computers. IKEv2 removed this feature to make the protocol
more usable. The working group will add a mode to IKEv2 or otherwise
modify the shared-secret mode of IKEv2 to have similar or better quantum
resistant properties to those of IKEv1.

Split-DNS is a common configuration for VPN deployments in which only
one or a few private DNS domains are accessible and resolvable via the
tunnel. Adding new configuration attributes to IKEv2 for configuring
Split-DNS would allow more deployments to adopt IKEv2. This
configuration should also allow verification of the domains using
DNSSEC. Working group will specify needed configuration attributes for

Currently, widely used counter mode based ciphers send both the ESP
sequence number and IV in the form of a counter, as they are very
commonly the same. There has been interest to work on a document that
will compress the packet and derive IV from the sequence number
instead of sending it in separate field. The working group will
specify how this compression can be negotiated in the IKEv2, and
specify how the encryption algorithm and ESP format is used in this

The Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI - RFC 6407) is an IKEv1-based
protocol for negotiating group keys for both multicast and unicast
uses. The Working Group will develop an IKEv2-based alternative that
will include cryptographic updates. A possible starting point is

Postquantum Cryptography brings new key exchange methods. Most of
these methods that are known to date have much larger public keys than
conventional Diffie-Hellman public keys. Directly using these methods in
IKEv2 might lead to a number of problems due to the increased size of
initial IKEv2 messages. The working group will analyze the possible
problems and develop a solution, that will make adding Postquantum key
exchange methods more easy. The solution will allow post quantum key
exchange to be performed in parallel with (or instead of) the existing
Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

A growing number of use cases for constrained networks - but not
limited to those networks - have shown interest in reducing ESP (resp. IKEv2)
overhead by compressing ESP (resp IKEv2) fields. The WG will define
extensions of ESP and IKEv2 to enable ESP header compression.

Possible starting points are draft-mglt-ipsecme-diet-esp,
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-compression and

RFC7427 allows peers to indicate hash algorithms they support, thus
eliminating ambiguity in selecting a hash function for digital
signature authentication. However, advances in cryptography lead to a
situation when some signature algorithms have several signature
formats. A prominent example is RSASSA-PKCS#1 v 1.5 and RSASSA-PSS; however
it is envisioned that the same situation may repeat in future with
other signature algorithms. Currently IKE peers have no explicit way
to indicate to each other which signature format(s) they support. That
leads to interoperability problems. The WG will investigate the
situation and come up with a solution that allows peers to deal with
the problem in an interoperable way.

RFC7296 defines a generic notification code that is related to a
failure to handle an internal address failure. That code does not
explicitly allow an initiator to determine why a given address famil

[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2016-09-16 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) WG in the Security
Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional information, please
contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)
Current status: Active WG

  David Waltermire 
  Tero Kivinen 

Assigned Area Director:
  Kathleen Moriarty 

Security Area Directors:
  Stephen Farrell 
  Kathleen Moriarty 
Mailing list:
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/ipsec/

Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-ipsecme/

The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409 and associated
RFCs), IKEv2 (RFC 7296), and the IPsec security architecture (RFC
4301). IPsec is widely deployed in VPN gateways, VPN remote access
clients, and as a substrate for host-to-host, host-to-network, and
network-to-network security.

The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group continues the work
of the earlier IPsec Working Group which was concluded in 2005. Its
purpose is to maintain the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion
of clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec, mostly to
IKEv2. The working group also serves as a focus point for other IETF
Working Groups who use IPsec in their own protocols.

The current work items include:

IKEv2 contains the cookie mechanism to protect against denial of
service attacks. However this mechanism cannot protect an IKE
end-point (typically, a large gateway) from "distributed denial of
service", a coordinated attack by a large number of "bots". The
working group will analyze the problem and propose a solution, by
offering best practices and potentially by extending the protocol.

IKEv2 utilizes a number of cryptographic algorithms in order to
provide security services. To support interoperability a number of
mandatory-to-implement (MTI) algorithms are defined in RFC4307 for
IKEv2 and in RFC7321 for ESP/AH. There is interest in updating the
MTIs in RFC4307 and RFC7321 based on new algorithms, changes to the
understood security strength of existing algorithms, and the degree of
adoption of previously introduced algorithms. The group will revise
RFC4307 and RFC7321 proposing updates to the MTI algorithms used by
IKEv2 and IPsec to address these changes.

There is interest in supporting Curve25519 and Curve448 for ephemeral
key exchange and EdDSA for authentication in the IKEv2 protocol. The
group will extend the IKEv2 protocol to support key agreement using
these curves and their related functions.

IKEv1 using shared secret authentication was partially resistant to
quantum computers. IKEv2 removed this feature to make the protocol
more usable. The working group will add a mode to IKEv2 or otherwise
modify IKEv2 to have similar quantum resistant properties than IKEv1

There have been middle boxes blocking IKE negotiation over UDP. To
make IKE work in these environments, IKE and ESP packets need to be
transmitted over TCP. Therefore the group will define a mechanism to
use IKE and IPsec over TCP. The group will also provide guidance on 
how to detect when IKE cannot be negotiated over UDP, and TCP should 
be used as a fallback

Split-DNS is a common configuration for VPN deployments, in which
only one or a few private DNS domains are accessible and resolvable
via the tunnel. Adding new configuration attributes to IKEv2 for
configuring Split-DNS would allow more deployments to adopt IKEv2.
This configuration should also allow verification of the domains using
DNSSEC. Working group will specify needed configuration attributes for

Currently, widely used counter mode based ciphers send both the ESP
sequence number and IV in form of counter, as they are very
commonly the same.  There has been interest to work on a document that
compress the packet and derive IV from the sequence number instead of
sending it in separate field. The working group will specify how this
compression can be negotiated in the IKEv2, and specify how the
encryption algorithm and ESP format is used in this case.

This charter will expire in December 2017. If the charter is not
updated before that time, the WG will be closed and any remaining
documents revert back to individual Internet-Drafts.

  Oct 2016 - IETF Last Call on DDoS protection
  Oct 2016 - IETF Last Call on Curve25519 and Curve448 for IKEv2
  Nov 2016 - IETF Last Call on cryptographic algorithms for IKEv2
  Nov 2016 - IETF Last Call on cryptographic algorithms for ESP / AH
  Dec 2016 - IETF Last Call on TCP Encapsulation of IKE and IPsec
  Jan 2017 - IETF Last Call on Using EdDSA in the IKEv2
  Feb 2017 - IETF Last Call on Split-DNS Configuration for IKEv2
  Feb 2017 - IETF Last Call on Implicit IV in IPsec
  Jun 2017 - IETF Last Call on partially quantum resistant IKEv2


[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2015-01-09 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) working group in the
Security Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional
information please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

Current Status: Active WG

  Paul Hoffman 
  Yaron Sheffer 

Assigned Area Director:
  Kathleen Moriarty 

Mailing list
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To Subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipsec/


 The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409 and associated
RFCs), IKEv2 (RFC 7296), and the IPsec security architecture (RFC 4301).
IPsec is widely deployed in VPN gateways, VPN remote access clients, and
as a substrate for host-to-host, host-to-network, and network-to-network

The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group continues the work of
the earlier IPsec Working Group which was concluded in 2005. Its purpose
is to maintain the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion of
clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec, mostly to IKEv2.
The working group also serves as a focus point for other IETF Working
Groups who use IPsec in their own protocols.

The current work items include:

IKEv2 contains the cookie mechanism to protect against denial of service
attacks. However this mechanism cannot protect an IKE end-point
(typically, a large gateway) from "distributed denial of service", a
coordinated attack by a large number of "bots". The working group will
analyze the problem and propose a solution, by offering best practices
and potentially by extending the protocol.

There is interest in adapting the IKE protocol for opportunistic use
cases, by allowing one or both endpoints of the exchange to remain
unauthenticated. The group will extend the protocol to support these use

This charter will expire in December 2015 (a year from approval). If the
charter is not updated before that time, the WG will be closed and any
remaining documents revert back to individual Internet-Drafts.

  Done - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN use cases and requirements
  Done - IETF last call on IKE fragmentation solution
  Done - IETF last call on new mandatory-to-implement algorithms
  Aug 2015 - IETF Last Call on DDoS protection
  Dec 2015 - IETF Last Call on null authentication

IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2013-01-15 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) working group in the
Security Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional
information please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

Current Status: Active Working Group

  Paul Hoffman 
  Yaron Sheffer 

Assigned Area Director:
  Sean Turner 

Mailing list
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To Subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipsec/

Charter of Working Group:

 The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409
 and associated RFCs), IKEv2 (RFC 5996), and the IPsec
 security architecture (RFC 4301). IPsec is widely
 deployed in VPN gateways, VPN remote access clients,
 and as a substrate for host-to-host, host-to-network,
 and network-to-network security.

 The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group
 continues the work of the earlier IPsec Working Group
 which was concluded in 2005. Its purpose is to maintain
 the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion of
 clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec,
 mostly to IKEv2. The working group also serves as a
 focus point for other IETF Working Groups who use IPsec
 in their own protocols.

 The current work items include:

 In an environment with many IPsec gateways and remote
 clients that share an established trust infrastructure
 (in a single administrative domain or across multiple
 domains), customers want to get on-demand point-to-point
 IPsec capability for efficiency. However, this cannot be
 feasibly accomplished only with today's IPsec and IKE due
 to problems with address lookup, reachability, policy
 configuration, and so on.

 The IPsecME Working Group will handle this large scale
 VPN problem by:

  * Creating a problem statement document including use
cases, definitions and proper requirements for discovery
and updates. This document would be solution-agnostic.

  * Publishing a common solution for the discovery and
update problems that will satisfy the requirements
in the problem statement document.  The working group
may standardize one of the vendor solutions, a combination,
an superset of such a solution, or a new protocol.

  * Reviewing and helping publish Informational documents
describing current vendor proprietary solutions.

 Recently discovered incorrect behavior of ISPs poses a
 challenge to IKE, whose UDP messages (especially #3 and #4)
 sometimes get fragmented at the IP level and then dropped
 by these ISPs. There is interest in solving this issue by
 allowing transport of IKE over TCP; this is currently
 implemented by some vendors. The group will standardize such
 a solution, using draft-nir-ipsecme-ike-tcp as a starting point.

 The WG will review and possibly revise the list of mandatory-to-
 implement algorithms for ESP and AH based on five years of experience 
 with newer algorithms and cryptographic modes. This work will be based 
 on draft-mcgrew-ipsec-me-esp-ah-reqts.

 The WG will update the way IKEv2 uses public keys that are
 trusted out-of-band (that is, not through a common PKIX trust
 anchor). This work will be based on

 The WG will revise the IKEv2 specification with a small number
 of mandatory tests required for the secure operation of IKEv2
 when using elliptic curve cryptography. This work will be based
 on draft-sheffer-ipsecme-dh-checks.

 This charter will expire in January 2015 (24 months from approval).
 If the charter is not updated before that time, the WG will be
 closed and any remaining documents revert back to individual

  Done - WG last call on IPv6 configuration payloads
  Done - WG last call on IPsec roadmap
  Done - WG last call on session resumption
  Done - WG last call on redirect
  Done - WG last call on IKEv2bis
  Done - WG last call on ESP NULL traffic visibility
  Done - WG last call on HA requirements
  Done - WG last call on quick crash discovery
  Done - WG last call on EAP-only authentication
  Nov 2012 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN use cases and requirements
  Feb 2013 - IETF Last Call on IKE over TCP
  Feb 2013 - IETF LC new MITM algorithms
  Apr 2013 - IETF LC out-of-band public key draft
  Jun 2013 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN protocol

IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2012-12-18 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) working group in the
Security Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional
information please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

Current Status: Active Working Group

  Paul Hoffman 
  Yaron Sheffer 

Assigned Area Director:
  Sean Turner 

Mailing list
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To Subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipsec/

Charter of Working Group:

 The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409
 and associated RFCs), IKEv2 (RFC 5996), and the IPsec
 security architecture (RFC 4301). IPsec is widely
 deployed in VPN gateways, VPN remote access clients,
 and as a substrate for host-to-host, host-to-network,
 and network-to-network security.

 The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group
 continues the work of the earlier IPsec Working Group
 which was concluded in 2005. Its purpose is to maintain
 the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion of
 clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec,
 mostly to IKEv2. The working group also serves as a
 focus point for other IETF Working Groups who use IPsec
 in their own protocols.

 The current work items include:

 In an environment with many IPsec gateways and remote
 clients that share an established trust infrastructure
 (in a single administrative domain or across multiple
 domains), customers want to get on-demand point-to-point
 IPsec capability for efficiency. However, this cannot be
 feasibly accomplished only with today's IPsec and IKE due
 to problems with address lookup, reachability, policy
 configuration, and so on.

 The IPsecME Working Group will handle this large scale
 VPN problem by:

  * Creating a problem statement document including use
cases, definitions and proper requirements for discovery
and updates. This document would be solution-agnostic.

  * Publishing a common solution for the discovery and
update problems that will satisfy the requirements
in the problem statement document.  The working group
may standardize one of the vendor solutions, a combination,
an superset of such a solution, or a new protocol.

  * Reviewing and helping publish Informational documents
describing current vendor proprietary solutions.

 Recently discovered incorrect behavior of ISPs poses a
 challenge to IKE, whose UDP messages (especially #3 and #4)
 sometimes get fragmented at the IP level and then dropped
 by these ISPs. There is interest in solving this issue by
 allowing transport of IKE over TCP; this is currently
 implemented by some vendors. The group will standardize such
 a solution, using draft-nir-ipsecme-ike-tcp as a starting point.

 The WG will review and possibly revise the list of mandatory-to-
 implement algorithms for ESP and AH based on five years of experience 
 with newer algorithms and cryptographic modes. This work will be based 
 on draft-mcgrew-ipsec-me-esp-ah-reqts.

 The WG will update the way IKEv2 uses public keys that are
 trusted out-of-band (that is, not through a common PKIX trust
 anchor). This work will be based on

 This charter will expire in November 2015 (24 months from approval).
 If the charter is not updated before that time, the WG will be
 closed and any remaining documents revert back to individual

  Done - WG last call on IPv6 configuration payloads
  Done - WG last call on IPsec roadmap
  Done - WG last call on session resumption
  Done - WG last call on redirect
  Done - WG last call on IKEv2bis
  Done - WG last call on ESP NULL traffic visibility
  Done - WG last call on HA requirements
  Done - WG last call on quick crash discovery
  Done - WG last call on EAP-only authentication
  Nov 2012 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN use cases and requirements
  Feb 2013 - IETF Last Call on IKE over TCP
  Jun 2013 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN protocol

IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] WG Action: Rechartered IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2012-08-21 Thread The IESG
The IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme) working group in the
Security Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional
information please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

Current Status: Active Working Group

  Paul Hoffman 
  Yaron Sheffer 

Assigned Area Director:
  Sean Turner 

Mailing list
  Address: ipsec@ietf.org
  To Subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipsec
  Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipsec/

Charter of Working Group:

The IPsec suite of protocols includes IKEv1 (RFC 2409
and associated RFCs), IKEv2 (RFC 5996), and the IPsec
security architecture (RFC 4301). IPsec is widely
deployed in VPN gateways, VPN remote access clients,
and as a substrate for host-to-host, host-to-network,
and network-to-network security.

The IPsec Maintenance and Extensions Working Group
continues the work of the earlier IPsec Working Group
which was concluded in 2005. Its purpose is to maintain
the IPsec standard and to facilitate discussion of
clarifications, improvements, and extensions to IPsec,
mostly to IKEv2. The working group also serves as a
focus point for other IETF Working Groups who use IPsec
in their own protocols.

The current work items include:

In an environment with many IPsec gateways and remote
clients that share an established trust infrastructure
(in a single administrative domain or across multiple
domains), customers want to get on-demand point-to-point
IPsec capability for efficiency. However, this cannot be
feasibly accomplished only with today's IPsec and IKE due
to problems with address lookup, reachability, policy
configuration, and so on.

The IPsecME Working Group will handle this large scale
VPN problem by:

* Creating a problem statement document including use
cases, definitions and proper requirements for discovery
and updates. This document would be solution-agnostic.

* Publishing a common solution for the discovery and
update problems that will satisfy the requirements
in the problem statement document. The working group
may standardize one of the vendor solutions, a combination,
an superset of such a solution, or a new protocol.

* Reviewing and helping publish Informational documents
describing current vendor proprietary solutions.

Recently discovered incorrect behavior of ISPs poses a
challenge to IKE, whose UDP messages (especially #3 and #4)
sometimes get fragmented at the IP level and then dropped
by these ISPs. There is interest in solving this issue by
allowing transport of IKE over TCP; this is currently
implemented by some vendors. The group will standardize such
a solution, using draft-nir-ipsecme-ike-tcp as a starting point.

This charter will expire in August 2014 (24 months from approval).
If the charter is not updated before that time, the WG will be
closed and any remaining documents revert back to individual

  Done - WG last call on IPv6 configuration payloads
  Done - WG last call on IPsec roadmap
  Done - WG last call on session resumption
  Done - WG last call on redirect
  Done - WG last call on IKEv2bis
  Done - WG last call on ESP NULL traffic visibility
  Done - WG last call on HA requirements
  Done - WG last call on quick crash discovery
  Done - WG last call on EAP-only authentication
  Nov 2012 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN use cases and requirements
  Feb 2013 - IETF Last Call on IKE over TCP
  Jun 2013 - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN protocol

IPsec mailing list