I've been testing Windows 2016 Server and ipxe.
I can get it working on a Xen setup, but have trouble getting it to work on
Hyper-V (the server is 2012R2).

ipxe successfully loads bootmgr but it seems that bootmgr has trouble
loading winload.exe to continue the boot.

I receive an error from bootmgr that it failed to read the disk. Enabling
debug output in ipxe shows a disconnect with:

iSCSI 0xf0134 closed: Connection timed out (http://ipxe.org/4c0a6035)
INT13 drive 80 went away: Connection timed out (http://ipxe.org/4c0a6035)
INT13 drive 80 extended I/O failed: Connection timed out (
INT13,42 (80) failed with status 04

Debugging the load process the problem seems to happen when bootmgr
transitions to 64bit.
Also a little before it happens there are quite a few remaps:

INT13,15 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,41 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,48 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,08 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,42 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,42 (81) remapped to (80)
INT13,42 (81) remapped to (80).

As the transition from 32-bit to 64-bit is a bit hard to debug, and I'm not
so sure I've understood the remap code I wanted to ask if someone here had
a clue before diving in both directions.

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