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All times and dates strictly UT [5 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 or 
PL-880 with internal antenna only; Nissan stock caradio as specified; FRG-7 
with E/W longwire as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as 

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST: 

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** OKLAHOMA. 1000, Feb 19 at 1323 UT as I am tuning across KTOK OKC, quick 
carrier break, presumably late switch from night to day facility, as official 
FCC sunrise in Feb is 1315 UT (March: 1245 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

 ** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Feb 14 at 0640 UT, KGYN ID in passing during US Country 
music, VG signal, obviously on ND day pattern from Guymon instead of protecting 
Philadelphia. This is a very common situation with KGYN which I hardly bother 
to log, but so strong tonight there can be no doubt (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX 


** U S A. 690, Feb 19 at 1313 UT, KGGF Coffeyville KS with news about OK and 
KS, as ``Radio Results Group News``, a mouthful but that`s the real name of its 
local group including 3 FM stations:
which says, ``On the air since 1928, KGGF is truly one of America`s heritage 
radio stations``. I don`t see a program schedule, but they are also one of few 
stations that still signs off when they don`t have to, at local midnight, with 
a rotating patriotic song, and always closing with Taps just after 0600 UT 
(soon 0500 UT with DST). KGGF used to leave the carrier on afterwards but I 
have not reconfirmed that lately. `Jim Bohannon` runs until midnite weekdays; 
occasionally stays on later, like for a west-coast extra-inning silly baseball 

Back to the Feb 19 log: quick carrier break at 1314 UT, presumably switch from 
night to day facilities as official Feb sunrise is 1315 UT (March: bumps all 
the way up to 1230 UT): 10/5 kW U4, but no difference in groundwave signal 
here. Night pattern has four lobes, major one to the SW away from Montreal, and 
four deep nulls, while day pattern is tangent broadly almost circular more to 
the SSW.

RRG News continues at 1314 UT Feb 19 with `Profile America` for Friday Feb 13! 
Day in history from US Census Bureau, 1316 ``Color Weather Radar``, which has 
to be interpreted by the monochrome, audio-only announcer; shall we take his 
word for how colorful it is? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 840, Feb 18 at 0629 UT, I`m back here to recapture the gospel-huxter 
in English Feb 16, believed to be KWDF in Ball LA, cheating daytimer [see 
UNIDENTIFIED]. But no sign of it now; in the WHAS null, Spanish instead, of 
which there was no sign when I was getting KWDF. Do they take turns? But KVJY 
Pharr TX is authorized for 1 kW at night, pattern a broad cardioid, null 
northeast toward WHAS, peaking southwest, and not much to the north either.

As I tune in, Autozone ad, promo with a ``goooooal``, mentions canal 31.2 (DTV 
subchannel); something about ``Hits Tamaulipas`` which makes me wonder if I am 
getting XEMY in Ciudad Mante down toward Tampico, but it is supposedly a 
daytimer with grupera format, per IRCA. Border area of Tamps. is certainly 
prime coverage for KVJY too. Heavy SAH of 7 Hz vs WHAS when de-nulled. Kids 
voices in another ad; 0631 UT ``-AM`` ID but can`t catch the letters. 0635 UT 
back to programming which is a discussion of politix and fútbol in El Salvador; 
show referred to in passing as ``en F-B`` (?). I will certainly not jump to any 
conclusion that this is Holy-Bible station YSFB. I`m back on 840 at 0659 UT, 
when ESPN Deportes is mentioned, top-of-hour ``840 AM Pharr`` in Spanish, but 
no letters heard and maybe no legal letters transmitted, back to discussion 
about CentroAmérica.

840, Feb 19 at 0650 UT, with WHAS nulled from a SAH more like 8 Hz than last 
night`s 7, a Spanish call-in show again about El Salvador; 0655 UT break ID as 
ESPN Deportes; 0658 UT, USG PSAs, still Spanish, including highway safety and 
0659 UT influenza, but fading down just in time to miss a ToH ID, but already 
know it`s KVJY Pharr TX.

The ESPN Deportes schedule via
shows weekdays at 1-2 am (presumably EST), a show merely called `FC`. On the 
ESPN Deportes program schedule via SiriusXM, which may not be the same, there 
is a 12-1 am ET show called F C | Central American Soccer. So that`s what I 
have been hearing. FC = fútbol centroamericano? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 880-CUSB, Feb 19 at 1305 UT, Christian song somewhat 
overmodulated/distorted and not much on the lower sideband, as always from KHAC 
Tse Bonito NM; 1307 UT rendition of `Star-Spangled Banner` in English to a 
different tune than usual! Wonder if they play that every morning. 1308 UT on 
to a hymn in Navajo. KHAC is always running day facility 10 kW ND, dominating 
rather than anything from KLRG AR, which should now be 50 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 910, Feb 14 at 0650 UT as I am dozing off, rock music from the NW/SE, 
0713 UT awaken to hear a Radio Disney ID. Can`t be WFDF in Michigan, wrong 
direxion and no longer Disney, so has to be KWDZ Salt Lake City UT, which 
however, NRC AM Log 2014-2015 notes had been silent since Aug 2013 (as of Aug 
2014). But NRC AM Switch reported 8/22/14: ``Formerly silent stations informing 
the FCC that they are no longer silent: 910 KWDZ UT Salt Lake City – Silent 
since 8/17/2013, returned to the air 8/14``. 

Yet I don`t get any other hits on the NRC website as if no one had really 
logged it. There is a log in IRCA of KWDZ by Nigel Pimblett, Alberta, on Oct 
16, 2014. I had heard it in Oct 2011. Now it`s steady with KVIS Vinita OK from 
the east nulled. 5/1 kW, KWDZ day pattern has a good lobe toward us, but not 
its night pattern; hmmm. It sure is taking a long time for Disney to divest 
itself of all those unwanted stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 940, Feb 14 at 0646 UT, ``AM 940, The Legendary WN##`` YL ID, then 
classic rock. I assumed this would be easy to trace, but no such slogan for a 
940 in the NRC AM Log. DF-wise, far most likely is WMIX Mt Vernon IL. At their 
website http://www.wmix94.com/ I don`t find any ``legendary`` branding, 
however. Night pattern is tight slightly clockwise from E-W so not very 
favorable for us; day pattern is 90 degrees from that, almost N-S; 5000/1500 
watts. As name implies, format is a mix, basically news/talk/music day, music 
overnight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 970, Feb 13 at 0615 UT, `Jim Bohannon Show` resuming from commercial 
break, loops N/S vs the CCI. My first guess is WDAY Fargo ND, and that proves 
to be correct per website listings at 10 pm - 1 am CT = 04-07 UT, i.e. the 
06-07 hour is a repeat of the first hour which would have been live at 03-04. 
No 970 affiliates elsewhere on this axis in NE, TX or even LA (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1120, Sat Feb 14 at 2347 UT, anti-radical-Islam talk show, 
criticising the president for not being anti-that enough, mentions ``on a 
Friday afternoon`` so apparently not live. Good signal with weaker KMOX totally 
nulled, this looping roughly N/S. Phone 1-800-684-3110 and mentions ACLJ.org 
which is the American Center for Law & Justice. Looks like they are pro-Jewish, 
but prime suspect is the new Christian station, KTXW in Manor (Austin) TX. 

ACLJ has an extensive list of radio affiliates (including lots of translators), 
but you have to search it state by state and there is no 1120 listed in TX (or 
CO or OK or MS, the only other possibilities). So I go directly to KTXW program 
to find Sat at 5-6 pm CST it`s `Jay Sekulow Live`, and guess what, the click-on 
link on his name leads right back to ACLJ.org --- so this is KTXW, now branded 
as ``The Bridge``. It`s 5600/155 watts U4. Day pattern has major lobe NW, minor 
SE. Night pattern is broad from NW to SW to SE, nulling toward KMOX. Still on 
day pattern: official sunset in Feb is not until 0015 UT (March: 0045 UT) (If 
KEOR Tulsa etc. dead air carrier is on now, like still on daytime groundwave, 
it`s completely overridden.)(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1210, Feb 17 at 0153 UT, dominant signal is not KGYN Guymon OK, but 
romantic music in Spanish looping N/S. Altho there are 5 XEs listed in deeper 
Mexico, this is surely KUBR in San Juan, RGV, TX, which is really religious, so 
if I had listened longer may have detected a revered object of affexion, but it 
fades a bit so when nulled I can hear country from KGYN 90 degrees off, not the 
bigsig it often provides when on day pattern at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1220, Feb 16 at 0704 UT, ``Network Indiana`` news atop channel from 
perpetual cheater WSLM Salem IN, 5 kW day power instead of 82 watts licensed 
for night; same pattern day and night, tightly slightly clockwise from 
east/west, should that even be maintained (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 2660, Feb 13 at 0608 UT, gospel music, no doubt KGLD 1330 x 2 from 
Tyler TX. Better signal now than I had at 1200-1300+ UT when I managed to 
re-identify it definitely. 0614 UT announcement but fading. Maybe a fluke, but 
night power is supposed to be only 77 watts on 1330, so the harmonic should be 
minuscule. Strongly suspect they were really running 500 or 1000 watts to start 
with (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


UNIDENTIFIED. 840, Feb  16 at 0710 UT, steady preacher in English with WHAS 
nulled, on alleged scriptural prophecy, loops about WNW/ESE, 0713 UT taking a 
caller from Nevada, thanking him for his teaching on global warming; mentions 
1-800-ENDTIME, or http://endtime.com 
This guy sounds rather rational rather than hySTAIRical, but wacky message is 
the same.

How about KXNT 50/25 kW, North Las Vegas, which however is supposed to have a 
deep null toward Louisville? And it`s supposedly news-talk, not primarily 
gospel-huxtering, tho late Sunday night might be a time to break format 
briefly. No, schedule shows Coast to Coast now:

So how about program site?
lists the only 840 affiliate as 
LOUISIANA Alexandria, KWDF, 840 AM, 4:30 – 5:00 PM (CST) M-F

NRC-AM Log shows KWDF, really Ball LA, as a K-Love station. But 
does not, instead KLXA 89.9 in Alexandria. Anyway, K-Love network is mostly 
(only?) gospel music, not talk. 

On the contrary, per station`s own site also with nice coverage map,

``KWDF has been airing Gospel music and Christian teaching programs for almost 
25 years. In 2008, Wilkins Radio purchased KWDF and continued the Christian 
format and expanded to an exclusive Christian talk station.`` 

But there`s no program schedule, and one small problem --- it`s supposed to be 
an 8 kW daytimer. Is there an FM translator supplying any excuse to be 
broadcasting programming in the middle of the night? None known or shown. 

Another possibility is another daytimer, 10 kW in Mobile AL, WBHY. It does have 
FM translators. But scheduled for 1-1:30 am weekdays is `Grace to You`, no 
apparent connexion with the End Times show.

I think it has to be one or the other of WBHY, KWDF, but program info about 
both needs to be updated. KWDF I have also heard around SRS and traces of it 
maybe at midday by ground or skywave. The edge to KWDF since the End Times show 
has been on it altho at a different time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- End Message ---
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