--- Begin Message ---
All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT` during DST; when 
changing times one must also change the dates for events in the 00-04 UT period 
to the previous date by ELT].

Rx: mostly DX-398 or PL-880 with internal antenna only; NRD-545 with ALA-330S 
inside or N-S random wire; Nissan stock caradio as specified; FRG-7 with E/W 
longwire as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified [if any], separated by ======= Within each, they are in 
frequency order

** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2598-USB, Oct 2 at 0054, YL in English with marine weather 
including ``visibility less than one mile`` [sic], ``strong wind warning in 
effect``. Also mentions Grand Banks, Newfoundland, and Newfoundland Daylight 
Time [UT minus only 2.5 hours]. Per dxinfocentre.com at this hour the station 
in the N/L group is VCP-4 in Placentia, starting at 0048. Placentia is in the 
southeast, on the western side of the Avalon Peninsula. About S8 signal.

2598-USB, Oct 2 at 0107 recheck, another marine weather in English just 
starting mentioning ``Radio`` and ``Newfoundland``, i.e. VCM in St. Anthony on 
the northern tip (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

2598-USB, Oct 6 at 0117 UT, YL with marine weather including wind forecasts in 
knots; 0119 mentions Strait of Belle Isle. About S9; nothing on 2749-USB at the 

Following a previous log of these, former marine radio operator and DXer Jari 
Savolainin in Finland replied: ``Re: Canada coastal stations: 2015 Canadian 
Coast Guard facilities information of coastal stations (freqs, locations, times 
etc) for Canadian Atlantic, St. Lawrence, Lakes and Arctic is at:
73, Jari``

That`s a huge file covering LF, MF and VHF, but giving a rather different 
impression of what we`re hearing than from the Dxinfocentre.

On 2598-J3E kHz, VOK, MCTS Labrador via site Saint Anthony [Newfoundland] 
starting at 0107 UT:

    Technical marine synopsis, forecasts and wave height forecasts for marine 
areas 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 235, 237 and 238.
    Ice conditions and forecast for the East Coast of Newfoundland, and the 
Labrador Coast, south of 54N.
    Iceberg Bulletin - Newfoundland Coast and Strait of Belle Isle``

** CANADA. 2749-USB, Oct 2 at 0056, OM in English-accented French with météo, 
S6 signal. Per http://www.dxinfocentre.com/mb.htm starting at 0040 is VCO in 
Sydney NS, but implied in English only. Two other stations in the 2749 group 
are ``EE/FF``, but at later times: VAR-3 Yarmouth from 0140; and VCN Magdalen 
from 0437. Maybe there have been some schedule changes since this listing was 
last updated 2014-01-30. These and many other marine weather 2 MHz band 
stations are also listed in EiBi by frequency, 
http://eibispace.de/dx/freq-a15.txt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1794, DX 

2749-USB, Oct 6 at 0152 UT, tune in to YL English mention of Sable Island 
(which is off Nova Scotia, favourite for ham DX-peditions, and used to? have a 
LW beacon), and immediately into YL (same?) in good French, not the 
English-accented version we hear sometimes on these stations, appellant 
``toutes stations`` thrice or so, probably followed by ID but I can`t copy it; 
about S8. Best SSB sound by tuning slightly down to 2748.96; nothing on 
2598-USB at the moment.

Following a previous log of these, former marine radio operator and DXer Jari 
Savolainin in Finland replied: ``Re: Canada coastal stations: 2015 Canadian 
Coast Guard facilities information of coastal stations (freqs, locations, times 
etc) for Canadian Atlantic, St. Lawrence, Lakes and Arctic is at:
73, Jari``

That`s a huge file covering LF, MF and VHF, but giving a rather different 
impression of what we`re hearing than from the Dxinfocentre.

On 2749-J3E kHz, VCS, MCTS Halifax is shown with two different ``sites`` --- 
Chebogue and Sambro. This is what it shows for the broadcast starting at 0140 
UT from Chebogue:

``RADIOTELEPHONY: (English followed by French)
    Technical marine forecasts synopsis, forecasts and wave height forecasts 
for marine areas 201 to 2014.
    U.S. weather forecasts for Coastal Waters - Eastport to Schoodic Point, 
Maine and Offshore Waters - Gulf of Maine to the Hague Line.
    Notices to Shipping in areas Bay of Fundy, South and West Coast Nova 

Chebogue per Wikipedia: ``a small fishing village located in Yarmouth County, 
Nova Scotia.`` As I previously traced to Yarmouth area based on G.C. 

Sambro: ``a rural fishing community on the Chebucto Peninsula in the Halifax 
Regional Municipality, in Nova Scotia, Canada. Located on the Atlantic Ocean at 
the head of Sambro Harbour, the community is immediately west of the entrance 
to Halifax Harbour. Sambro is located at the end of Route 306`` 

Sambro broadcast follows at 0240, with both at several other times thruout the 
night and day. You can find other originators and sites by searching on each 
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** OKLAHOMA. 640 KWPN, 930 WKY, 98.1 WWLS, Oct 4 at 1205 UT all carrying 
`Sunday Morning Magazine` pubaffs chat in English. 640 and 98.1 are almost 
synchro, 98.1 running one word behind 640; but 930 is way ahead and already 
back to Spanish at 1217 while the others continue in English. This week, 96.9 
KQOB is *not* running same show, but instead a Cal-Max infomercial at 1205. The 
sibling stations on 98.9 and 100.5 are still not carrying `SMM` either (they 
could run it at other times?) (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Oct 8 at 1231 UT, KGYN Guymon, but with Kansas news from 
Mid-America network which owns it, then ad for something in Amarillo TX, 
nothing about OK. Meanwhile, between these there is a brief break in 
transmission and signal weakens a bit, which is not what one would expect if 
going from direxional-west night, to ND day. Anyhow, official FCC Oct sunrise 
is not until 1245 UT (Nov: 1330 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1230, Oct 1 at 1938 UT, oldies WBBZ Ponca City is so strong on 
daytime groundwave that I never hear any CCI, but on the NRD-545 listening 
carefully and watching the S-meter, I switch between the N-S LW and the E-W 
ALA-330S, finding a difference: the S9 signal is fluxuating slightly by about 1 
S-unit on the LW, causing me to wonder at first if it`s a clue to other than 
normal amplitude modulation from that station; but on the Wellbrook, it`s 
steady, just like many other signals, e.g. KFAQ 1170 Tulsa. So I suspect I`m 
getting a SAH from remnant of another 1230 station, the most likely being KADA 
Ada OK, now stupid sports talk, which I think I`ve never IDed from here. Other 
close 1230s are in Pampa TX, Ft Smith AR, Joplin MO (and none in Kansas!) 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Oct 4 at 0100 UT, Mexican music with some dropouts, so I 
figure it may be R. Mujer from Austin; but 0101 ID by SHVA is partially 
readable mentioning Oclajoma, and 103 FM, vs CCI from WCKY with a KY SBG. So 
it`s KXTD Wagoner (Tulsa market), supposed to be a 5 kW daytimer {OFF the air 
between 0030 UT and 1145 UT in Oct}. Or it could have been 106 FM, which sounds 
almost the same in Spanish. A look thru Tulsa and then entire OK listings in 
the WTFDA Database don`t find any KXTD relays in the 102s, 103s, 105s or 106s, 
translator or otherwise, but maybe some such station is now doing it. 

Ajá, here it is on own website:
Not 103, but 100.3 FM (cien punto tres), which is KCXR, licensed to Taft with 
3.9 kW per WTFDA which does not make any connexion with KXTD either. 
Radio-locator still has KCXR as ``Today`s Christian Radio`` en Muskogee. Site 
is SW of Wagoner, halfway between Bixby and Muskogee, i.e. just about as far 
outside Tulsa to the SE as Wagoner is to the E. Taft is a very little town west 
of Muskogee on the other side of the Arkansas River from the transmitter site 
north of it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. 780, Oct 8 at 1210 UT, promo for Norfolk Community Theatre, local 
news from WJAG, i.e. Norfolk NE, 1 kW ND daytimer, but before 1245 UT in Oct, 
must be only on 500 W PSRA; yes, one of those few legacy W-calls west of the 
Miss. Nearby KSPI OK is nulled, and at this time no WBBM, after axual Chicago 
sunrise today at 1155 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. [Concerning an 880 station:]
6220, Oct 2 at 0104 UT, Mexican music reads S9, but barely readable, enough to 
hear just before 0105 UT, ``880 AM, La Ranchera, con mil[?] watts``, i.e. WMDB 
Nashville TN, really 2500/2 watts, relayed by WNQM 1300 Nashville, 50000/5000 
watts, mixing with 7520, 100000 watt WWCR-4 aimed 90 degrees on rhombic. Then I 
check the match, 1300 kHz above 7520, and can also barely hear music at S3 on 
8820. The October sked for 7520 remains UT Tue-Sat 0000-0200 UT, i.e. the only 
times the 6220 and 8820 mixing products can exist. Still alert for others like 
them displaced from other WWCR frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 6220-, Oct 6 at 0157 UT, ranchera music about S5 from WMDB 880 
Nashville via WNQM 1300, via difference mixing product 1300 kHz below WWCR 7520 
at same site, 1300 WWCR Avenue. 7520 is not blasting as usual, only about S8, 
so quite pleased that 6220 is still audible --- until both cut off at 0158:35* 

** U S A. 880, Oct 1 at 1933 UT, I recheck the KRVN/KJOZ situation at the same 
daytime hour as first log two days ago. I`m not at the quiet caradio spot, but 
go directly to the NRD545, and switch between the ALA-330S antenna oriented 
east-west and the not-very-longwire oriented north-south. The two signals are 
there again, so it wasn`t a propagational fluke. On the N/S, both are audible, 
but too much KRVN Lexington NE to copy much from KJOZ Conroe TX. 

On the E/W, however, both are weakened yet more equal in strength so as to 
produce a very perceptible subaudible heterodyne (SAH), amounting to 244/minute 
or just over 4.0 Hz. This is close to my interim observation yesterday morning 
which I thought might be something else. Under KRVN programming is talk mostly 
by female, which corresponds to the listed KJOZ programming at 17-19 UT. Too 
bad I don`t have a unidirexional antenna to minimize KRVN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 910, Oct 8 at 1220 UT, dominant good signal is LONG adstring starting 
with Smiles Forever Dental Center, next to the Roswell Mall, so I know right 
away what I`ve got despite mostly national ads/PSAs to follow: Rite-Aid, GEICO, 
Grasshopper, United Way, Home Depot, NY Pork Chops, Home Depot again, Dishnet. 
By now it`s 1225 UT as a morning show finally resumes. It`s KKBE Roswell NM, an 
ID never heard, ex-KBIM since April 21, 2015. Likely on 5 kW ND day pattern 
already, since 500 W night pattern goes south, tho official Oct sunrise is not 
until 1300 UT! (Nov: 1330 UT).(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 950, Oct 5 at 0450 UT, immediately upon tune-in, ID as ``Cruisin` 
950``, classic rock. Close enough to NRC AM Log-listed name for KRWZ Parker CO, 
``Cruisin` Oldies`` with address in Greenwood Village. Parker is SE of Denver 
beyond Loop 470, while G.V. is closer in to central Denver. Originally KIMN in 
Denver; wonder why they officially moved to Parker? That`s near the KOA 850 
transmitter site. But Radio-Locator shows KRWZ site is nowhere near there, 
really on the NE side of Denver toward Brighton; 5/5 kW U3. Night pattern has a 
non-deep null to the southeast, not good for us, but could be worse. 
Radio-locator shows similar day pattern centered elsewhere, just on the NW edge 
of Denver, so two different sites? NO, FCC AM Query shows same coördinates for 
both; so much for Radio-Locator accuracy, of its crosshairs at least (Glenn 

** U S A. 1020, Oct 3 at 0520 UT, nulling nearby KOKP Perry OK, I hear 
something in English, probably KDKA, rather than Spanish, KCKN Roswell NM, so 
has it finally gone direxional as required? No, Spanish soon fades back up 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) {After sunrise, however, there is 
another 50 kW SS to confuse 1020: KMMQ Plattsmouth (Omaha) NE, from quite a 
different angle.}

** U S A. 1130, Oct 3 at 1256 UT, open carrier/dead air again from KLEY 
Wellington KS, SAH of about 10 Hz presumably with remnant of KWKH LA. By 1300 
UT, modulating with CBS News until cutaway at 1303 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1180, Oct 8 at 1230 UT, about traffic in Sioux City, but then The 
Zone ID for Omaha, i.e. KZOT Bellevue NE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1440, Oct 7 at 0602 UT, Spanish from E/W, and not religious, so not 
KTNO The Metroplex; soon IDing as KTUV 1440, La Mexicana. That`s 5000/240 watts 
in Little Rock AR, listed by NRC AM Log as ``La Pantera 1440``. I`m not yet 
sure there has really been a change, as Pantera still listed in radio-locator 
et al. Wikipedia stub updated as recently as Oct 2 now says it`s ``Potencia 
Latina`` with website http://www.potencialatina.net/ which turns out to be 
``403-FORBIDDEN nginx`` oh, oh (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1500, Oct 2 at 0114 UT as I am hearing various unID [q.v.] stations 
other than KSTP, it`s Greek music and then Greek talk! This has to be the 
ethnic-Greek station in New Port Richey FL, address in Oldsmar, WPSO, which is 
supposed to be a ND 250-watt daytimer. Tnx for cheating, long after official 
FCC October sunset of 2300 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1794, DX 

** U S A. 1510.00, Oct 3 at 1251 UT, ad for Hep-C survey at St. Luke`s hospital 
in Kansas City, and ID for ``99.3 and 1510, ESPN Kansas City``. So daytimer 
KCTE, CoL Independence MO, has not only achieved frequency accuracy (for now?) 
but has demoted its 10,000-watt AM to an appendage of a mere FM translator, not 
mentioned in the 2015 NRC AM Log. 

FCC FM Query shows 99.3 in KC, MO, is K257DZ, 99-watt translator licensed to 
Alpine Broadcasting. FCC correspondence shows that Entercom objected to 
Alpine`s application to move K257DZ for a *fourth* time, finally into the Big 
City, having started out in Butler MO, 93 km away! But FCC granted it anyway, 
since it would have been ``unduly harsh and unfair`` to stop them after 
granting the first three stealthy move-ins. Radio-locator confirms that K257DZ 
= ``ESPN 1510`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, Oct 8 at 1236 UT, mentions weather for Phœnix, then baseball 
discussion. Double-take, surely not KFNN Mesa yet, biz format, but rather KCTE 
Independence MO, on ESPN network, with heavy CCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1530, Oct 2 at 0130 UT, soft YL songs in Spanish, and ID by YL as 
``Radio Mujer, muchas gracias por sintonizarnos, -algo- 5 punto 1``, and 
another song. That`s KZNX Creedmore (Austin) TX, which I was also getting on my 
New Mexico trip from Santa Rosa as in DXLD 15-37 (and now I see I typoed the 
call there, twice, as KZNZ! Never heard it spoken in any language); and the FM 
was researched as 95.1. Supposed to be 220 watts night rather than 10 kW day, 1 
kW critical hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1590, Oct 6 at 1244 UT, ``KVGB Birthday Line``, quick greetings for 
everybody born on this date, from phone calls to 792-2479 or e-mails. Bubbly 
host says this segment appears every weekday morning, can start calling an hour 
earlier. Also applies to anniversaries. Nice local touch from Great Bend KS 
station. With a population of 16K, there are potentially 44 birthdays in the 
city alone every day of the year (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1700, Oct 4 at 0148 UT, Tejana music from KKLF Richardson TX, so I 
stay with it almost until hourtop to confirm someone`s ID of it based on a 
``Super Estelar`` slogan. After several segués, I barely make out that slogan 
at 0157 UT, ``Super Estelar, 1700 AM``. Don`t know if they ever gave legal CL 
ID. Copy is very tough with two stupid sports stations on 1700 almost collinear 
with KKLF and me, from south Texas and Iowa, i.e. can`t really null any of them 
out. But there`s less of them if I employ the E-W oriented ALA-330S, than the 
N-S not very longwire, even tho that is unfavorable for KKLF too. 

{Radio-locator still has KKLF as ``Kick 1700``, with an address in York PA! It 
also doesn`t show that it has been running reduced power on an STA. I think the 
call was originally supposed to allude to KLIF 570, which it simulcast briefly} 


UNIDENTIFIED. 530, Oct 4 at 0144 UT, surprised to hear some talk in English and 
it`s not the HAR/NWS from KS, rather than EZL music from the Cuban 
Encyclopedia, tho a slow SAH develops of 1.6 Hz. I suppose it`s the only 
licensed 530 broadcaster in North America, CIAO, Brampton, Ont, 1000/250 watts 
with an ETHnic format, i.e. probably not much English either. Program sked over 
a Tronno skyline, 
shows the only English on Sat and some other nights is at 8-9 pm [EDT = 00-01 
UT Sunday], Polish/English. T-storm noise is affecting bottom end of the band, 
not top (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1080, Oct 8 at 1227 UT, with KRLD nulled as much as possible, 
another station making a fast SAH with it, ``KDY? 105`` ID. I`m pretty sure of 
the FM number, which could refer to a 104.9 or even lower. The only two 
likelies to the west of here, which I have heard before, are KGVY Green Valley 
AZ, and KSLL Price UT, but I can`t find any connexion with a ``105`` FM for 
either. There is a 104.9 translator in Price, but allegedly for something else 

Tho really KSLL on 1080, brands itself as ``KASL`` which is a bit closer to 
``Castle``. The real legal KASL is 1240 in Newcastle WY. ``Castle Country`` -- 
maybe related.

As of Feb 2013, the 1080 Price ``KASL`` was linked to a 104.9:
Tnx to Greg Hardison for finding this (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1430, Oct 6 at 0125 UT, oldtime radio sitcom I don`t recognize, 
also later in the hour, dominating frequency with QRM. Suspect it`s KZQZ St 
Louis, but no program schedule on their website. Same time on 1190 I am getting 
unreasonably strong kountry? music, suspected Insane sibling station KQQZ, both 
of which have been suspected of cheating after sunset.

UNIDENTIFIED. 1500, Oct 2 at 0111 UT, hardly any signal from KSTP even when 
aimed right at it (yet, Saudi Arabia is in on 1521, but from a lower angle), so 
what else do I get on 1500? Classic rock roughly E/W; at 0125 UT it`s blues and 
KSTP starts to fade up a bit at 0128 UT. At 0200 UT I am hearing Cajun/Zydeco 
music, 0203 English ID amid CCI maybe mentions Louisiana or is it just the 
power of suggestion? 

Almost every state in the ``South`` and ``Midwest`` has a 1500 station, most of 
them low-power daytimers, or with negligible power at night. Several listed as 
OLDies format, and the one in LA, KCLF New Roads is AC/UC in NRC AM Log 2015. 
KJIM Sherman TX should be off by now and none of these seem from the south. 
Meanwhile, I get one 1500 definitely: WPSO New Port Richey FL! see U S A (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1510, Oct 8 at 0558 UT, `Dave Ramsey Show` on signal that sounds 
like WLAC Nashville, except they normally carry `C2CAM` at this hour. WLAC sked 
shows DR at 5-8 pm CT. DR Show website station finder is most unhelpful, 
requiring one to enter a location or zip code, and then displays affils in or 
near the area, but one must go to each station`s website to find out the time! 
Only other DR in the NRC AM Log 2015 for 1510 is daytimer KAGC in Bryan TX, 
which claims DR is on there at 3-5 & 7-9 pm [sic] CT. I thought it was end of a 
DR program hour, but maybe it was just a promo on WLAC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1710, Oct 2 at 0108 UT, JBA carrier, I would like to think is the 
35 to 50 watt relay of CHIM-FM in Timmins, Ont., as uncovered a few nights ago 
by Tim Tromp in west Michigan. Does it remain active with such high power? 

--- End Message ---
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