Hi Steve,

Many evenings so far this month have yielded decent LWBC conditions here in 
Michigan. I've made some decent recordings with the SDR for the archives.  

Usually 171 and 183 are the dominant stations here, but so far this year it's 
been the BBC on 198 and then Algeria on 252. I've actually heard two stations 
on 252 occasionally. 

And interestingly, 216 R. Monte Carlo has shown up in the early evening a 
couple of times.  Back when you and I were doing coordinated listening 216 was 
historically rare for my QTH.

252 was exceptionally loud a couple of evenings ago. I suppose we would call it 
blow torch status for long wave.

Walt, I've noticed that also where LWBC conditions do not equate to Medium Wave 
and with the SDR when I see MW carriers have noted sometimes it's high band 
dominant, and sometimes low band dominant, but to verify what you observed, 
long and medium waves don't correlate. 

Good DX to all, 


⁣Sent from Blue ​
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