--- Begin Message ---
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
HF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham, which may be found in several archives without 
much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 
[over 222,000 views! as of June 8, 2017]

All times and dates strictly UT. Rx: mostly DX-398 with internal antenna only 
or PL-880; NRD-545 with ALA-330S inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S; Nissan 
stock caradio as specified; ICR-75  E-W longwire

Note: it seems I have had no Mexican MWDX (FM is another matter) since May 4 
--- sunrises are just too early this time of year for SRS DX --- got to sleep 
sometime. But I want to keep this thread going, at least with a sort of 
non-domestic item about a non-heard station!

** ALASKA [non]. 89.3, June 5 at 1910 UT I happen to tune nearby KIEL Loyal OK, 
as Ron Myers is talking about the ``Mission Alaska`` project of Radio 74 
Internationale, trying to raise money. I only hear the last part of it: To put 
a 50 kW AM station on the air before the CP expires next January. Needs to get 
work done on the antenna site this summer before everything freezes; but still 
raising funds of $150K to purchase the land. See http://www.radio74.net so I 
research further:

It`s for 50 kW on 1200 kHz from Chugiak AK. More about it here:
which talks about this to bring Adventist/3ABN programming to Alaska.
As if Alaskans have no gospel huxters on radio already.

Yet this page, https://www.radio74.net/about-us
says ``RADIO 74 INTERNATIONALE is an independent Christian ministry and is not 
sponsored, regulated or controlled by any denomination or religious 
organization.`` {My impression is that KIEL is really predominantly or nothing 
but 7DA, e.g. `Your Story Hour` until 1629 UT June 7}

More, if it will ever load:

NRC AM Log shows 1200 as ``K#8 Chugiak AK U1 50000/9600 new not on air ``. FCC 
AM Query says licensee is Steve King, and there was correspondence about this 
dating back to May of 2010. Is 74 trying to acquire the CP from King, or is he 
the front for 74 all along? 

Where is Chugiak? 32 km NE of downtown Anchorage per Wikipedia. On a US map 
including Okie station, own website also shows they have two other stations in 
Alaska. The affiliate list can be found under the LISTEN drop-down, which is 
not a link to webcasts. The AK stations are on FM in Juneau and North Pole 

--- End Message ---
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