[IRCA] Oregon Cliff (Rockwork 4) Ultralight DU's for 8-9

2017-08-10 Thread d1028gary
The ninth and final session of the Rockwork 4 DXpedition (yesterday morning) 
featured more exciting DU propagation, with another monster signal from 
558-Fiji, a new Oz 558 co-channel with a rock format, the best signal ever from 
the 1 kW 936-Chinese Voice and the first FSL logging of the 2 kW 927-Newstalk 

The ocean cliff session opened in the predawn darkness at 1150 with the 
unpleasant sight of a huge RV parked in my usual antenna setup spot. After 
setting up FSL's in the north end of the turnoff I made my final DXpedition 
attempt to received Longwave NDB's from the South Pacific, which were again 
comatose. 531 was full of signals, though, with PI and a presumed 2PM fighting 
it out at decent levels. The rejuvenated 558-Fiji started making serious waves 
around 1247 but was troubled by an UnID Australian rock station,,which managed 
to force it off the frequency at times from 1259-1304. Fiji recovered in fine 
form, through, finishing up with its island choral music at a huge level by 

Since this was the last day of the DXpedition a deliberate effort was made to 
go after unheard but marginal DU stations, resulting in a fair to good logging 
of 846-2RN around 1255, a new logging of a modest-level 927-Newstalk ZB (with 
an Oz music-format co-channel) at 1306, fair-level 963-Star //657 at 1319, 
738-2NR //774 at 1328 (but sliced up by SF splatter), 855-Oz //774 at 1311 (but 
sliced up by Tacoma splatter) and in one of the most convoluted, back-and-forth 
parallel checks in ocean cliff history, 837-RNZ //756 at 1345 (which, oddly 
enough, was the only RNZ parallel audible at that extremely late time, even 
though the 50 kW Portland mega-pest 750-KXTG is only 70 miles and 6 kHz away). 
As if to prove the point, I made an recording of 756-RNZ all by itself at 1338, 
during which the solid rock cliff shut down the Portland splatter to a 
negligible degree, providing very solid reception of the last surviving Kiwi 
signal of the session. Wow! 

Overall this August 2017 DXpedition has been far and away the most productive 
Rockwork 4 trip ever, with two Western Australians (531-6DL and 558-6WA) 
received at decent levels, five stations received on 531 kHz alone (PI, More 
FM, 2PM, 4KZ and 6DL), 558-Fiji completely restored and reaching S9 levels, an 
S9 recording of 585-2WEB (confirmed by David Sharp), the best-ever signals from 
the Kiwis on 531 (More FM), 603, 657, 765, 936 and 1503, monster signals from 
585-7RN and 639-5CK, multiple receptions of 1017-Tonga, etc. Even when we 
needed to dodge the "sleeping squatters" it was a lot of fun to share the cliff 
with my DXpedition partners Tom and Chuck, especially during the phenomenal 
August 4th session (when Tom and I both made out like bandits). I'm sure that 
both of us will remember that wild and wacky session for years to come! 

531 PI Auckland, NZ, 5 kW Female Samoan speech at good level at 1229 

531 2PM Kempsey, Australia, 5 kw (Presumed) The likely one with an ad string in 
a "talker" format at 1232 with no apparent oldies music transmission for 15 
minutes https://app.box.com/s/uf6hkk32rw5k6llyi1xo08suvk9iegxe 
558 Radio Fiji One Suva, Fiji, 10 kW After shaking off the pesky UnID Oz rock 
station around 1305 this rejuvenated wonder once again pounded in with island 
choral music at 1329 https://app.box.com/s/lrsxo24dkqaozmzn8zf5it13c1zfu6f5 

558 UnID-Oz Mystery Australian rock station in a snarl with Fiji from 
1259-1304, and silencing it during the two recordings linked below. 
Fast-paced rock music at 1304 
Female and male-voiced DU English ads at 1259 

756 RNZ Auckland, NZ, 10 kW The solid rock cliff acts as a "splatter 
eliminator" to filter out 750-KXTG in Portland (50 kW and only 70 miles away), 
providing easy reception of this Kiwi RNZ relay (the last surviving DU very 
late in the session).at 1338 

927 Newstalk ZB Palmerston North, NZ, 2 kW Low-powered Kiwi relay (in a mix 
with an UnID Oz music station) was tracked //1035 at 1308 to provide an all-new 
logging https://app.box.com/s/vdhttgri1d1r0uf69rt4jtgr6y7gyno7 

936 Chinese Voice Auckland, NZ, 1 kW Best signal ever from this amazing 1 kW 
Kiwi wonder with male Chinese speech at a very good level at 1304 

963 Star Christchurch, NZ, 10 kW Tracked down at a good level //657 at 1319, 
apparently with its Oz co-channel at times 

73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (DXing at the Rockwork 4 ocean cliff near Manzanita, OR, USA) 
7.5 inch loopstick CC Skywave and Tecsun PL380 Ultralights + 
17 inch and 15 inch "Airport Unfriendly" FSL antennas 


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[IRCA] Oregon Cliff (Rockwork 4) Ultralight DU's for 8-9 (Conclusion)

2015-08-09 Thread d1028gary

Hello All, 
Australian and New Zealand propagation both went into overdrive this morning, 
with exceptional signals from both areas providing one of the wackiest sessions 
ever enjoyed at the Cliff. Chuck and Tom both made an impromptu decision to 
extend their stay for this third day-- and they obviously seemed very pleased 
with their choice. 
Once again the Highway 101 turnoff was completely deserted for our DXing 
efforts, as the "sleeping squatters" chose other sites to park their RV's, 
trucks and cars. Predawn propagation seemed promising as 765-Kahungunu (2.5 kW) 
hit an S9 level around 1215, along with potent Kiwi signals on other 
frequencies. Just when it seemed that NZ would rule the session a potent mix on 
774 (3LO and Radio Sport) broke out, and Australian signals also started 
pounding in on other frequencies. 702 kHz featured the Aussie 2BL and the Kiwi 
Magic fighting it out at S9 levels around 1304, and by 1310 the parallel check 
system came under serious duress as both South Pacific areas pounded in at 
exceptional levels. As mentioned previously a strong 585 station at 1315 seemed 
to have the format of 2WEB (English with individually-announced songs), but I 
needed to check 576-2RN to make sure that the station wasn't its RN network 
parallel 585-7RN in Tasmania. To my amazement 576 had only the 2.5 kW Kiwi 
station Star, at a pretty potent level (// 657). Still wondering about 585, I 
went back there 5 minutes later-- only to find 7RN at a strong level (// 
576-2RN, which had pushed Star off of the frequency). Chuck and Tom were 
experiencing similar DU propagation fireworks as exceptional Aussie and Kiwi 
signals faded in and out over and over, fighting for dominance on many 
frequencies. The entire session seemed like something out of a science fiction 
novel, running contrary to typical DU-DXing propagation tendencies. I had 3 
different stations on 585 at various times (7RN, Radio Ngati Porou and a 
presumed 2WEB), all at pretty healthy levels during their brief peaks. Tom had 
the 1 kW Kiwi 936-Chinese Voice at a potent level, fading in and out every few 
minutes. 738-Tahiti's nuclear-level signal finally had some DU English 
completion at 1309, and many of the other 9 kHz-split frequencies were 
contested at some point. Anyone who feels bored in their AM-DXing hobby should 
have been with us at Rockwork 4 this morning-- the entire wacky experience 
would definitely provide a permanent, lifetime cure for the issue. 
567  RNZ  Wellington, NZ   Movie review and programming preview at S9 level at 
576  Star   Hamilton, NZ   New 2.5 kW station sounding pretty healthy with 
Christian music // 657 at 1317 (657-Star at end of MP3) 
https://app.box.com/s/2u334x5gsholkq5y7ymz1vz8ttwhzkjd . 
585  7RN   Hobart, Tasmania   Potent signal // 576 at 1319; playing jazz music 
at the time 
585  Radio Ngati Porou   Ruatoria, NZ   2 kW Maori language Kiwi with legendary 
weak reputation sounding fine at 1252-- stronger than 603 // 
702  2BL-Magic Mix   (Sydney, Australia and Auckland, NZ)   Stodgy ABC station 
and new Kiwi oldies broadcaster fighting it out with S9 peaks at 1304 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (DXing at Rockwork 4 ocean cliff near Manzanita, OR) 
7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 17" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Oregon Cliff (Rockwork 4) Ultralight DU's for 8-9 (Preliminary)

2015-08-09 Thread d1028gary
Hello All, 
My DXpedition partners Chuck and Tom obviously made the right decision to stay 
for an extra day as both Kiwi and Aussie signals went into overdrive for 
another exceptional session. Every New Zealand station we tried for vibrant at 
some point, but Australian signals were potent as well. The situation was so 
wild that the Aussie and Kiwi parallel signals were often fighting it out with 
each other, making the identity challenge a true puzzle. 585 had a powerful 
signal around 1315 which I thought was 2WEB, so I checked the 576 frequency to 
make sure that it had different programming (i.e. not the 576-2RN parallel 
7RN). The system didn't work because 576 had a vibrant signal from the Kiwi 2.5 
kW station Star, which was // to 657. The 585 station couldn't be the Kiwi 
Maori station, because it wasn't // 603. Within 5 minutes a different Aussie 
station took over 585, which was 7RN //576 2RN, which had pushed Star off of 
the frequency. Wild... 
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