
In my mono branch I use the following package task. It allows me to package
up IronRuby and control the search paths.
The problem with the previous task was that it shelled out to windows with
windows specific commands. This made it fail on my mac of course.

The code comes with no other guarantees except that it works on my machine

I didn't fix the zip part because I'm not really interested in an archive,
I've got the source ;)

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft
Public License. A
# copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of
this distribution. If
# you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
# ironr...@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound
# by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
# You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

PACKAGE_DIR           = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) +
'/../../../../../dist/')  # directory that binary package is created in
MERLIN_ROOT           = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) +
BUILD_BIN             = "#{MERLIN_ROOT}/bin/#{'mono_' if mono?}debug"

desc "Generate an IronRuby binary redist package from the layout"
task :package do
  # Directory layouts
  FileUtils.remove_dir(PACKAGE_DIR, true) if File.exist? PACKAGE_DIR
  FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/bin"

  # Copy Licenses
  FileUtils.cp Dir.glob("#{MERLIN_ROOT}/Languages/Ruby/Licenses/*"),

  # Copy binaries
  FileUtils.cp "#{MERLIN_ROOT}/app.config",
  FileUtils.cp "#{BUILD_BIN}/ir.exe", "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/bin/"
  FileUtils.cp Dir.glob("#{BUILD_BIN}/IronRuby*.dll"), "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/bin"
  FileUtils.cp "#{BUILD_BIN}/Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll",
  FileUtils.cp "#{BUILD_BIN}/Microsoft.Scripting.dll", "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/bin"

  FileUtils.cp Dir.glob("#{MERLIN_ROOT}/Languages/Ruby/Scripts/bin/*"),

  # Generate ir.exe.config
  IronRubyCompiler.transform_config_file 'Binary', project_root +
'app.config.mono', "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/bin/ir.exe.config"

  # Copy standard library
  FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{PACKAGE_DIR}/lib/ruby" unless File.exist?
  FileUtils.cp_r "#{MERLIN_ROOT}/Languages/Ruby/Libs",

  # Generate compressed package
  if ENV['ZIP']
    system %Q{del "#{ENV['TEMP']}\\ironruby.7z"}
    system %Q{"#{ENV['PROGRAM_FILES_32']}/7-Zip/7z.exe" a -bd -t7z -mx9
"#{ENV['TEMP']}\\ironruby.7z" "#{PACKAGE_DIR}\\"}
    system %Q{"#{ENV['PROGRAM_FILES_32']}/7-Zip/7z.exe" a -bd -tzip -mx9
"c:\\ironruby.zip" "#{PACKAGE_DIR}\\"}
    system %Q{copy /b /Y "#{ENV['PROGRAM_FILES_32']}\\7-Zip\\7zSD.sfx" +
"#{ENV['MERLIN_ROOT']}\\Languages\\Ruby\\sfx_config.txt" +
"#{ENV['TEMP']}\\ironruby.7z" "c:\\ironruby.exe"}
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