Dear all,

I think a similar mail was sent a while ago (but I do not remember by whom and also was unable to excavate it):

1) In code completion the order of suggestions is sometimes "odd" (meaning that a different order would make the usual work-flow smoother). E.g., when I start with "find" I usually want "find_theorems", but since "find_consts" is first in the list I have to type up to "find_t" (or use the arrow keys, which is even worse). Would it make sense to prioritize the suggestions (in a way a user can modify according to personal preference)?

2) Other code completion suggestions are just too short to make sense at all, e.g., when starting with "fo" suggesting "for" seems odd. In my opinion, since you need to type at least 2 characters to trigger code completion, suggestions that only have 3 letters should not be given, since they do not save anything.

3) Another nice thing would be to make code completion context sensitive (typically inside quotes you want to get different suggestions than at the "top-level").

I'm not saying that those are important issues, just trivial observations.



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