Re: [isabelle-dev] adhoc overloading

2013-05-29 Thread Christian Sternagel

Dear Florian,

On 05/30/2013 06:03 AM, Florian Haftmann wrote:

Hi Christian,

- For Overload_Data instead of Theory_Data, I should use Generic_Data
(such that it is available in top-level theories and local theories).
Currently that means that I do the following in the setup (where
Adhoc_Overloading.setup is now of type "Context.generic ->

   setup {* fn thy =>
 Adhoc_Overloading.setup (Context.Theory thy)
 Context.theory_of *}

This looks strange, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong / non-canonical.

I think Adhoc_Overloading.setup should stay theory -> theory: this is
the installation of the necessary syntax check phases, which is done
once globally on import of the corresponding theory – unlike the dynamic
addition via add_overloaded and add_variant
Sorry, my question should have been: how to apply a function of type 
"Generic.context -> Generic.context" in a situation where "theory -> 
theory" is expected (the former type comes from using Generic_Data, and 
the latter is what "setup" should have). In the meanwhile I found

  Context.theory_map: (Context.generic -> Context.generic) -> theory -> 

Alternatively, use Context.>> directly in the body of the ML file
(which, I guess, is nowadays preferred over explicit setup in the
surrounding theory).
Thanks for the hint. I'm now using "Context.>>" instead of a setup 
function called from a thy-file.

- Apparently "constants" (in the sense of locally fixed variables of a
local theory) are represented as "term"s rather than "string"s (in the
notation command). In adhoc_overloading.ML, until now we used "string"s
to represent top-level constants. A change (if really necessary) implies
the following questions:

It depends how far you want to push the game.

* The simplest one I can imagine is to stay on the »constant as string«
level, but have declarations within local theories;  if these would be
morphed e.g. due to interpretation, they would only be kept if their
resulting shape is again a constant.

* Treat one component as general term appropriately (maybe the variant?).

* Treat both components as general term appropriately.
My naive approach was to just turn the previous Symtabs into Termtabs, 
i.e., previously:

  internalize : (string * typ) list Symtab.table
  (*maps overloaded constants to lists of variants (together with their 

  externalize : string Symtab.table
  (*maps variants to corresponding overloaded constants*)

(An aside: I'm leaning towards renaming those two tables and related 
functions as follows:

  internalize ~> variant_tab
  externalize ~> oconst_tab

which would make more sense to me, but maybe the old naming has a 
Isabelle-specific reason I'm not aware of?)

As a first attempt I just changed this into

  variant_tab : term list Termtab.table (*we can get the type of a term*)
  oconst_tab : term Termtab.table

But of course that is not what I intended, since types are now also 
inspected when looking up a key in a table, but at least for overloaded 
constants only their name is important. This seems to point towards one 
of your first two suggestions. The first one, would require the least 
amount of changes (and would allow to print readable error messages). 
The question is whether I'm asking for problems, when I treat "Free" 
variables (i.e., "constants" in local theories) and "Const"s both as 
strings? Any opinions?

A related question. Until now I can only register overloaded constants 
and variants via the ML interface, since the "adhoc_overloading" command 
I implemented does not seem to effect the surrounding theory. I will 
have a look at "notation" again to see how functions of type 
"local_theory -> local_theory" are able to make "non-local" changes 
persistent, i.e., update the tables in my Generic_Data. Maybe somebody 
does already have suggestions in that respect?



   * How to print a "constant" represented as "term" in the error
messages inside Overload_Data (I do not see how I could access the
context here)

Good question.  Note that most »fully localized« data store prefer
Item_Net.T as store index, where merge always seems to prefer on branch
(I only did skim over the sources, so this conclusion might be erroneous).

   * I also would like to add the possibility to remove overloading and
variants again. Is that against some monotonicity requirement I'm not
aware of?

It should work, with the usual problems on the theory level that things
deleted in one theory come up again after merge with another theory with
partly shared but different ancestry.

- Concerning syntax, I thought about providing commands like:

 bind bind_list bind_option and
 permute permute_list permute_option

(which would declare "bind" and "permute" as ad-hoc overloaded and add
the variants "bind_list" and "bind_option", and "permute_list" and
"permute_option", respectively.) Maybe some punctuation between the
overloaded constant and 

Re: [isabelle-dev] auto raises a TYPE exception

2013-05-29 Thread Tobias Nipkow
this incident has again reminded me that in the absence of formal proofs about
the code, assertions in the code would be a big step forward. they could have
told us a long time ago that some precondition expected by the unification code
is not guaranteed. lukas and a student had even put together a quickcheck
infrastructure for Isabelle/ML. All of this could be confined to regression
runs. i think we should make some effort in this direction to increase our
confidence in the kernel.


Am 27/05/2013 19:54, schrieb Makarius:
> On Mon, 27 May 2013, Makarius wrote:
>> The change ensures that variables with equal name are unified, in the same
>> manner as the types of Free or Const are unified, before doing the real work
>> of HO-unification.
> Here is another example for Isabelle/Pure, without schematic variables with
> different types.  It may be be tried before/after my change 3b9c31867707 from
> today:
> ML {* toplevel_pp ["term"] "Proof_Display.pp_term Pure.thy" *}
> declare [[show_types]]
> typedecl nat
> typedecl bool
> ML {*
>   val read = Syntax.read_term (Proof_Context.set_mode
> Proof_Context.mode_schematic @{context});
>   val a = read "a :: nat => bool";
>   val x = read "?x :: ?'b";
> *}
> ML {* Seq.list_of (Unify.hounifiers (@{theory}, Envir.empty 15, [(a, x)])); *}
> ML {* Seq.list_of (Unify.unifiers (@{theory}, Envir.empty 15, [(a, x)])); *}
> ML {* Pattern.unify @{theory} (a, x) (Envir.empty 15); *}
> Before the change, Unify.hounifiers crashes; after the change it is able to 
> work
> out the type instantiation correctly.  Pattern.unify is still not quite there,
> neither before nor after the change.
> Note that the original implementation by Larry did try to unify the result 
> types
> in any case, using the body_type function.  But that was assuming that the 
> arity
> of the function type happens to coincide with the number of arguments in the
> term application.
> This is why I introduced optional bounds to the function type traversal in
> envir.ML 7f3549a316f4.  Note that in 3b9c31867707 the type unification of the
> disagreement pair is done explicitly via unify_types_of, without taking the
> functions apart, but also see the modification of assignment where these 
> bounds
> correspond to the number of actual arguments.
> For the moment, I am not going to produce more changes.  Maybe Larry and 
> Tobias
> also want to comment, as the authors of these modules from some decades ago. 
> Stefan is of course the proven expert who re-investigated quite a lot of that
> around 2000.
> Makarius
> ___
> isabelle-dev mailing list
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Re: [isabelle-dev] Obsolete numeral experiments?

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Tue, 28 May 2013, Makarius wrote:

On Tue, 28 May 2013, Brian Huffman wrote:

As for Binary.thy, I believe that all the main ideas there have already 
been incorporated into the HOL numerals library, so there's no reason not 
to delete it.

OK, so I will delete just my old experiment Binary.thy.

I've done that now in 0d3165844048, after spending time beforehand to 
update it to changes in print translation interfaces.  (Just the usual 
renovation before demolition.)

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] auto raises a TYPE exception

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Wed, 29 May 2013, Makarius wrote:

Without the latter, src/HOL/Metis_Examples/Clausification.thy crashes at 
the very end, due to divergence of types of certain Vars, types that 
cannot be unified.  This is very odd, but should not be a problem at the 
moment: Metis should work as before.

Just for completeness, here is the original crash of Metis proof 
reconstruction at Isabelle/0fa3b456a267:

  lemma ex_tl: "EX ys. tl ys = xs"
using tl.simps(2) by fast

  lemma "(∃ys∷nat list. tl ys = xs) ∧ (∃bs∷int list. tl bs = as)"
by (metis ex_tl)

Metis: Failed to replay Metis proof
inst_inference: ("COMP", 1,
 ["Meson.skolem (Meson.COMBK (tl ((?MesonSK_0_0_0_ys1∷nat 
list ⇒ nat list) (xs∷nat \

list)) = xs) (0∷nat)) ⟹
   tl ((?MesonSK_0_0_0_ys1∷int list ⇒ int list) 
(?MesonV_0_1_0_xs1∷int list)) = (as\

∷int list) ⟹ False"
  "PROP ?psi2 ⟹ PROP ?psi2"])

The failure of COMP is via cterm_instantiate/instantiate_normalize: after 
the instantiation, there are ?ys1 of different types, so the extra type 
unification of Vars in COMP will fail.

(Note that the pretty-printed exception content is produced via regular 
and documented @{make_string} sneaked into the proper spot in the ML code, 
without committing that.  Many people only know the "secret" 
PolyML.makestring, with its unformatted text-only output.)

In 6ba76ad4e679 this crash is avoided: already incremented composition 
problems omit the extra type unification, just like plain resolution. This 
merely pushed the inherent problem elsewhere, so in 568b2cd65d50 
resolve_inc_tyvars is back where types of equal Vars are *not* unified, 
despite its lengthy workaround for exactly that.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] "interpret ... for a" leaks a

2013-05-29 Thread Florian Haftmann
Hi Lars,

> in 40fe6b80b481, I stumbled upon the following behaviour. Consider
> the following example:
>   locale Foo = fixes a :: 'a
>   notepad begin
> interpret Foo b for b .
> term b
>   end
> jEdit tells me about b in the term command:
>   term
>   fixed "b"
>   skolem variable
>   :: 'b
> So the b from the "for b" is leaked into the surrounding context. As all
> the lemmas about b where generalized, I would have expected that
> b does not become fixed in the surrounding context.

I guess the for-parameters are not dealt as expected by interpret.
Maybe this is a co-phenomenon of the following warning from isar-ref:

> interpret expr where eqns interprets expr in the proof context and is
> otherwise similar to interpretation in local theories. Note that rewrite
> rules given to interpret after the where keyword should be explicitly
> universally quantified.

Florian Haftmann


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Re: [isabelle-dev] [isabelle] Duplicate constant declaration in sublocale

2013-05-29 Thread Florian Haftmann
Hi Lars,

> I have locale A, B and I want to declare B as a sublocale of A. In doing
> so, some of the constants in A can be replaced by simpler ones. I tried
> to use the same names first, but got the following error from the
> sublocale command:
>   Duplicate constant declaration "local.g" vs. "local.g"
> This is not to surprising. However, if I change the definition of g in B
> by removing the explicit type annotation (or use some other type
> variable there), the sublocale command succeeds (of course, this is not
> a solution to my problem, because I want to have exactly the specified
> type for my constant).

maybe in the future this a solution to your problem:

> record ('a,'b) rec =
>   proj :: "'b ⇒ 'a"
> locale A = fixes G :: "('a, 'b) rec" begin
> definition g :: "'a ⇒ 'b  ⇒ bool" where
>   "g u e = (proj G e = u)"
> end
> locale B = fixes dummy :: 'a begin
> definition "to_rec = ⦇ proj = (fst :: 'a × 'a ⇒ 'a) ⦈"
> definition g :: "'a ⇒ ('a × 'a) ⇒ bool" where
>   "g u e ⟷ fst e = u"
> lemma [simp]: "proj to_rec = fst" by (auto simp: to_rec_def)
> lemma [simp]:
>   "A.g to_rec = g"
> by (auto simp: g_def A.g_def fun_eq_iff to_rec_def)
> interpretation foo: A to_rec
> where
>   "proj to_rec = fst" and
>   "A.g to_rec = B.g"
>   apply unfold_locales
>   apply auto
>   done 
> lemmas bar = foo.g_def

I.e. do an interpretation confined to the surface context and then
cherry-pick the lemmas you want.



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Re: [isabelle-dev] adhoc overloading

2013-05-29 Thread Florian Haftmann
Hi Christian,
> - For Overload_Data instead of Theory_Data, I should use Generic_Data
> (such that it is available in top-level theories and local theories).
> Currently that means that I do the following in the setup (where
> Adhoc_Overloading.setup is now of type "Context.generic ->
> Context.generic").
>   setup {* fn thy =>
> Adhoc_Overloading.setup (Context.Theory thy)
> Context.theory_of *}
> This looks strange, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong / non-canonical.

I think Adhoc_Overloading.setup should stay theory -> theory: this is
the installation of the necessary syntax check phases, which is done
once globally on import of the corresponding theory – unlike the dynamic
addition via add_overloaded and add_variant

Alternatively, use Context.>> directly in the body of the ML file
(which, I guess, is nowadays preferred over explicit setup in the
surrounding theory).

> - Apparently "constants" (in the sense of locally fixed variables of a
> local theory) are represented as "term"s rather than "string"s (in the
> notation command). In adhoc_overloading.ML, until now we used "string"s
> to represent top-level constants. A change (if really necessary) implies
> the following questions:

It depends how far you want to push the game.

* The simplest one I can imagine is to stay on the »constant as string«
level, but have declarations within local theories;  if these would be
morphed e.g. due to interpretation, they would only be kept if their
resulting shape is again a constant.

* Treat one component as general term appropriately (maybe the variant?).

* Treat both components as general term appropriately.

>   * How to print a "constant" represented as "term" in the error
> messages inside Overload_Data (I do not see how I could access the
> context here)

Good question.  Note that most »fully localized« data store prefer
Item_Net.T as store index, where merge always seems to prefer on branch
(I only did skim over the sources, so this conclusion might be erroneous).

>   * I also would like to add the possibility to remove overloading and
> variants again. Is that against some monotonicity requirement I'm not
> aware of?

It should work, with the usual problems on the theory level that things
deleted in one theory come up again after merge with another theory with
partly shared but different ancestry.

> - Concerning syntax, I thought about providing commands like:
>   adhoc_overloading
> bind bind_list bind_option and
> permute permute_list permute_option
> (which would declare "bind" and "permute" as ad-hoc overloaded and add
> the variants "bind_list" and "bind_option", and "permute_list" and
> "permute_option", respectively.) Maybe some punctuation between the
> overloaded constant and its variant would increase readability?

Maybe \ / => similar to existing syntax things=

> - In the check and uncheck functions I now would have to unify typed
> terms instead of mere constants. Could that be too expensive to be
> practicable?

I have no particular idea about that.



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Re: [isabelle-dev] auto raises a TYPE exception

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Tue, 28 May 2013, Makarius wrote:

 * No change to unify.ML (and especially pattern.ML, which was not really
   covered so far).  My 3b9c31867707 is backed-out.

 * Instead Thm.bicompose_aux in the non-lifted case (i.e. the "compose"
   variants) ensures that the types of all Vars are unified
   beforehand.  So mentioning some ?x::?'a here and some ?x::nat=>bool
   there means they become both ?x::nat=>bool before entering
   Unify.unifiers (and Pattern.unify as well).

Thus we acknowledge the observation that the old code from 25 years ago 
does not work with Vars of different type: Stefan's check from 2005 
raises suitable exceptions, and the above pre-stage avoids that this 

I've done this now in c4264f71dc3b .. 568b2cd65d50.  The main thing is 
0fa3b456a267 to "unify types of schematic variables in non-lifted case".

This was rather trivial, but there were some surprises nonetheless: Metis 
proof reconstruction seems to require the non-unification of types of 
Vars, despite having a separate workaround for exactly that problem

(see resolve_inc_tyvars in 568b2cd65d50).

Without the latter, src/HOL/Metis_Examples/Clausification.thy crashes at 
the very end, due to divergence of types of certain Vars, types that 
cannot be unified.  This is very odd, but should not be a problem at the 
moment: Metis should work as before.

If any of the experts on Metis proof reconstruction want to clean that up: 
Thm.bicompose {incremented = false, ...} means types get unified, while 
{incremented = true, ...} means there is no need for it since variables 
have been incremented as for resolution.  If it works one day without the 
extra toggle, we can simplify the low-level Thm.bicompose once again. (And 
all these "compose" variants are definitely outside normal user space.)

Anyway, apart from having seen a lot of boundary cases of the unification 
code -- things we've seen more often in distant past -- the conclusion is 
inconclusive.  The system cannot be changed substantially at its very 
bottom, but we knew that already.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] [isabelle] ML antiquotations: let, note

2013-05-29 Thread Florian Haftmann
Hi Christian,

> from `isabelle doc implementation` it is not clear to me what the
> purpose of the two ML antiquotations @{let ...} and @{note ...} is.
> Grepping over Isabelle's sources reveals that those are only used in the
> manual itself. Could anybody clarify?

A small example:

ML {*
@{let ?f = "distinct :: 'a list ⇒ bool"}
@{term "?f [1, 2, 3 :: nat]"};

@{note foo = distinct.simps [where ?'a = "int \ bool"]}
@{thms foo};

A little bit clearer? ;-)

> On a related note, I did not understand the description of the special
> non-ASCII braces in the same part of the manual.

To my understanding, those braces denote logical scopes / subcontexts
similarly to { … } in Isar.

I guess these things still need some time to get commonly used…



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Re: [isabelle-dev] Obsolete numeral experiments?

2013-05-29 Thread Florian Haftmann
>> Can we delete that, and keep the history inside the history? Or are there
>> remaining aspects that are not in the official numeral implementation (and
>> reform) by Brian Huffman?
> Numeral_Representation.thy defines a couple of type classes for
> subtraction that were never added to the main libraries:
> semiring_minus and semiring_1_minus. (I believe these were Florian's
> work.) They would let us generalize some rules that are currently
> specific to nat. We should discuss whether these (or some variation)
> would be appropriate to add to Groups.thy before we delete
> Numeral_Representation.thy.

I have some plans in the drawer to introduce / refine type classes for
»confined subtraction« coverting natural numbers and multisets.  There I
will reconsider semiring_minus and semiring_1_minus.  The remainder of
the theory indeed is obsolete.  I guess there are subtle and not so
subtle differences between that concept and the now existing
implementation, but I do not worry much about that, since the
implementation resolves the ancient central problem of signed numerals
and is just working.



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Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread David Matthews
From that crash log it looks as though the crash happened in ML code 
rather than the run-time system itself.  The source of the crash, 
though, could be a bug in the run-time system resulting in some 
addresses being mangled.  It's difficult to say more without being able 
to reproduce it.


On 29/05/2013 14:03, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

Following Dave Matthew's instructions, I downloaded a fresh copy of
the sources and executed the following commands. Except the first one
failed, presumably because I had a fresh copy.

make distclean ./configure --disable-shared make make install

I have just taken a look at the crash logs, and it's clear that some
dynamic libraries from a previous installation had got loaded along
with the latest ones. Maybe that was the problem. I wonder how they
got loaded in the first place? I have just deleted them and I hope it
will work now.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread Lawrence Paulson
Here for example:

> Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
> 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib0x99c998e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
> 1   libsystem_c.dylib 0x984db280 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
> 2   libsystem_c.dylib 0x985610e0 
> pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 70
> 3   libpolyml.4.dylib 0x005b37a1 PCondVar::WaitFor(PLock*, 
> unsigned int) + 113
> 4   libpolyml.4.dylib 0x005c3614 
> Processes::BeginRootThread(PolyObject*) + 852
> 5   libpolyml.4.dylib 0x005b7e18 polymain + 2392

The dynamic libraries had an earlier creation date from the other poly/ML 


On 29 May 2013, at 14:18, Makarius  wrote:

> On Wed, 29 May 2013, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>> I have just taken a look at the crash logs, and it's clear that some dynamic 
>> libraries from a previous installation had got loaded along with the latest 
>> ones.
> Where did you see that in the log?
> There is the following near the end, but it looks fine so far:
> Binary Images:
>0x1000 -   0x56aff7 +poly (???) <7513623B-C8EF-B2EE-7AB8-86D56D558A10> 
> /Users/USER/*/poly
>  0x59b000 -   0x5fbfeb +libpolyml.4.dylib (5) 
> <2E0AD632-82FD-C839-A4EF-7C7D917E4C07> /Users/USER/*/libpolyml.4.dylib
> 0x110 -  0x1102fff (0)  
> /Users/USER/*/
> Maybe /Users/USER/* is just some anonymized version of the real locations.
>   Makarius

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Wed, 29 May 2013, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

I have just taken a look at the crash logs, and it's clear that some 
dynamic libraries from a previous installation had got loaded along with 
the latest ones.

Where did you see that in the log?

There is the following near the end, but it looks fine so far:

Binary Images:
0x1000 -   0x56aff7 +poly (???) <7513623B-C8EF-B2EE-7AB8-86D56D558A10> 
  0x59b000 -   0x5fbfeb +libpolyml.4.dylib (5) 
<2E0AD632-82FD-C839-A4EF-7C7D917E4C07> /Users/USER/*/libpolyml.4.dylib
 0x110 -  0x1102fff (0)  

Maybe /Users/USER/* is just some anonymized version of the real locations.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread Lawrence Paulson
Following Dave Matthew's instructions, I downloaded a fresh copy of the sources 
and executed the following commands. Except the first one failed, presumably 
because I had a fresh copy.

make distclean
./configure --disable-shared
make install

I have just taken a look at the crash logs, and it's clear that some dynamic 
libraries from a previous installation had got loaded along with the latest 
ones. Maybe that was the problem. I wonder how they got loaded in the first 
place? I have just deleted them and I hope it will work now.


Description: Binary data

On 29 May 2013, at 10:25, Makarius  wrote:

> On Tue, 28 May 2013, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>> It clearly isn't a hardware failure. For one thing, it happens in the same 
>> way on two separate machines, and anyway, a hardware failure wouldn't affect 
>> only one specific program. David Matthews thought the problem may be the 
>> presence of a separate Poly/ML compiler, which I use for MetiTarski work.
> Cqn you explain how this separate Poly/ML is compiled, and where it is 
> installed?
>> He thought perhaps the libraries could be interfering.
> The Mac OS X crash report should tell you about the shared libraries that 
> were used in the failed process.
> There is also "otool -L" to check that statically on the executable, but I am 
> unsure if it is exactly that.  E.g. for polyml-5.5.0-3/x86-darwin/poly from 
> our Isabelle component it always shows the location where the binary was 
> compiled originally, regardless of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH at run-time.
>   Makarius

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] auto raises a TYPE exception

2013-05-29 Thread Lawrence Paulson
On 28 May 2013, at 19:52, Makarius  wrote:

> ... you do type unification of Free/Const/Bound incrementally as you go.  So 
> some ?x::'?a could become a function indirectly, e.g. by unifying c::'?a with 
> c::nat=>bool elsewhere.

This is never done, as far as I know. It is known to be intractable.

> How about this alternative approach:
>  * No change to unify.ML (and especially pattern.ML, which was not really
>covered so far).  My 3b9c31867707 is backed-out.
>  * Instead Thm.bicompose_aux in the non-lifted case (i.e. the "compose"
>variants) ensures that the types of all Vars are unified
>beforehand.  So mentioning some ?x::?'a here and some ?x::nat=>bool
>there means they become both ?x::nat=>bool before entering
>Unify.unifiers (and Pattern.unify as well).
> Thus we acknowledge the observation that the old code from 25 years ago does 
> not work with Vars of different type: Stefan's check from 2005 raises 
> suitable exceptions, and the above pre-stage avoids that this happens.

This approach sounds safer anyway.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Wed, 29 May 2013, Makarius wrote:

He thought perhaps the libraries could be interfering.

The Mac OS X crash report should tell you about the shared libraries that 
were used in the failed process.

There is also "otool -L" to check that statically on the executable, but I am 
unsure if it is exactly that.  E.g. for polyml-5.5.0-3/x86-darwin/poly from 
our Isabelle component it always shows the location where the binary was 
compiled originally, regardless of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH at run-time.

Here is another approach to get this information: 
DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=true before the executable is run.

See the included ch-test to change lib/scripts/run-polyml accordingly. The 
result looks like this on my Mountain Lion:

  $ isabelle tty
  dyld: loaded: 
  dyld: loaded: 
  dyld: loaded: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
  dyld: loaded: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
  dyld: loaded: /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
  dyld: loaded: /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
  dyld: loaded: /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib

Makarius# HG changeset patch
# User wenzelm
# Date 1369820188 -7200
# Node ID 6c3763f05f59feecc81f31f4818abdbbe9468cd9
# Parent  c8ee9c0a3a648eee62f7f25b541a8cdf38cd1c96

diff -r c8ee9c0a3a64 -r 6c3763f05f59 lib/scripts/run-polyml
--- a/lib/scripts/run-polymlWed May 29 11:06:38 2013 +0200
+++ b/lib/scripts/run-polymlWed May 29 11:36:28 2013 +0200
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 librarypath "$POLYLIB"
 ## prepare databases
 if [ -z "$INFILE" ]; then
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@
 "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/feeder" -p -h "$MLTEXT" -t "$MLEXIT" $FEEDER_OPTS 
| \
-  { read FPID; "$POLY" -q $ML_OPTIONS; RC="$?"; kill -TERM "$FPID"; exit 
"$RC"; }
+  { read FPID; env DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=true "$POLY" -q $ML_OPTIONS; RC="$?"; 
kill -TERM "$FPID"; exit "$RC"; }
 [ -n "$OUTFILE" -a -f "$OUTFILE" -a -n "$NOWRITE" ] && chmod -w "$OUTFILE"
isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Segmentation faults

2013-05-29 Thread Makarius

On Tue, 28 May 2013, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

It clearly isn't a hardware failure. For one thing, it happens in the 
same way on two separate machines, and anyway, a hardware failure 
wouldn't affect only one specific program. David Matthews thought the 
problem may be the presence of a separate Poly/ML compiler, which I use 
for MetiTarski work.

Cqn you explain how this separate Poly/ML is compiled, and where it is 

He thought perhaps the libraries could be interfering.

The Mac OS X crash report should tell you about the shared libraries that 
were used in the failed process.

There is also "otool -L" to check that statically on the executable, but I 
am unsure if it is exactly that.  E.g. for polyml-5.5.0-3/x86-darwin/poly 
from our Isabelle component it always shows the location where the binary 
was compiled originally, regardless of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH at run-time.


isabelle-dev mailing list