Re: [isabelle-dev] Wrong position information in 3bfa28b3a5b2

2019-02-24 Thread Makarius
On 22/02/2019 22:59, Makarius wrote:
> On 22/02/2019 16:47, Manuel Eberl wrote:
>> I came upon a regrssion with the position information in terms that
>> contain calligraphic or Fraktur letters, e.g.:
>> theory Scratch
>>   imports Pure
>> begin
>> lemma "풜 풜 풜 풜 ()) a b c d e"
>> The syntax error in this line is at the second closing parenthesis. In
>> 3bfa28b3a5b2, Isabelle/jEdit displays the error at the space between "a"
>> and "b".
> This is a problem introduced by Java 11: it works fine with Java 8. (I
> will investigate it further later.)

See now the following changes:

changeset:   69840:a35033167f01
tag: tip
date:Sun Feb 24 13:00:43 2019 +0100
files:   Admin/components/components.sha1 Admin/components/main
updated to jedit_build-20190224 (new patches: favorites, glyphvector);

changeset:   69839:828f3cd0dcf9
date:Sun Feb 24 12:53:23 2019 +0100
files:   src/Tools/jEdit/patches/glyphvector
fallback on createGlyphVector for multi-character glyphs (e.g.
0x01d49c), as seen in Java 11;

Java 11 correctly produces a complex glyph vector layout according to,char[],int,int,int)
but jEdit cannot handle that. So I made a fallback to something that is
closer to the old behaviour in Java 8.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Creating Theorems in ML

2019-02-28 Thread Makarius
On 28/02/2019 11:49, Achermann  Reto wrote:
> [apologies in advance if this should have gone to the isabelle-users list]
> We are using ML in a project where we need to create a locale in HOL
> from ML code. We managed to create the locale (local_theory) using
> Expression.add_locale_cmd including any assumptions we defined in ML. 

Isabelle/ML belongs to the normal Isabelle user space, so isabelle-users
is the place to go.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] NEWS: option system_heaps

2019-03-01 Thread Makarius
*** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***

* Command-line options "-s" and "-u" of "isabelle jedit" override the
default for system option "system_heaps" that determines the heap
storage directory for "isabelle build". Option "-n" is now clearly
separated from option "-s".

*** System ***

* The system option "system_heaps" determines where to store the session
image of "isabelle build" (and other tools using that internally).
Former option "-s" is superseded by option "-o system_heaps".
INCOMPATIBILITY in command-line syntax.

This refers to Isabelle/cc0b3e177b49.

Short version: "isabelle build -s" is now "isabelle build -o
system_heaps", and various other command-lines have been simplified. It
is also possible to provide system_heaps via etc/preferences.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] Towards Poly/ML 5.8

2019-02-20 Thread Makarius
After a lot of refinements by David Matthews we are moving towards the
new Poly/ML 5.8 release. Isabelle/8c587dd44f51 already bundles a Poly/ML
version of that number, without being official yet. The Isabelle NEWS
already talk about an official release:

*** System ***

* Poly/ML 5.8 allows to use the native x86_64 platform without the full
overhead of 64-bit values everywhere. This special x86_64_32 mode
provides up to 16GB ML heap, while program code and stacks are allocated
elsewhere. Thus approx. 5 times more memory is available for
applications compared to old x86 mode (which is no longer used by
Isabelle). The switch to the x86_64 CPU architecture also avoids
compatibility problems with Linux and macOS, where 32-bit applications
are gradually phased out.

This version also discontinues compatibility with Poly/ML 5.7.x, i.e.
Isabelle2018 will not work with it, but polyml-test-8fda4fd22441 can
still be used for that.

I have also omitted old x86 from the bundle: it is difficult to build
and run on current systems and much less stable than the new default
x86_64_32. A minor disadvantage is that old hardware with only 4 GB will
be somewhat slower, but we de-facto require 8 GB already.

Everything in Isabelle + AFP should work with x86_64_32 on all platforms
-- further automated and manual tests are running (some on old hardware
with only 3 or 5 GB per CPU node, e.g. see

Full x86_64 with 64-bit values/addresses is not required for anything in
the visible universe of Isabelle + AFP. The "large" group runs
considerably faster in full 64-bit mode, but this is not an existential
problem for x86_64_32: a full "build -a" will be usually faster with
x86_64_32 (and require much less resources).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] infix line breaking

2019-02-22 Thread Makarius
On 22/02/2019 17:20, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> The pretty printing of infix operators looks pretty terrible in the presence 
> of large terms.
> I’d like to propose having infix operators breaking at the start of the line 
> rather than at the end. Any thoughts?

Recall this recent thread on that (and many other infix-related cans of

Changing arrangements from many decades ago always takes a bit longer
than expected, and one needs to try hard to get a result that is
significantly better than the status-quo. We have require 2 full release
cycles just to get the relative simple reform of (+) and (*) through
(with a fully convincing result).

From my side, the following two reforms are on the top of the stack of
further moves:

  (1) eliminate most (or all) ASCII replacement syntax with the help of
the "isabelle update" tool, e.g. ":" vs. "\"

  (2) get ==> out of the infix topic for most practical purposes, by
printing goal states in Isar notation (fixes/assumes/shows or
fix/assume/show or show/if/for).

For the coming release I merely see (1) happening really soon: the
"isabelle update" tool belongs to certain newly introduced
infrastructure that deserves proper consolidation. (It is time to start
thinking about which already open threads should be closed for the release.)

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Wrong position information in 3bfa28b3a5b2

2019-02-22 Thread Makarius
On 22/02/2019 16:47, Manuel Eberl wrote:
> I came upon a regrssion with the position information in terms that
> contain calligraphic or Fraktur letters, e.g.:
> theory Scratch
>   imports Pure
> begin
> lemma "풜 풜 풜 풜 ()) a b c d e"
> The syntax error in this line is at the second closing parenthesis. In
> 3bfa28b3a5b2, Isabelle/jEdit displays the error at the space between "a"
> and "b".

Thanks for keeping an eye on isabelle-dev versions.

This is a problem introduced by Java 11: it works fine with Java 8. (I
will investigate it further later.)

> Each "풜" seems to shift the offset
> further, so I guess there's an off-by-one error in there somewhere.
> Interestingly, not all letters cause this – e.g. "ℳ" seems to be fine.

The calligraphic "A" belongs to a different Unicode standard than the
calligraphc "M". E.g. see these results in Console / BeanShell or
Console / Scala:

> "풜".length()
> "ℳ".length()

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] infix line breaking

2019-02-23 Thread Makarius
On 23/02/2019 12:25, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> Which reminds me: I define such abbreviations all the time, using “let”. 
> Could let-abbreviations be folded upon printing?
>> On 23 Feb 2019, at 09:10, Manuel Eberl  wrote:
>> I for one almost always do
>>   define G where "G = homology_group 0 (subtopology (nsphere 0) {pp})"

It might be better to introduce a proof-local version of 'abbreviation'.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Towards Poly/ML 5.8

2019-02-23 Thread Makarius
On 23/02/2019 11:45, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> After a lot of refinements by David Matthews we are moving towards the
>> new Poly/ML 5.8 release. Isabelle/8c587dd44f51 already bundles a Poly/ML
>> version of that number, without being official yet. The Isabelle NEWS
>> already talk about an official release:
> Is it intentional that the system identifier is still 5.7.1?
>   ML_SYSTEM=polyml-5.7.1
> This also raises the question if that variable has any remaining uses.

In 8c587dd44f51, I made some changes on two machines, but did not copy
everything to the target, thus the etc/settings of the component is
lagging behind.

Right now ML_SYSTEM happens to have no meaning apart from some comment
about the approximative version being used. Over the years it was
sometimes used in conditional compilation and may get used like that at
some point.

Even ML_OPTIONS is less important these days that some years ago,
because Isabelle/Scala provides most of the environment to the poly process.

I did not change anything here, because build_history and the
build_status database record the Poly/ML settings over many years, and I
did not want to break the persistent data model just to be fully
up-to-date at the "tip" version.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] OCaml 4.06.0 drops nums.cma

2019-03-14 Thread Makarius
On 13/03/2019 20:49, Florian Haftmann wrote:
> Are there any issues remaining on this thread after
> ?

I get this failure on my regular Ubuntu 18.04:

*** Failed to load theory "HOL-Library.Library" (unresolved
*** Code check failed for OCaml: "$ISABELLE_ROOT/lib/scripts/ocamlexec"
ocamlfind ocamlopt -w pu -package zarith -linkpkg
*** At command "export_code" (line 1428 of

ocamlexec appears to reconfigure the OPAM installation insided
Isabelle/ML, but this is conceptually wrong as I explained already.

Also note that ISABELLE_OPAM_ROOT is always provided, even it that is
not active.

The general model is this:

  * Administrative tools like "isabelle ocaml_setup" or "isabelle
ghc_setup" provide a local installation with sufficient information in
the target directory, such that etc/settings can work out the resulting
underlying platform, without running any installation tools again.

  * The Isabelle/ML world only refers to these settings as consolidated
executables that don't change their own installation when invoked: many
invocations will run in parallel. Moreover this must not assume that it
is actually based on opam or stack: old-style manual installation of
ocaml/ocamlc or ghc is still allowed (we've had this discussion some
month ago concerning stack: it is just too heavy to be the only way to
refer to ghc).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] OCaml 4.06.0 drops nums.cma

2019-03-14 Thread Makarius
On 14/03/2019 15:38, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> I don't understand what is going on here. I thought I had to set
>> ISABELLE_OCAML manually for this kind of code export to even do
>> something. From what I can tell, I did /not/ set ISABELLE_OCAML on my
>> machine, but I still get that error. Or did that behaviour change somehow?
> My understanding of the problem is as follows: Florian has thankfully
> upgraded the code generator to emit code for OCaml 4.06+ with zarith.
> However, it is still unclear how to install zarith systematically (i.e.
> thread-safe but automatic).

Where "automatic" means that a single Isabelle administrator (e.g. the
local user) decides to invoke "isabelle ocaml_setup" and do other
Isabelle administration in parallel. Afterwards the ISABELLE_OCAML
settings will be correctly provided by the etc/settings scripts, without
any further automatisms that can fail in strange ways.

> For the error to be triggered I believe it is sufficient to have been
> executed "isabelle opam_setup" once.

This is not sufficient, and I have no time right now to look at the details.

For the moment I have merely disabled Isabelle OPAM and OCaml as follows
in $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings:


That is rather brutal, but allows me to continue with the current tip


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] OCaml 4.06.0 drops nums.cma

2019-03-14 Thread Makarius
On 14/03/2019 20:03, Lars Hupel wrote:
> It initially failed because the OCaml people rely on "m4", which
> apparently is not installed by default on modern Ubuntu systems.

None of these ancient build tools are available by default on any
current OS: m4, make, etc. are all evil in some sense.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS

2019-03-13 Thread Makarius
On 13/03/2019 21:00, Florian Haftmann wrote:
> Am 13.03.19 um 20:57 schrieb Lars Hupel:
>>>   isabelle ocaml_opam install zarith
>> This should ideally happen on-the-fly from within Isabelle/ML.
> Or maybe as implicit part  of
>   isabelle ocaml_setup

Note that any change of the physical environment needs to happen in
administrative tools like "isabelle ocaml_setup": there is an implicit
assumption that there is only one administrator doing one thing at a
time. (E.g. in "isabelle build" and its physical update of heap and db

In contrast, the parallel Isabelle/ML world cannot write to the global
file-system, without causing big problems. We have pending issues with
AFP entries that violate this principle: maybe we manage to put it all
into shape for the Isabelle2019 release, using stateless operations from
Export/Generated_Files in ML for the 'codegen' command in particular.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS

2019-03-13 Thread Makarius
On 13/03/2019 21:12, Makarius wrote:
> On 13/03/2019 21:00, Florian Haftmann wrote:
>> Am 13.03.19 um 20:57 schrieb Lars Hupel:
>>>>   isabelle ocaml_opam install zarith
>>> This should ideally happen on-the-fly from within Isabelle/ML.
>> Or maybe as implicit part  of
>>  isabelle ocaml_setup
> Note that any change of the physical environment needs to happen in
> administrative tools like "isabelle ocaml_setup": there is an implicit
> assumption that there is only one administrator doing one thing at a
> time. (E.g. in "isabelle build" and its physical update of heap and db
> files.)
> In contrast, the parallel Isabelle/ML world cannot write to the global
> file-system, without causing big problems.

This requirement of statelessness also applies to the etc/settings shell
scripts in the Isabelle components hierarchy. We have recently had
tendencies to postulate automated build or download features here, but
this is not going to work. There can be many simultaneous invocations of
these scripts, and we cannot afford races, long-running operations, or
spurious failures.

Here is an example where I have amended such a mistake of mine,
concerning Haskell stack: -- before
there were spurious "stack" operations to access its stackage repository
in uncontrolled ways.

I've forgotten to apply the analogous change to the Isabelle/Naproche
project (to be found on Github): it has already caused a lot of problems
just with 2 developers and 3 users trying it out at Uni Bonn.

I will have to revise "isabelle ghc_setup" further, to leave more
accurate information in its installation directory (about
platform-specific paths to ghc). Thus etc/settings can refer to that
robustly and portably (note that even just different Linux installations
may lead to different ghc installation names; of course it also needs to
work with Windows and macOS on the same shared stack installation).

Compared to that, "isabelle opam" is still lagging behing in various
respects. I have myself no experience with the underlying opam tool, and
it is also the old version 1.2.2 (which was imposed by Cygwin some
months ago).

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] NEWS: Update to Poly/ML 5.8 -- and towards Isabelle2019

2019-03-12 Thread Makarius
*** System ***

* Update to Poly/ML 5.8 allows to use the native x86_64 platform without
the full overhead of 64-bit values everywhere. This special x86_64_32
mode provides up to 16GB ML heap, while program code and stacks are
allocated elsewhere. Thus approx. 5 times more memory is available for
applications compared to old x86 mode (which is no longer used by
Isabelle). The switch to the x86_64 CPU architecture also avoids
compatibility problems with Linux and macOS, where 32-bit applications
are gradually phased out.

This refers to Isabelle/63721ee8c86c, it is now the official release of
Poly/ML 5.8 by David Matthews.

It all looks great so far, and there is still plenty of time for further
testing until the official release of Isabelle2019.

The present plan is to publish an unofficial Isabelle2019-RC0 snapshot
in early April, and start officially with Isabelle2019-RC1 at the
beginning of May. It all should be finalized an published until
15-Jun-2019, when I will go on travel (not vacation, but a visit to
colleagues in Paris).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Fwd: [Isabelle-ci] Build failure in Isabelle (benchmark)

2019-03-13 Thread Makarius
On 13/03/2019 21:06, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> "Unable to increase stack" is one of the various messages that tells
>> you that PolyML has run out of resources. It doesn't really tell you
>> what the problem is though. It might be an actual problem or a
>> temporary problem caused by a machine being overloaded.
> This is likely connected to the recent change of platform. I will
> investigate this; maybe bumping the memory limit will resolve it.

BTW, with Poly/ML 5.8 being official, you can avoid full x86_64 for most
applications and always use the default x86_64_32.

This saves a lot of resources: I usually have ML_OPTIONS="--minheap
1500" with an open upper end -- the implicit limit is approx. 16G.

Even some entries of the slow/large groups of AFP work well with
x86_64_32, but I usually throw them into on big x86_64 pot as a special

Another remaining application of full x86_64 is the huge PIDE session
forked by "isabelle dump" and related tools: it can require 64GB
(excluding slow), and I have not explored the upper end yet.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Timeouts in Flyspeck_Tame

2019-02-16 Thread Makarius
On 16/02/2019 14:07, Florian Haftmann wrote:
> Am 14.02.19 um 13:34 schrieb Makarius:
>> In contrast to my proposal concerning Flyspeck-Tame-Base it is better to
>> keep the main AFP document unchanged, e.g. like this:
>>   session Flyspeck-Tame-Eval (very_slow) = Flyspeck-Tame + ...
>> This will change the timing for Flyspeck-Tame in the recorded database,
>> but such renamings occasionally happen over the years.
> See now

Great. This looks fine to me.


isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] polyml-test-8fda4fd22441 available for testing

2019-02-17 Thread Makarius
With Isabelle/ce4842d2d150 we are back to testing the forthcoming
release of Poly/ML, with its special 32-in-64 bit mode for up to 16 GB
ML heap memory.

David Matthews has made several rounds of refinement, so there is some
chance that spurious crashes have all disappeared. This needs to be
tested thoroughly, of course.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-13 Thread Makarius
On 10/02/2019 19:47, Makarius wrote:

> I have fine-tuned the Isabelle DejaVu fonts in
> Isabelle/4791988fcbc4 to impose the FreeType auto-hinting beforehand to
> the TrueType file: this leads to isabelle_fonts-20190210 in
> Isabelle/7e5a7a11d5d1.
> In summary:
>   * Isabelle font rendering should be once again slightly better on Linux.
>   * There is a small risk that it has slightly degraded on Windows and
> macOS.
> In other words: early adopters should look closely if it is all fine. We
> are (very slowly) moving towards the Isabelle2019 release (presumably
> June 2019), and everything needs to be beyond doubt when released.

I have invested 96 EUR into an old-style HD display from iiyama
(1920x1080 21.5") and made some tests with Linux, Windows, macOS.

* All platforms use the custom font-renderer of Java 11, not the native
one (of Windows or macOS) as I first thought.

* Using the defaults of Isabelle/f610115ca3d0, font shapes come out much
better than in Java 8, 7, 6, and our "Isabelle DejaVu" fonts work nicely
at 14, 16, 18, 24 pixels etc. -- in the past only 18 was OK, and most
other sizes a bit too thin.

* Some degree of blurriness appears to be normal for the FreeType font
rendering of OpenJDK 11, but after a short time the Java 8 (Oracle)
rendering already looks quite ugly to me.

* Blurriness is absent on my up-to-date UHD display (330 EUR), even for
tiny font sizes 14, 16, 18 -- normally I use 30 or 36.

I cannot imagine anybody still using low resolution displays on a desk,
after 5 years of fairly cheap UHD displays. Equipment that is used every
day should be of good quality.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-13 Thread Makarius
On 10/02/2019 20:12, Makarius wrote:
> On 10/02/2019 20:08, Peter Lammich wrote:
>> No luck on my machine. The font rendering still looks slightly
>> blurred. 
>> However, I'm using an old Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) ... may that be the
>> reason?
> I don't think so, but you can make a quick test by booting current
> Ubuntu 18.04 from an USB stick. The graphics drivers could make a
> difference.

I have briefly tried a USB stick of Ubuntu 16.04 on one of my test
machines: as expected, it does not make a difference, i.e. the rendering
quality is fairly good with the defaults of Isabelle/f610115ca3d0.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Timeouts in Flyspeck_Tame

2019-02-14 Thread Makarius
On 14/02/2019 10:43, Florian Haftmann wrote:
> But still indicates
> failure for Flyspec-Tame from Wed 13th.  Is there any chance that some
> other non-termination proof requiring image_cong_simp [cong del] is
> still left in Flyspeck-Tame?

Maybe it is just a coincidence, it did work for Isabelle/18cb541a975f
vs. AFP/9181c1974aa0, but later failed again for AFP/e064b4022c1c -- see
also the "CSV" link on

Later today we should get new measurements.

> Btw. that the ancient cond_eval hack has been replaced by a proper tag
> has completely slipped out of my attention, hence I didn't notice that
> Flyspeck-Tame is completely untested without very_slow.
> At the moment I am thinking whether the old approach of checking
> everything except the computations can be restored without using fancy
> low-level stuff.  Maybe by a locale.

This is indeed a bit fragile. I used to make manual tests of
Flyspeck-Tame over some time, but now ignore that problem.

Several days of unclear situation is a natural consequence of this

Maybe it is possible to make a non-slow session "Flyspeck-Tame-Base"
that does everything except the actual "eval" steps, and postpone the
checks to session Flyspeck-Tame (very_slow) = Flyspeck-Tame-Base ...

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Timeouts in Flyspeck_Tame

2019-02-14 Thread Makarius
On 14/02/2019 12:04, Florian Haftmann wrote:
>>> At the moment I am thinking whether the old approach of checking
>>> everything except the computations can be restored without using fancy
>>> low-level stuff.  Maybe by a locale.
>> This is indeed a bit fragile. I used to make manual tests of
>> Flyspeck-Tame over some time, but now ignore that problem.
>> Maybe it is possible to make a non-slow session "Flyspeck-Tame-Base"
>> that does everything except the actual "eval" steps, and postpone the
>> checks to session Flyspeck-Tame (very_slow) = Flyspeck-Tame-Base ...
> Something like that indeed.  A completeness proof relative to a locale
> which has the computational results as assumption apt for later
> interpretation.

In contrast to my proposal concerning Flyspeck-Tame-Base it is better to
keep the main AFP document unchanged, e.g. like this:

  session Flyspeck-Tame-Eval (very_slow) = Flyspeck-Tame + ...

This will change the timing for Flyspeck-Tame in the recorded database,
but such renamings occasionally happen over the years.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Timeouts in Flyspeck_Tame

2019-02-10 Thread Makarius
On 04/02/2019 14:17, Makarius wrote:
> On 04/02/2019 10:37, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> Is this related to the latest Poly/ML changes? The "slow" job still runs
>> on the x86_64 platform. Last time it worked was 76fbd806ebc5. Hardware
>> is 8-core LRZ VM.
> I can confirm this: see
> I have switched back to stable polyml-5.7.1-8 for now (see
> Isabelle/a5732629cc46) and will be unavailable for the next few days.

This did not change the non-termination, but the following helps:

changeset:   10116:9181c1974aa0
tag: tip
date:Sun Feb 10 16:49:10 2019 +0100
files:   thys/Flyspeck-Tame/PlaneGraphIso.thy
adapted to Isabelle/7e4966eaf781 -- avoid non-termination;

changeset:   69777:7e4966eaf781
parent:  69767:d10fafeb93c0
date:Thu Jan 31 13:08:59 2019 +
files:   NEWS src/HOL/Analysis/Caratheodory.thy
src/HOL/Analysis/Convex.thy src/HOL/Analysis/Elementary_Topology.thy
src/HOL/Analysis/Embed_Measure.thy src/HOL/Analysis/Homotopy.thy
src/HOL/Analysis/Sigma_Algebra.thy src/HOL/Binomial.thy
src/HOL/Complete_Lattices.thy src/HOL/Enum.thy src/HOL/Fun.thy
src/HOL/GCD.thy src/HOL/Hilbert_Choice.thy
src/HOL/Probability/ex/Dining_Cryptographers.thy src/HOL/Set.thy
src/HOL/Set_Interval.thy src/HOL/UNITY/Comp/Alloc.thy
proper congruence rule for image operator

I have merely applied the recommendation from the NEWS:

  INCOMPATIBILITY; consider using
  declare image_cong_simp [cong del] in extreme situations.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-10 Thread Makarius
On 05/02/2019 20:19, Makarius wrote:
> On 05.02.19 11:43, Peter Lammich wrote:
>> Is this worsening due to another Java version, due to the new Isabelle
>> font, or has it some other reasons? How to find out?
> From a distance, I would say that this is a matter of the Java 11
> font-renderer, which is provided by The one by
> Oracle is much worse -- OpenJdk not the non-free Java. (Note that the
> license change of non-free Oracle Java no longer allows to bundle it.)

Even more, JDK 11 from Oracle is now distributed as non-free: users have
to pay a subscription to use it in applications. Only some testing and
development is allowed without extra payment. (See

Java 8 is being phased out after Jan-2019. Since the Java community is
notoriously slow in giving up legacy versions, there will be a bit more
time to hold the breath and pretend that nothing has happened.

In contrast, Isabelle is already on Java 11: it performs much better
than Java 8, especially on high-end hardware with many cores
(potentially also on "containers" like Docker). I have already seen some
Isabelle/Scala scalability problems some months ago; luckily this has
been resolved with Java 11.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-10 Thread Makarius
On 08/02/2019 10:03, Christian Sternagel wrote:
> I am glad to hear that others have the same experience, I thought my
> eyes were going bad ;)
> But seriously, "buy a new screen" is not always possible. For example,
> in the upcoming summer term I am teaching an Isabelle class at the
> University of Innsbruck. In my experience (and I just reconfirmed this
> for the room I will be teaching in), the projectors we have here a
> typically rather old (and have low resolution, but that is a different
> story).
> At the moment there is a palpable difference (font rendering crispness
> wise) between using Isabelle2018 with projector (which I will do anyway
> for my class) and some recent development version (sorry I didn't note
> down what changeset I used for testing my setup).

Classic JDK 8 from Oracle and OpenJDK 11 (e.g. from AdoptOpenJDK) are
different in many ways, and it is definitely required to get used to the
new look of font rendering. (For me Isabelle2018 already looks very

With proper parameters -- in software and hardware -- fonts should come
out better than before.

First of all, sub-pixel rendering should be enabled, see this NEWS entry
from Isabelle/f714114b0571 (25-Oct-2018):

  *** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***

  * Improved sub-pixel font rendering (especially on Linux), thanks to
OpenJDK 11.

(In Java 8, sub-pixel rendering made things worse.)

Since that that NEWS entry is a bit too implicit, I have now changed the
default to enable "Subpixel HRGB" always on all platforms
(Isabelle/f610115ca3d0). I have checked my usual test machines for
Windows and macOS, to see that it all looks fine.

Secondly, I have done some more research on FreeType, the renderer used
for OpenJDK on Linux. It appears that the DejaVu family gets some
special treatment if it shows up under its original name, but not if it
is a renamed copy. So I have fine-tuned the Isabelle DejaVu fonts in
Isabelle/4791988fcbc4 to impose the FreeType auto-hinting beforehand to
the TrueType file: this leads to isabelle_fonts-20190210 in

In summary:

  * Isabelle font rendering should be once again slightly better on Linux.

  * There is a small risk that it has slightly degraded on Windows and

In other words: early adopters should look closely if it is all fine. We
are (very slowly) moving towards the Isabelle2019 release (presumably
June 2019), and everything needs to be beyond doubt when released.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-10 Thread Makarius
On 10/02/2019 20:08, Peter Lammich wrote:
> No luck on my machine. The font rendering still looks slightly
> blurred. 
> However, I'm using an old Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) ... may that be the
> reason?

I don't think so, but you can make a quick test by booting current
Ubuntu 18.04 from an USB stick. The graphics drivers could make a

Note that the jdk-11 distribution includes a copy of, so
it appears to be reasonably self-contained in that respect. (I did not
read the relevant sources, because it is split between a Java and a
native part in C, and the latter sources always require extra work to


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-05 Thread Makarius

On 05.02.19 13:18, Salomon Sickert wrote:

It should be easy to make this part of the formal session, with some
options [condition = ISABELLE_MLTON].

The 'export_code' command will have to emit generated files
(Generated_Files.add_files) to make the assembly work in Isabelle/ML.

I have already added support for executable exports in
Isabelle/c175499a7537 -- a few more such fine-tunings might be required.

Could someone point me to an example on how to do compilation with either mlton 
or polyml within a formal session?
The build scripts in these two entries are copying the style of the CAVA entry 
at that time and I’m not sure about the current best practices here.

A partial example with generated files is src/Tools/Haskell/Test.thy 
(e.g. in Isabelle/2c3e5e58d93f): the generated Haskell sources are used 
for a test build, but its result is thrown away instead of exporting it.

I have some ideas in the pipeline to make the 'export_files' 
specifications in session ROOT entries more robust (no export by 
default) and more useful (collective export on something like "isabelle 
build -e").

We also need to wait for Florian Haftmann to provide the 
Generated_Files.add_files facility to 'export_code' -- in parallel to 
its existing Export.export. The main difference that this will be an 
update on the theory.

(Note that I am presently busy elsewhere and only sporadically connected.)

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-05 Thread Makarius

On 05.02.19 11:43, Peter Lammich wrote:

I just updated my Isabelle devel version (now on d21789843f01), and
immediately noticed that the displayed fonts are significantly blurry.

Find attached a side-by-side comparison of Isabelle-d21789843f01 (left)
and Isabelle-2018 (right). At least on my monitor, the font display on
the left side is significantly worse (blurred). Both use font size 18
with standard anti-aliasing method.

Is this worsening due to another Java version, due to the new Isabelle
font, or has it some other reasons? How to find out?

From a distance, I would say that this is a matter of the Java 11 
font-renderer, which is provided by The one by 
Oracle is much worse -- OpenJdk not the non-free Java. (Note that the 
license change of non-free Oracle Java no longer allows to bundle it.)

You can find out yourself by trying the IsabelleText font that is 
distributed with Isabelle2018: the ttf files need to go into ~/.fonts on 
Ubuntu; or elsewhere on other systems. It is important to remove the 
fonts after the experiment!

Generally, the new fonts should be slightly better than before: the 
quality should be that of the original Deja Vu fonts without any 
censorship. I merely trim it to a well-defined collection of glyphs and 
add our Isabelle math symbols from the TeX family -- see "isabelle 
build_fonts" (e.g. in Isabelle/2c3e5e58d93f).

> How to fix it?

You know already that "fix" and "bug" is not in my vocabulary -- I don't 
use such street language.

On up-to-date UHD displays the quality should of the new Java 11 + new 
fonts should be higher than ever before, so you can improve your overall 
situation by getting a new display. My huge UHD display at home was 
actually quite cheap: approx. 350 EUR.

I do see the slight blurring on my ancient HD Sony Vaio from 2013, but I 
am not using that very often. Buying a new laptop is certainly more 
expensive than just a display -- nonetheless I am surprised how many 100 
EUR displays are still standing on desks and stared at every day.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

2019-02-05 Thread Makarius

On 05.02.19 20:19, Makarius wrote:
 From a distance, I would say that this is a matter of the Java 11 
font-renderer, which is provided by The one by 
Oracle is much worse -- OpenJdk not the non-free Java. (Note that the 
license change of non-free Oracle Java no longer allows to bundle it.)

For completeness, this is how to experiment with different versions of 
JDK, e.g. the one that Ubuntu 18.04 provides as the "openjdk-11" package 


in $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings as usual.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Question about testing isabelle with Poly/ML x86_64_32

2019-01-29 Thread Makarius
On 29/01/2019 16:14, João Rafael Nicola wrote:
> I've been using Isabelle/2018 in x86 (32) mode on a Xeon E3-1505M
> (2.80GHz, 3.6Ghz turbo) 4-core, 64GB machine. Since I run frequently
> into timeouts while running sledgehammer, proof methods
> (metis,meson,etc.) or processing notation-heavy locales, I would like to
> know how can I determine whether or not a shift to x86_64_32 would help.
> How can I determine if the limited heap size of x86_32 Poly/ML might be
> hindering Isabelle?

Isabelle/jEdit has a "Monitor" panel, its "Heap" tab might provide some

The current test version of Poly/ML is polyml-test-1b2dcf8f5202. If you
keep an eye on changing versions of
you will see what is the latest and greatest one.

Note that we still have 1 or 2 hard crash situations that need to be
sorted out.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Poly/ML x86_64_32 available for testing (polyml-test-a444f281ccec)

2019-01-25 Thread Makarius
On 23/01/2019 23:44, Makarius wrote:
> Isabelle/20bc1d26c932 now provides an updated polyml-test-a444f281ccec
> (active by default).
> It performs slightly better than the previous test version -- I have
> also removed old workarounds for integer arithmetic in
> Isabelle/4591221824f6.

One more performance result in this respect:

Isabelle/4591221824f6 + AFP/2eacf2ed7d5d

x86_64_32-linux --minheap 1500 threads=8

Finished Flyspeck-Tame (3:37:32 elapsed time, 5:32:38 cpu time, factor 1.53)

This is a about two times better than what we were used to. It is a
combination of high-end software (current Poly/ML) with high-end
hardware (Intel Xeon Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz, 20 CPU cores, 64 GB
memory, SSD).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
On 31/01/2019 18:27, Peter Lammich wrote:
> On Do, 2019-01-31 at 16:03 +0100, Makarius wrote:
>> I have looked around at typical uses of 'export_code' in AFP. Most of
>> the time it is just informative: writing a file and looking at it in
>> the
>> editor (or via the command-line!?), or doing that on the output
>> channel.
>> The isabelle-export: file-system covers that already, i.e. we should
>> be
>> able to eliminate almost all generated files from the AFP repository.
>> So "export_code .. file" should just disappear -- it is semantically
>> illtyped in PIDE: editing the "file" argument will leave a trace of
>> machine oil spilled to the physical file-system.
> The problem here is actually deeper: 
> Many AFP-entries are designed to export code which then works together
> with some external code. However, there seems to be no way to test
> whether this external code works with the generated code. 

Can you point to these special applications?

If export_code uses Generated_Files.add_files (in addition to
Export.export) we get both a check for unique names and an easy way to
retrieve the exports in Isabelle/ML, e.g. to write to a temporary
directory and do some tests.

So far I have never seen an application that could not be made stateless
and thus fit properly into the PIDE model.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
On 31/01/2019 20:37, Mathias Fleury wrote:
>> On 31. Jan 2019, at 20:10, Makarius >
>> Can you point to these special applications?
>> If export_code uses Generated_Files.add_files (in addition to
>> Export.export) we get both a check for unique names and an easy way to
>> retrieve the exports in Isabelle/ML, e.g. to write to a temporary
>> directory and do some tests.
> Can you give some more details on how to achieve this?
> Concrete application: I have a verified SAT solver (lets call that
> function isasat), an unverified parser, and several large CNF files
> (each one is several MB large). I would like to compile the SAT solver
> with MLton*, test it on those CNF files. With some timings information
> to identify regression if possible.
>> So far I have never seen an application that could not be made stateless
>> and thus fit properly into the PIDE model.

The general principle is to keep generated material inside the theory
context (Generated_Files) and take them from there to produce other
artifacts in Isabelle/ML, e.g. as a "sink" to produce error information,
timing etc.

It is also possible to formally export sources or artifacts to the
session build database using Export.export: Isabelle/Scala can take
results from there and do something else with it, but inside the build
process, only after it.

* Here is a simple example with 'generated_file':

* Here is a test build inside Isabelle/ML -- this is stateless thanks to
a temp dir:

* Here is the use of the same sources in session database exports,
written to a global file-space that is not the Isabelle (or AFP) repository:

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] NEWS: option "jedit_text_overview"

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
*** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***

* System option "jedit_text_overview" allows to disable the text
overview column.

This refers to Isabelle/5a8ae7a4b7d0 -- it is a minor visual enhancement
for situations where the editor screen should look like a presentation,
without any distractions by extra GUI elements. (All other GUI elements
had already options in jEdit or Isabelle).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: File Browser and Virtual File-systems for Isabelle resources

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
On 31/01/2019 23:11, Makarius wrote:
> *** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***
> * The jEdit File Browser is more prominent in the default GUI layout of
> Isabelle/jEdit: various virtual file-systems provide access to Isabelle
> resources, notably via "favorites:" (or "Edit Favorites").

There is an old oddity in "Edit Favorites" that I have now addressed here:

changeset:   69779:a2218981a5d6
date:Thu Jan 31 22:02:50 2019 +0100
files:   src/Tools/jEdit/patches/favorites
more accurate _listFiles -- avoid infinite infinite expansion of e.g.

This minor change is not yet active: a future update of the jedit_build
component will include it.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] NEWS: File Browser and Virtual File-systems for Isabelle resources

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
*** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***

* The jEdit File Browser is more prominent in the default GUI layout of
Isabelle/jEdit: various virtual file-systems provide access to Isabelle
resources, notably via "favorites:" (or "Edit Favorites").

* Action "isabelle-export-browser" points the File Browser to the theory
exports of the current buffer, based on the "isabelle-export:" virtual
file-system. The directory view needs to be reloaded manually to follow
ongoing document processing.

* Action "isabelle-session-browser" points the File Browser to session
information, based on the "isabelle-session:" virtual file-system. Its
entries are structured according to chapter / session names, the open
operation is redirected to the session ROOT file.

This refers to Isabelle/b9a5805d1d70. I have also change the default GUI
layout: global overview LEFT (Documentation, File Browser), local
document information RIGHT (Theories, SideKick etc.) Output and
interaction at the BOTTOM, as before.

Within the repository I cannot impose arbitrary jEdit properties on a
local settings directory, so it might require manual tinkering to
imitate the default. (I usually rename $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/jedit
temporarily to see the difference.)

The "isabelle-session:" virtual file-system is the start of more serious
access to Isabelle resources: right now it merely shows chapter/session
tree structure, and opens the corresponding ROOT entry. Since the latter
is also under PIDE control, CTRL/COMMAND-MOUSE-HOVER-CLICK quickly leads
to some theories.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
On 01/02/2019 12:43, Lars Hupel wrote:
> It would like to reiterate that the technical part of this issue is the
> easy bit. The difficult bit is deciding policy: Should Isabelle
> committers be responsible for breakage in downstream artifacts? In other
> words, should the AFP stability guarantees be extended? Right now we
> have that odd situation where extra sources are present (e.g. Makefiles)
> but nobody bothers to look at them.

In 2012 we eliminated all Makefiles from AFP: I did not know that some
came back, or chose to ignore it.

The formal status of sessions is defined via "isabelle build" -- that is
a powerful tool that can do many things. I.e. we can easily define that
anything outside of it as outside of AFP.

As usual, the empirical proof of this claims works by going through the
applications seen in practice, and to reform them to make them fit to
the model. (This sometimes requires minor adjustments of the model.)

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
On 01/02/2019 14:29, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> In 2012 we eliminated all Makefiles from AFP: I did not know that some
>> came back, or chose to ignore it.
> ~/work/afp (default)$ find thys/ -name Makefile
> thys/Buchi_Complementation/code/Makefile
> thys/Formal_SSA/Makefile
> thys/LightweightJava/ott-src/Makefile
> thys/Sturm_Sequences/guide/Makefile

What are the remaining uses of these? How much of this can be integrated
into the formal Isabelle session? How much of it is actually obsolete?

We have plenty of mechanisms in "isabelle build" (and "isabelle
process") that are waiting to be put into proper use.

>From a maintenance point of view the goals are:

  * no generated files in the repository (these are not sources but
results from sources)

  * no violations of the stateless PIDE model, e.g. commands that leave
a trace of garbage in the natural environment while editing (such as
"export_code ... file ..." with varying file names).

In principle, everything should work on a read-only file-system.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
On 01/02/2019 15:30, Lars Hupel wrote:
>>   * no generated files in the repository (these are not sources but
>> results from sources)
> What about generated theory files? This also affects the CakeML entry. I
> could easily package Lem as a component, but how would "isabelle build"
> call it?

The present reform is mainly about generated output files, not input
theory files.

The standard approach for the latter is to have the other tool directly
import its source format into the theory context within Isabelle/ML,
without the intermediate theory source. Doing this carefully, would even
produce nice PIDE markup for the original sources. PIDE is an IDE for
arbitrary user-defined languages.

It might be worth doing this for tools like Lem eventually, but I have
not looked at it closely so far.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: File Browser and Virtual File-systems for Isabelle resources

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
On 31/01/2019 23:11, Makarius wrote:
> *** Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE ***
> * The jEdit File Browser is more prominent in the default GUI layout of
> Isabelle/jEdit: various virtual file-systems provide access to Isabelle
> resources, notably via "favorites:" (or "Edit Favorites").

I have now reverted the default to "buffer" instead of "favorites", see

changeset:   69781:a7529ac9c1c5
date:Fri Feb 01 15:02:36 2019 +0100
files:   src/Tools/jEdit/src/jEdit.props
clarified default (amending ca9780325a21): it also affects "open-file"
dialog, which should be "buffer";

The favorites are very important, but many long-term users still don't
know about them. I need to find another way to make them easily accessible.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
On 01/02/2019 16:40, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> The standard approach for the latter is to have the other tool directly
>> import its source format into the theory context within Isabelle/ML,
>> without the intermediate theory source. Doing this carefully, would even
>> produce nice PIDE markup for the original sources. PIDE is an IDE for
>> arbitrary user-defined languages.
>> It might be worth doing this for tools like Lem eventually, but I have
>> not looked at it closely so far.
> Lem is implemented in OCaml, so this seems like a stretch. I'd say
> importing HOL4 into Isabelle is a more plausible solution.

Yes, the motivation behind using Lem is diminished by the promising work
of Fabian Immler.

In general, though, alien tool output can be imported into the formal
context. One merely needs to devise some tricks. A tool implemented in
Haskell or OCaml should be particularly easy.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] polyml-test-b68438d33c69

2019-02-01 Thread Makarius
With Isabelle/76f2d492627e we are on polyml-test-b68438d33c69: it is
already fairly stable, but there are still some sporadic crashes,
notably on slow machines (e.g. for "isabelle build HOL" on lxbroy10 or
my macMini at home). On high-end machines, I can build all of Isabelle +
AFP without problems.

We do continue monotonically towards a stable Poly/ML version: David
Matthews has already sorted out various subtle issues on -- leading up to current

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Analysis not building

2019-02-02 Thread Makarius
On 02/02/2019 14:39, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> It died twice using “isabelle jedit -l HOL-Analysis”, once using "isabelle 
> jedit Analysis/Analysis.thy” and once using "isabelle build -b HOL-Analysis”.
> The reason I fetched in the first place was that I was getting crashes in my 
> interactive sessions.

Can you try the following in your $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings?

  init_component "$HOME/.isabelle/contrib/polyml-test-1b2dcf8f5202"

Apparently, the last two updates on polyml-test were not as monotonic as
I was hoping, despite clear improvements by David Matthews.

After a standard test, I will probably make the above version the
default again.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Analysis not building

2019-02-02 Thread Makarius
On 02/02/2019 14:56, Makarius wrote:
> On 02/02/2019 14:39, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>> It died twice using “isabelle jedit -l HOL-Analysis”, once using "isabelle 
>> jedit Analysis/Analysis.thy” and once using "isabelle build -b HOL-Analysis”.
>> The reason I fetched in the first place was that I was getting crashes in my 
>> interactive sessions.
> Can you try the following in your $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings?
>   init_component "$HOME/.isabelle/contrib/polyml-test-1b2dcf8f5202"
> Apparently, the last two updates on polyml-test were not as monotonic as
> I was hoping, despite clear improvements by David Matthews.
> After a standard test, I will probably make the above version the
> default again.

I've done that now in Isabelle/dde776d1defa, after successful "isabelle
build -a". Thus we are at least back to the status-quo from some days
ago, where nobody noticed everyday crashes.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Analysis not building

2019-02-02 Thread Makarius
On 02/02/2019 15:37, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> This worked — thanks!
>> On 2 Feb 2019, at 13:56, Makarius  wrote:
>> Can you try the following in your $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings?
>>  init_component "$HOME/.isabelle/contrib/polyml-test-1b2dcf8f5202"


With Isabelle/76f2d492627e this is the default, and it is better to
remove the init_component from local etc/settings again, to participate
in further updates of the default.


isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-02 Thread Makarius
On 02/02/2019 14:13, Florian Haftmann wrote:

> * The module naming schema gets more sophisticated: default, name or
> prefix.  The key point is that this naming schema is again
> target-language specific.

Just abstractly, a reform should strive for unification and
simplification whenever possible.

The different languages have slightly different side-conditions, but
maybe they can still be unified: e.g. the main NAME could become
NAME.EXT or NAME/ depending on the situation.

One could also use the const names to produce a default, e.g. according
to the traditional scheme to concatenate const base names with "_" as

> This should cover all application cases.

When export_code emits Generated_Files.add_files, there is always a
possibility to do special-purpose Isabelle/ML programming with
Generated_Files.get_files. No need to have all odd cases in one Isar

> At the moment I am still in favour of a diagnostic command to emit sth
> ad-hoc into the file system -- but this could be something separate from
> export_code and maybe just use $ISABELLE_TMP_PREFIX/… as destination.

For diagnostics I have used the "isabelle-export:" VFS in Isabelle/jEdit
so far: if a physical file is required, it can be written from the
editor (which actually cased the crash before Isabelle/9fd395ff57bc).

Minor disadvantage: writing directory content is inconvenient. In that
case there is also Generated_Files.write_files.

Some months ago I've seen odd crashes with files written to
$ISABELLE_TMP_PREFIX/ in Isabelle/ML and read in Isabelle/Scala.
Moreover I've seen crashes of the Headless PIDE session of export_code
with $ISABELLE_TMP_PREFIX in particular.

There might be something wrong in my areas of responsibility, or
something inherently fragile in concurrent access to a Unix file-system.

These incidents motivated to revive the pending thread to eliminate
physical files from export_code in the first place. Mathematical files
in the theory context are more reliably than physical ones on a magnetic

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
On 14/01/2019 20:20, Florian Haftmann wrote:
>>   * Are there remaining uses of 'file' with empty name? Is the virtual
>> file-system browser sufficiently convenient to inspect results
>> interactively?
> I checked the file system browser and would be quite content with it; as
> a bonus you can then make use of the syntax highlighting of jEdit (OCaml
> seems not be built-in, though).
> But I want to excite more feedback of users.

Here is some feedback from myself as a user: the new stateless model to
generate files works well, in particular the file-browser of
Isabelle/jEdit helps.

There was only a technical problem it that should no longer occur in
practice, see

changeset:   69696:9fd395ff57bc
date:Sun Jan 20 21:26:15 2019 +0100
files:   Admin/components/components.sha1 Admin/components/main
avoid crash of jEdit.closeBuffer() via
TaskManager.instance.waitForIoTasks() due to race condition of save()
vs. automatic load() of already open buffer, e.g. relevant for save-as
on "isabelle-export:" artifacts;

In the mainstream this would probably be called a "fix", but the
conceptual problem behind it is still there: there are concurrent tasks
that are just concatenated in sequence, without taking the nesting of
the program structure into account. Proper futures are required instead
of slightly odd wait operations.

>>   * How to specify proper (unique) export names: PIDE still lacks a
>> check for uniqueness of export names, but overwriting existing exports
>> is considered illegal. The 'file' allowed to produce separate names in
>> the past, but it has a different meaning now (and is a candidate for
>> deletion).
> Well, if we re-consider the syntax, we will also find a way for this.
>> Maybe 'export_code' should be renovated replaced by reformed commands
>> like this:
>>   * "code_export PREFIX = CONSTS in LANGUAGE" where the PREFIX is
>> optional and the default something like "generated" or "code". This
>> could be a "thy_decl" command that updates the theory context by
>> generated files that are accessible in Isabelle/ML, in addition to the
>> export; it would also include a check for duplicate names.
>>   * "code_checking CONSTS in LANGUAGE" -- observing that "export_code
>> ... checking" is actually a different command. It would be a "diag"
>> command as before (this is relevant for parallelism).
> Maybe the »checking« should just be a variant of the regular export.
> Hence the modification could be quite conservative:
>   export_code CONSTS in LANGUAGE ( '(' OPTIONS ')' ) ( module_name NAME )
> ( file … | ( prefix … ) ( checked ) )
> where »file« denotes a relative root in the file system and »checked«
> indicated that the generated code will be checked implicitly.

I have looked around at typical uses of 'export_code' in AFP. Most of
the time it is just informative: writing a file and looking at it in the
editor (or via the command-line!?), or doing that on the output channel.
The isabelle-export: file-system covers that already, i.e. we should be
able to eliminate almost all generated files from the AFP repository.

So "export_code .. file" should just disappear -- it is semantically
illtyped in PIDE: editing the "file" argument will leave a trace of
machine oil spilled to the physical file-system.

We do need an explicit prefix and an internal check for duplicates, e.g.
as in the command 'generated_file'.

That should be really just a prefix for the exported artifact, not the
name itself: each language processor should be smart enough to derive
file or directory names from it as required.  Thus the prefix locally
belongs in front of the arguments.

Here is an example from AFP/160ac13cdc05

  export_code solve
in OCaml file "code/solve.ML"
in SML file "code/solve.ocaml
in Haskell file "code/"

It could be turned into something like this:

  export_code "code/" = solve in OCaml SML Haskell

Some details about the automatic name derivation scheme still need to be
sorted out -- or 'file' remains as an option to specify the suffix for
effective name (without writing anything to the file-system).

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Afterthoughts on Local_Theory.subtarget_result

2019-01-31 Thread Makarius
On 22/01/2019 22:24, Florian Haftmann wrote:
> as of 82f57315cade (followed-up by AFP bf62184), the still occasionally
> seen Local_Theory.reset invocations are gone, conveniently replaced by
> Local_Theory.subtarget_result.

This looks clean and canonical. At least we have Local_Theory.reset out
of the way in visible Isabelle/ML tool implementations: it is still
present inside Local_Theory.close_target, though.

I wonder what happens when that is removed: presumably it requires a lot
of fine-tuning to make everything work again without that hidden reset.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Timeouts in Flyspeck_Tame

2019-02-04 Thread Makarius
On 04/02/2019 10:37, Lars Hupel wrote:
> Is this related to the latest Poly/ML changes? The "slow" job still runs
> on the x86_64 platform. Last time it worked was 76fbd806ebc5. Hardware
> is 8-core LRZ VM.

I can confirm this: see

I have switched back to stable polyml-5.7.1-8 for now (see
Isabelle/a5732629cc46) and will be unavailable for the next few days.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] Uniform Isabelle repository clones via

2019-02-04 Thread Makarius provides uniform repository clones of
Isabelle + AFP -- this is updated via cron + ssh every 10min.

The original motivation was to avoid recurrent oddities with https
certificates from other repository servers, with the most recent
incident for Bitbucket (Isabelle/60b5a4731695):

  ERROR abort: certificate error: certificate is

There is another benefit for direct browsing: just one uniform HTML view
of repository content, using a current theme provided by Mercurial itself.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-04 Thread Makarius
On 04/02/2019 08:00, Salomon Sickert wrote:
> To add a couple more to the list:
> — LTL has includes a parser that is used in an example and built using 
> LTL/examples/
> — LTL_to_DRA can generate a tool using either LTL_to_DRA/Code/ 
> and LTL_to_DRA/Code/

It should be easy to make this part of the formal session, with some
options [condition = ISABELLE_MLTON].

The 'export_code' command will have to emit generated files
(Generated_Files.add_files) to make the assembly work in Isabelle/ML.

I have already added support for executable exports in
Isabelle/c175499a7537 -- a few more such fine-tunings might be required.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] NEWS: generated code as proper theory export

2019-02-04 Thread Makarius
On 01/02/2019 15:30, Lars Hupel wrote:
> – Sturm_Sequences produces some extra LaTeX documentation. The generated
> PDF is even committed to the AFP.
>>   * no generated files in the repository (these are not sources but
>> results from sources)

See now

changeset:   10104:394951259923
date:Mon Feb 04 16:42:52 2019 +0100
files:   thys/Sturm_Sequences/ROOT
thys/Sturm_Sequences/guide/Makefile thys/Sturm_Sequences/guide/guide.pdf
proper Isabelle document setup, without generated files in the repository;

It means that the document will also show up in the generated HTML,
similar to the userguide in AFP/Collections.

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] position of Hilbert_Choice in the HOL theory hierarchy

2007-09-14 Thread Makarius
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Stefan Berghofer wrote:

 For those members of the list who have not followed the discussion
 about this issue a few years ago, let me cite what Larry wrote about it:
I think it would be quite easy to do, and sensible (ZF has always been 
 that way).
If the necessary effort is reasonable, it would be nice to remove AC from 
core.  It has a corrupting influence.  For example, somebody generalized 
to LeastM, which at first sight is a natural generalization, but LeastM
requires AC while Least does not.
 In my opinion, a theory that does not depend on any unnecessarily strong 
 also seems to be more appealing from a foundational point of view.

I agree with this.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2007-09-19 Thread Makarius
* ML basics: just one true type int, which coincides with
(even on SML/NJ).

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2007-09-26 Thread Makarius
* Pure/Isar: unified syntax for new-style specification mechanisms (e.g.
'definition', 'abbreviation', or 'inductive' in HOL) admits full type
inference and dummy patterns (_). For example:

  definition K x _ = x

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2007-10-06 Thread Makarius
* ML/Isar: simplified interfaces for outer syntax.  Renamed
OuterSyntax.add_keywords to OuterSyntax.keywords.  Removed
OuterSyntax.add_parsers -- this functionality is now included in
OuterSyntax.command etc.  INCOMPATIBILITY.

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2007-11-08 Thread Makarius
* System: polyml-platform script now identifies x86_64-linux with 
  x86-linux, which is usually more efficient.  INCOMPATIBILITY, requires 
  manual settings if x86_64-linux is really intended (e.g. for  2GB heap 
  or  64MB stack).

[isabelle-dev] Isabelle sources at 0 Kelvin

2007-11-13 Thread Makarius
Dear Isabelle contributors,

as we approach the official Isabelle2007 release, the CVS has finally 
reached the critical point of 0 Kelvin (concerning entropy of the 

This means that further changes to the main system and libraries will only 
be accepted if they address critical problems (show stoppers).

There are still a couple of days left to polish the manuals, though.

Due to the enormous complexity of the system with all its contributing 
components (Proof General, Poly/ML, external provers etc.) and the 
multitude of supported platforms, we still need something like two weeks 
of testing until the final release can be shipped.

See for the 
present snapshot, which is called isa2007-test instead of the 
forthcoming Isabelle2007.

Please take the opportunity to check this on your favourite system 
installation (homegrown Linux kernel, exotic Emacs version etc.), using 
the official binaries provided from the website.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-01-07 Thread Makarius
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Makarius wrote:

 * Rudimentary Isabelle plugin for jEdit (see Isabelle/lib/jedit), based on 
   Isabelle/JVM process wrapper (see Isabelle/lib/classes).  Note that the 
   precompiled jars are only available in a proper distribution, but not in 
   the internal CVS (cf. Admin/makedist).

There has been a problem with makedist on sunbroy2, which is used by 
isatest.  So I've disable compilation of the jEdit plugin for the time 
being -- until I come back from vacation in two weeks.

Just in case anybody wants to try it out anyway, see


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-01-27 Thread Makarius
* Theory loader: use_thy (and similar operations) no longer set the
implicit ML context, which was occasionally hard to predict and in
conflict with concurrency.  INCOMPATIBILITY, use ML within Isar which
provides a proper context already.

[isabelle-dev] record pretty printing

2008-02-13 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, Gerwin Klein wrote:

 What does work is replacing it by \\^constProduct_Type.Unity, but 
 that feels very ad-hoc to me (I'm not sure where the \^const comes 
 from), so I haven't committed it yet.

The SML antiquotation @{const_syntax Unity} should do the trick.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS (update)

2008-05-18 Thread Makarius
* Eliminated theory ProtoPure and CPure, leaving just one Pure theory.
INCOMPATIBILITY, object-logics depending on former Pure require
additional setup PureThy.old_appl_syntax_setup; object-logics
depending on former CPure need to refer to Pure.

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-06-16 Thread Makarius
* ML: rules and tactics that read instantiations (read_instantiate,
res_inst_tac, thin_tac, subgoal_tac etc.) now demand a proper proof
context, which is required for parsing and type-checking.  Moreover,
the variables are specified as plain indexnames, not string encodings

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-06-19 Thread Makarius
* ML: Disposed old term read functions (Sign.read_def_terms,
Sign.read_term, Thm.read_def_cterms, Thm.read_cterm etc.).
INCOMPATIBILITY, should use regular Syntax.read_term,
Syntax.read_term_global etc.; see also OldGoals.read_term as last
resort for legacy applications.

[isabelle-dev] HOL vs. HOL-Complex

2008-07-02 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Brian Huffman wrote:

 The important point is that all the NSA stuff can be taken out without 
 losing any real functionality, since we are still left with a complete 
 development of *standard* analysis.

That's very interesting to hear.  Does it mean that there is no particular 
advantage in the NSA part anymore, unless you are specifically interested 
in the non-standard thing?


[isabelle-dev] NEWS (update)

2008-07-10 Thread Makarius
* @{lemma} in latex and ML: allow initial and terminal method expressions, 
as in the Isar command 'by'.

* @{lemma} in ML now closes the derivation, unless @{lemma (open) ...} is 

[isabelle-dev] ProofGeneral history via Mercurial

2008-07-11 Thread Makarius
Dear Mercurial enthusiasts and Proof General users,

as ProofGeneral is heading towards the *stable* release 3.7.1 it might be 
interesting to follow the ongoing development via

Access to the regular repository also works via the parent directory of 
that URL.  Note that this is a readonly copy of the official ProofGeneral 
CVS from Edinburgh.

As usual, early adopters of PG pre-3.7.1 should post problem reports to (you can just create your own 


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-08-24 Thread Makarius
On Sun, 24 Aug 2008, Tobias Nipkow wrote:

 I don't have a lib subdirectory and cvs does not know about one.

The NEWS are always in terms of a proper distributions, for users out 
there.  The CVS layout is a bit mangled, and lib is in Distribution/lib.


[isabelle-dev] Fwd: Re: new isabelle interface

2008-08-25 Thread Makarius
On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Michael Nedzelsky wrote:

  I plan to use SML.NET to compile Isabelle. Does anyone forsee any
  problems with this? Is Isabelle's code fairly portable across Standard
  ML compilers?
 The SML.NET user manual says (p. 4).
 No interactive evaluation. The interactive environment is for compilation
 of stand-alone applications or libraries only. SML expressions can not be
 evaluated interactively and the use command is not available.
 Isabelle sources contains many use commands, so it will not
 run on SML.NET.

This should settle that question.  Runtime use of ML source is an 
inherent requirement of the LCF-style architecture of Isabelle.  Building 
theories and corresponding proof tools etc. is an alternating process that 
never stops.

Concerning the general architecture of UI vs. prover there is the 
fundamental choice of having everything in a single process vs. the Proof 
General way of speaking to a separate prover process via pipes.  In 
Coq-IDE you have the first variant, where everything is in OCaml.  This 
simplifies the implementation, because values can be passed between the 
prover and GUI without a separate protocol.  On the other hand, I've heard 
from Coq users that Coq-IDE stability suffers signigicantly from joining 
the two parts in one process, and they want to traditional Proof General 
mode back.

Since we do not really have the choice in Isabelle anyway (there is no 
real GUI support in Poly/ML), we can be glad to be on the right track 
already: keep with the separate process model.  Apart from stability it 
also allows to run the prover and GUI an separate machines.  (``Modern'' 
GUIs do need 1 or 2 cores for themselves, just to display things to the 


[isabelle-dev] new isabelle interface

2008-08-25 Thread Makarius
On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Cameron Freer wrote:

 One can type a single command from the SAGE commandline to spawn a local 
 webserver running the notebook interface.  I've found the AJAX interface 
 to be surprisingly clean, responsive, and pleasant, even for those used 
 to the commandline.  Such a web interface for Isabelle would probably be 
 more complicated, but it does offer similar advantages -- not just the 
 ability to separate the kernel from the UI, but also portability (for 
 users running it locally).
 Kaliszyk proposed something similar for Coq a couple years ago:

Very good.  Cezary Kaliszyk is actually one of the prover UI people who 
greatly influenced the upcoming Isabelle architecture.  Cezary has quite 
responsive AJAX / JavaScript on the client side, but on the server his own 
OCaml wrapper around the prover, which exposes a couple of problems.  The 
latter can be easily replaced by a more robust version using the new Scala 
classes of Isabelle, using existing server tools available for the JVM.

If there are any AJAX experts out there who would like to produce an 
interface to our (slowly emerging) server infrastructure, I would be happy 
to assist them.


[isabelle-dev] new isabelle interface

2008-08-26 Thread Makarius
On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Chris Capel wrote:

  The latest sources are always available via which even allows you to
  subscribe to the changelog via RSS/Atom, so you can immerse yourself in
  tons of fine-grained change messages :-)
 You have mentioned CVS a few times, and yet that link refers to
 Mercurial. Is that a read-only mercurial mirror?

Yes.  There is a cron job that sucks the changes from the CVS every hour 
and adds them to the Mercurial repository.  In principle one could push 
changes onto the latter, but there is no practical way to put them back 
into the CVS.

We are still working on getting more Isabelle people aquainted with 
Mercurial, so that we can get rid of CVS eventually.


[isabelle-dev] isabelle/repos

2008-08-02 Thread Makarius
Dear Mercurial enthusiasts,

the URL for the Isabelle sources (still read-only) is now

The old will 
disappear soon.

Adapting local clones of this repository merely involves editing the 
default path in .hg/hgrc -- unlike CVS/SVN the Mercurial meta data is only 
in a single place within each repository.

Anybody who has not tried Mercurial yet should do so now.  It is the kind 
of tool that makes live much easier, only at the cost of unlearning quirks 
of CVS/SVN.  (The way of thinking needs to be de-centralized.)


[isabelle-dev] Relation_Power.thy

2008-09-02 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, David Aspinall wrote:

 This is already supported in the X-Symbol replacement in the CVS version of
 Proof General, by the way, although Isabelle's lexer currently only allows
 syntax like \caret1 and \caret2.

The \symbol notation is more fundamental, below lexing even.  It is 
actually fashioned after Java's \u for UTF-16 chars, but we do not 
depend on unicode encoding variants of course.

You can achieve the above name space effect of symbols already via 
something like \caret_funpow, which is presently unused because LaTeX 
output is a bit strange (as for \caret1).  This means \foo_bar and 
\foo42 are both unlikely to be used already for something else.

There is also a more compositional way to produce symbol variants: 
\^control\symbol.  Here nothing needs to be changed in Isabelle, only 
the UI needs to provide sane input methods and proper display (without the 
flashing of x-symbol for \^sub for example).


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-09-02 Thread Makarius
* Name bindings in higher specification mechanisms (notably
LocalTheory.define, LocalTheory.note, and derived packages) are now
formalized as type Name.binding, replacing old bstring.
INCOMPATIBILITY, need to wrap strings via Name.binding function, see
also Name.name_of.  Packages should pass name bindings given by the
user to underlying specification mechanisms; this enables precise
tracking of source positions, for example.

[isabelle-dev] Mercurial conversion relaunch

2008-09-03 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Makarius wrote:

 Within the next few hours will 
 recover to the present state of the CVS.  Since this is a fresh 
 Mercurial repository, local clones probably need to be recreated from 

In the mean tome it might be helpful to refer to the old version, now at


[isabelle-dev] [Fwd: Re: Find]

2008-09-12 Thread Makarius
On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Tobias Nipkow wrote:

 Vermutlich spricht der Optimierer Deutsch und hat das in der letzten
 Woche optmiert - in der Version auf meinem Mac kommt auch noch der
 volle Name raus. Ideal waere die kuerzeste legale Abk.
 Betreff: Re: Find
 Datum: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:39:21 +1000
 Von: Gerwin Klein gerwin.klein at
 An: Tobias Nipkow nipkow at
 Referenzen: 48C92DF8.7000903 at
 Wir sind unschuldig, das mu? jemand optimiert haben. In unserer
 Version kommt immer der fully qualified name raus. Selbst wenn der
 kurze Name eindeutig ist, will man oft den langen, um rauszufinden aus
 welcher Theorie das Theorem kommt.
 On 12/09/2008, at 0:40, Tobias Nipkow nipkow at wrote:
  gibt nur den Basisnamen eines Theorems aus. Das kann Probleme machen.
  Such mal nach fold _ _ _ (insert _ _), dann bekommst du 3 mal
  fold_insert, wobei das erste davon nur als  
  ansprechbar ist. Mit der richtigen name space function muesste da der
  passend abgekuerzte Name rauskommen.

It is a bit hard to follow this fragmentary stuff, nevertheless I managed 
to find the source of the presumed problem.

Concerning my version, your version of the sources, we can do this 
properly once we have switched to Mercurial, because it provides unique 
version identifiers which other people can use to look up the very version 


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-09-16 Thread Makarius
* The Isabelle emacs tool provides a specific interface to invoke
Proof General / Emacs, with more explicit failure if that is not
installed (the old isabelle-interface script silently falls back on
isabelle-process).  The PROOFGENERAL_HOME setting determines the
installation location of the Proof General distribution.

* The Isabelle System Manual (system) has been updated, with formally
checked references as hyperlinks.

[isabelle-dev] [isabelle] Incompatibilities between releases (Re: Syntax for theory definitions)

2008-09-27 Thread Makarius
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008, Florian Haftmann wrote:

  Proofs are much more fragile, notably unstructured ones.  One way around 
  this is to submit theory libraries and applications to where they get updated to latest Isabelle 
 Thanks to all the magicians ;-)

And the wizards ...


[isabelle-dev] Fwd: Broken link

2008-10-01 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

 In fact, all the links to logics in the theory library section are 

I have fixed this problem of Isabelle2008 already, and said so recently in 
an answer to somebody on isabelle-users.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-10-03 Thread Makarius
* Wrapper script for remote SystemOnTPTP service allows to use
sledgehammer without local ATP installation (Vampire etc.).  See also
ISABELLE_HOME/contrib/SystemOnTPTP and the VAMPIRE_HOME setting
variable. (By Fabian Immler, TUM)

(CVS note: need to move Distribution/contrib/ out of the way, if it exists 
already locally.)

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-10-04 Thread Makarius
* Simplified main Isabelle executables, with less surprises on
case-insensitive file-systems (such as Mac OS).

  - The main Isabelle tool wrapper is now called isabelle instead of

  - The former isabelle alias for isabelle-process has been
removed (should rarely occur to regular users).

  - The Isabelle alias for isabelle-interface has been removed.

Within scripts and make files, the Isabelle environment variables
respectively.  (The latter are still available as legacy feature.)

Also note that user interfaces are now better wrapped as regular
Isabelle tools instead of using the special isabelle-interface wrapper
(which can be confusing if the interface is uninstalled or changed
otherwise).  See isabelle tty and isabelle emacs for contemporary

INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt derivative scripts.  Users may need to
purge installed copies of Isabelle executables and re-run isabelle
install -p ..., or use symlinks.

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-10-17 Thread Makarius
* Goal-directed proof now enforces strict proof irrelevance wrt. sort
hypotheses.  Sorts required in the course of reasoning need to be
covered by the constraints in the initial statement, completed by the
type instance information of the background theory.  Non-trivial sort
hypotheses, which rarely occur in practice, may be specified via
vacuous propositions of the form SORT_CONSTRAIN('a::c).  For example:

  lemma assumes SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::empty) shows False ...

The result contains an implicit sort hypotheses as before --
SORT_CONSTRAINT premises are eliminated as part of the canonical
rule normalization.

[isabelle-dev] Multicore performance preview

2008-10-21 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Stefan Berghofer wrote:

 Makarius wrote:
  You will need the latest Poly/ML 5.2.1 version to prevent a strange GC 
  deadlock problem in 5.1/5.2.
 Where can I get the latest version? The latest version offered for download
 on the Sourceforge page
 is still 5.2

You are right, 5.2.1 has not been published yet.  The present CVS version 
is more or less at the same state, see e.g. our /home/polyml/polyml-cvs/.


[isabelle-dev] [polyml] Release 5.2.1 (fwd)

2008-10-22 Thread Makarius
Our usual packages for use with Isabelle are available here:

For any serious use of multithreading in recent development snapshots 
Poly/ML 5.2.1 is really required, but there is no immediate need to 
recompile the official Isabelle2008.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:10:34 +0100
From: David Matthews
To: PolyML mailing list polyml at
Subject: [polyml] Release 5.2.1

I've now released version 5.2.1 of Poly/ML on the SourceForge site. This is
largely a bug-fix release of 5.2 and incorporates various fixes to the run-time
system and basis library.  I'll update the release notes on the web site with
details of the bug fixes.  The functional IO library has been largely rewritten
to be much more efficient.

One change that may affect a few people is that X-Windows/Motif support is now
turned off by default in the configure script.  To include support for
X-Windows/Motif specify --with-x when running configure

Note: Since the compiler has not changed when you run Poly/ML 5.2.1 the start-up
line will still say Poly/ML 5.2 Release.  However poly -v will say something
Poly/ML 5.2 ReleaseRTS version: I386-5.2.1


polyml mailing list
polyml at

[isabelle-dev] NEWS (update)

2008-10-23 Thread Makarius
* Multithreading for Poly/ML 5.1/5.2 is no longer supported, only for
Poly/ML 5.2.1 or later.

[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-11-30 Thread Makarius
* The default for ISABELLE_HOME_USER is now ~/.isabelle instead of the
old ~/isabelle, which was slightly non-standard and apt cause
surprises on case-insensitive file-systems, or when working with local 
copies of the Isabelle repository.

INCOMPATIBILITY, need to move existing ~/isabelle/etc,
~/isabelle/heaps, ~/isabelle/browser_info to the new place.  Special
care is required when using older releases of Isabelle.  Note that
ISABELLE_HOME_USER can be changed in Isabelle/etc/settings of any
Isabelle distribution.

[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-11-30 Thread Makarius
After several months of getting acquainted with distributed version 
control in general, we should be finally ready to switch the official 
Isabelle repository to Mercurial.

In fact, has been around in the 
present form for several weeks already.  It can already be cloned right 
now, e.g. like this:

  hg clone

Further instructions are in

Write access to the corresponding pull/push file space is not enabled yet, 
and we still have the automated conversion job that feeds changes from the 
old Isabelle CVS into the Mercurial repository.

After pressing the red button, the conversion job will be stopped and 
pushing enabled.

If anybody has significant amounts of uncommitted CVS changes in the 
pipeline, please say so now.  In principle, one could have both 
repositories active for a few days, and merge later using means of 
Mercurial, but things should be kept as simple as possible.


[isabelle-dev] Netbeans 6.5 and Scala

2008-11-19 Thread Makarius
For those working with Scala (which is more and more becoming an important 
part in Isabelle interfaces to the outside world) it might be interesting 
to get the latest Netbeans 6.5 released today:

The excellent Scala plugin is not yet part of the official Netbeans 
repository yet, but see here

This description is for 6.5 RC2 and works for 6.5 final unchanged.  The 
plugin uses the current Scala


[isabelle-dev] Directory layout

2008-12-01 Thread Makarius
On Mon, 1 Dec 2008, Florian Haftmann wrote:

 The switch to hg makes it possible to adapt some file locations (file
 names) in the Isabelle distribution which have evolved over time but do
 not fit to the logical structure of the distribution any longer,
 according to the following table:
 src/Provers/* ~ src/Tools/*
 src/Pure/Tools/* ~ src/Tools/*
 src/HOL/arith_data.ML ~ src/HOL/Tools
 src/HOL/hologic.ML ~ src/HOL/Tools
 src/HOL/simpdata.ML ~ src/HOL/Tools

I cannot really say much about HOL, you know better about its logical 

Concerning src/Provers, src/Tools, src/Pure/Tools:

  * The distinction of src/Provers and src/Tools is mostly nostalgic, so 
Provers should go into Tools.  For quite some time, we have already 
followed the convention of putting new things in src/Tools.

  * The role of src/Pure/Tools is still unclear.  The difference is that 
these are actually loaded into the Pure image, and all its 
contributing sources should be in src/Pure.  I would say we leave 
src/Pure/Tools unchanged for now until we get a better idea.

BTW, moving files will also affect manuals.  In the newer ones (isar-ref, 
system, implementation) I have already used the @{file} document 
antiquotation to get a statically checked references to the Isabelle file 


[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-12-01 Thread Makarius
A few more tips on getting started in a safe way, and avoiding surprises:

  * Use hg outgoing to see beforehand what hg push would do;  the same 
works for hg incoming and hg pull.

There is a real danger of messing up our central push area by merging 
it with my earlier attempt of the CVS - hg conversion, which I had to 
discontinue some months ago.  If you still happen to have a clone 
around on your machine, delete it now!

  * An easy way to protect against gross mistakes is to install the 
following hook in your ~/.hgrc on the home directory at TUM:

pretxnchangegroup = /home/isabelle-repository/repos/sanity-check

The sanity check prevents pushes that are unusually big, or consist of 
a large number of changesets -- as in the above case of merging with 
the bogus version of the old Isabelle repository.

This hook is installed in /home/isabelle-repository/repos/.hg/hgrc 
already, but the Mercurial security model prevents its execution if 
you are not wenzelm.  This is what the warning Not trusting file ... 
refers to.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS (update)

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Tjark Weber wrote:

 On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 14:08 +0100, Makarius wrote:
  The old isabelle-interface wrapper could react in confusing ways if
  the interface was uninstalled or changed otherwise.  Individual
  interface tool configuration is now more explicit, see also the
  Isabelle system manual.  In particular, Proof General is now available
  via isabelle emacs.
 I am using the repository version of Isabelle,
 ProofGeneral-3.7.1-1.noarch.rpm, and GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (available as
 emacs or emacs-22.2).
 isabelle emacs yields
 /usr/share/ProofGeneral/isar/interface: line 233: exec: emacs22: not
 This seems to be caused by
 $(choosefrom /Applications/ emacs22)
 in isabelle/etc/settings (line 202).  Or is anything wrong with my

You can either pass option -p emacs (or whatever that emacs executable is 
called on your system) or set PROOFGENERAL_EMACS in 


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Tjark Weber wrote:

 On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 13:03 +0100, Makarius wrote:
  * The default for ISABELLE_HOME_USER is now ~/.isabelle instead of the
  old ~/isabelle, which was slightly non-standard and apt cause
  surprises on case-insensitive file-systems, or when working with local 
  copies of the Isabelle repository.
 I am using the repository version of Isabelle.

BTW, thanks to Mercurial you can now refer to the actual version you are 
using, by means of the unique changeset id.  (This might be important in a 
less trivial situation, because the repository is in continues flow.)

 Despite isabelle getenv -a reporting
 the command ./build Pure creates a heap file in
 (Note the missing ..)  Am I doing something wrong?

This is right.  The build script produces heaps for the distribution 
which is your repository clone here, which appears to be ~/isabelle

In fact, one reason for the change of ISABELLE_HOME_USER=$HOME/.isabelle 
with the dot was to avoid a clash in excactly this situation.  Now your 
user config directory and distribution directory are clearly separated.

Of course, heaps produced inside the repository file space like that must 
not be committed.


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Gerwin Klein wrote:

 Makarius wrote:
  Of course, heaps produced inside the repository file space like that must
  not be committed.
 We might want to add an .hgignore file and put ^heaps/ in it. This should at
 least make accidental commits less likely.

It is already there, together with some other things that people tend to 
commit by accident:

syntax: glob


syntax: regexp


In fact, accidental commits are not yet a desaster, because they are local 
only and can be repaired.  Only an actual push will make things last 


[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Tjark Weber wrote:

 One can argue that such keys are not necessary (since files in the
 repository can be identified by their changeset id); however, this is
 true only as long as one knows where a file is coming from.
 If you want keyword expansion, instructions can be found here:

This is only a retro feature, which comes with its problems.

With Mercurial you have the whole history always around, and there is no 
need to encode (tiny) parts of it in the file.  Before source control 
systems came about, people where used to have much more history on board.

Note that recent GNU Emacs will happily tell you the file id of the 
current buffer, if available.  Other tools like Netbeans also have 
substantial hg support built into the editing environment.

The present plan about the old $Id$ artifacts is to remove them gradually, 
or just ignore them for now.


[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
One more general note getting started with Mercurial: When exploring 
features of the system, please do it privately, on smaller repositories 

The Isabelle repository is very complex and many other people depend on it 
working smoothly.  Anything that might end up in the central place should 
be done with great care.


[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Tjark Weber wrote:

 On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 22:09 +0100, Makarius wrote:
  With Mercurial you have the whole history always around, and there is no 
  need to encode (tiny) parts of it in the file.
 Certainly $Id$ keys are rather useless as long as the file is part of a
 managed repository.  However, files escape into the wild.

In that case you would also have to add a checksum to make sure that the 
identification is actually correct, and require tools to check that fact.
Mercurial does exactly that for you, and more.

Note that Isabelle development snapshots also carry a Mercurial id 
already, and official releases can be mapped to an id via the release tag. 
Trouble starts when people tear distributions apart, but you cannot 
protect against everything.

For now it is most important to get people acquainted with the new 
environment, and refrain from any complications that are not really 

I recommend to use the system mainly for everyday things now, i.e. the 
same kind of things that would have been done last week with CVS, and not 
try out all the potentially cool things right now (at least not on the 
Isabelle repository).


[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Mercurial

2008-12-02 Thread Makarius
On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Gerwin Klein wrote:

 I'm no great friend of $Id$, but Tjark does have a point: we release 
 development snapshots and it is very easy to confuse versions when 
 people ask questions about specific files etc.

People should be able to say which release they are using.  For the 
development snapshot the release name is the id of the changeset that 
makedist encountered as tip.

If anybody uses the repository directly, not a release, then hg tip will 
provide that information.


[isabelle-dev] Usage Isabelle2007

2008-12-05 Thread Makarius
On Fri, 5 Dec 2008, Hakobyan Lilit wrote:

 ?Starting process? isabelle home/Isabelle2007/bin/isabelle-process -PI -m 
 After this? nothing happens and when I try to use any? other command? I 
 get? Proof process busy.

Can you run the isabelle process from a plain tty, without Proof General 
in between?  You can also try an older version of Proof General, e.g.

 The same in Isabelle2008 works alright, though, but I need the 2007 version.
 I am using 
 Linux 64-bitIsabelle2007?polyml-5.2 

Normally there is no need to use the 64 bit version, unless you have 
something like 8 GB of real memory.  The 32 bit version is a bit faster.


[isabelle-dev] ISABELLE_HOME/contrib vs. ISABELLE_HOME/..

2008-12-05 Thread Makarius
One hint on organizing local repository clones, and use them as (pseudo) 

Basically the default settings expect contributing components (polyml, 
ProofGeneral, etc.) either in ISABELLE_HOME/contrib or ISABELLE_HOME/.. 

This means one can easily avoid adding stuff to contrib inside the repos, 
where Mercurial will mark it as alien ?. Moreover, the same contrib 
components can be shared by multiple clones.

  # various clones of

  # contrib stuff

With this layout there is no need to edit ~/.isabelle/etc/settings or 
create symlink etc.


[isabelle-dev] TortoiseHg: GUI for Mercurial

2008-12-11 Thread Makarius
Another hint on add-on tools for Mercurial.

TortoiseHg is a nice graphical 
interface for Mercurial.  For historical reasons it is advertized mostly 
for windows, but it also works for Linux and Mac OS, using a generic 
Python/Gtk application

For example, the hgtk log tool is similar to the old hg view (which 
was a bit ugly due to Tcl/Tk).


[isabelle-dev] NEWS

2008-12-15 Thread Makarius
* HOL: command 'atp_messages' displays recent messages issued by automated 
  theorem provers.  This allows to examine results that might have got 
  lost due to the asynchronous nature of default 'sledgehammer' output.  
  (This acknowledges the fact that sledghammer occasionally breaks the 
  Proof General model, which is inherently synchronous.)

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