Re: [isabelle-dev] Towards release

2011-09-21 Thread David Aspinall

 We have had this problem before with Isabelle2011.  PG 4.x has a certain 
 idea about using glyphs from existing Unicode fonts, with a preference for 
 STIXGeneral as fall-back option 

As you'd expect, this is all highly configurable at PG level (see
lib/unicode-tokens.el and isar/isar-unicode-tokens.el), I just set
picked some reasonable default fonts and Unicode points which worked
well when I wrote the code 3 years ago.  I welcome improvements from

By default all symbols are taken from a single Unicode font, which seems
simplest and most sensible with the advent of STIX.  There are
mechanisms to try to choose fallback symbol renderings automatically,
which can be taken glyphs or sequences of glyphs from other fonts (see
isar-symbols-tokens-fallbacks).  But the automation is tricky because
the functions to determine whether a glyph is blank or not are not

Mac users should be aware that there are issues with the underlying font
support on the native Mac port of Emacs, although a couple of these have
been fixed recently they haven't made it into a released version yet.

I think the worst problem is broken super/sub scripts.  I've checked
that this *is* fixed now in the current nightly builds at, but it's probably not a good idea to
bundle one of those with the release, 8-(.

 - David

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Option type for auto tools timeout

2011-01-11 Thread David Aspinall

(error defpacustom: missing :type keyword or wrong :type value)

Thanks -- just patched pg-pamacs.el which should fix.  Can you re-try?

A quick grep through the elisp sources reveals that the 'float tag is
not always handled in correspondance to 'integer, for example.

What is the release schedule for PG 4.1 anyway?

Should be good to go to fit with Isabelle-X release.  Had hoped Coq 
multiple-file patch would be ready but probably won't.

 - D.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Option type for auto tools timeout

2010-12-15 Thread David Aspinall

 The dealine for the next Isabelle release is shortly after the start of 
 the year 2011.  If PG 4.1 is available by then, and works on Linux, Mac 
 OS, Cygwin with the usual Emacsen, I see no problem emit pgreal for 
 real-valued preferences.

There is a patch now committed in PG CVS for a type pgipfloat.
Officially syntax should match spec here:
Emacs is not going to check but other stricter tools might.

 But this would also mean to abandon PG and PG 4.0, so the 4.1 
 version needs to be beyond any doubt.
 I am myself hooked on the PG CVS for several weeks already.  It looks 
 fine, but I am not using it a lot.  I did not hear anything from 
 elsewhere, which means it works perfectly well, or nobody has tried it.

For 4.0, there are over 300 direct downloads since 10th Oct, about a
dozen registrations, but I don't know how many correspond to real users
or real Isabelle users.  (How many downloads does Isabelle get per month
out of interest?)

Feedback from bona fide committed Isabelle hackers welcome!

 - D. 

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Aquamacs emacs

2010-05-17 Thread David Aspinall

I have tried Aquamacs-2.0 with the CVS version of Proof General (from
12-Apr-2010) for 20min, and ran into two problems within the first 5min.

One was due to Aquamacs failing to configure fonts for the buffer. The
other was PG trac item #314 (Duplication of some special messages).
These mysterious message problems might be also related to the general
danger of loosing synchronisation, which have never been isolated to far.

If you hit this problem within the first 5 mins perhaps you have a 
recipe to reproduce it?

The last (non-spam) comment on the ticket suggests it is due to a change 
in Isabelle since Isabelle2009.

Doesn't Mercurial have a tool to do a binary chop across through commits 
to help isolate this?

 - D.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] PG preferences (auto solve in particular)

2009-11-11 Thread David Aspinall

 I am also struggling again to find a combination of PG + Emacs that 
 works on Mac OS.  GNU Emacs 23 somehow fails -- tickets will come when 
 I've managed to pin down the problems.

OK, thanks.  Would be good to bless one version.  I am keen to cut down 
the number of supported Emacs versions for PG 4, which should make 
things easier for everyone.

  - D.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] PG preferences (auto solve in particular)

2009-11-11 Thread David Aspinall

 My general impression is that PG-4 prefers Emacs 23, but this usually 
 requires to upgrade to newer Linux installations, which is apt to cause 
 other problems, as we have seen.

Emacs 23 doesn't require newer Linuxes, it can be compiled on recent-ish 
earlier OSes easily enough.  Probably more easily than building obsolete 
versions of XEmacs!  I have been using CVS builds of Emacs 23 for 
several years without many problems.

But anyway, I hope Emacs 22 can be supported.

  - D.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] x-symbols

2009-08-25 Thread David Aspinall
Lawrence Paulson wrote:
 Does anybody know what would cause the symbols that look like this? It 
 is the latest version of proof general running under GNU Emacs 22.2.1

Nobody else came running so I'll answer...

First of all: everyone will have a *much* better experience with Emacs 
23.x if you can find/build a version.  It's what persuaded me Emacs was 
worth sticking with.  I wish they would release it properly.  Some Linux 
distributions (e.g. Ubuntu) are distributing it as a package now 

Supposing you have to stick with Emacs 22.2:

This effect is caused by using a font which does not have glyphs in the 
Unicode positions for the tokens.   You can select a better font to 
improve matters, try:

   Tokens - Make fontsets

and then

Options - Set font/fontset

and try the possibilities on the Fontset submenu. On the Linux I'm 
using right now, I get a better result with the fontset 
standard:16-dot-medium than I do with the custom pgXXX fontsets 
created by the first menu command.  Not sure why, it wasn't the case 
when I wrote all the fontset support mess a year ago.

I thought I had documented this somewhere but can't find it now, must admit.

  - David

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] Isabelle2009 fails to handle interrupts

2009-08-17 Thread David Aspinall
I don't believe this is PG's fault.  I can reproduce problems in tty 
mode.  With the previous version, you sent C-c C-c and it reliably 
interrupted and printed *** Interrupted.  With Isabelle2009 interrupts 
may get ignored or go unreported and output and the following prompt may 
or may not appear.

I've added some workaround but it's not easy to tell between a busy 
prover and one that's been interrupted and stopped sending output but is 
too secretive to tell you about it!

  - David

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] HOL-Bali

2009-08-14 Thread David Aspinall
PS bear in mind the top of

which warns exactly about this!

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] Relation_Power.thy

2008-09-02 Thread David Aspinall

 You can achieve the above name space effect of symbols already via 
 something like \caret_funpow,

Aha -- we can easily do this in PG then instead of \caret1.

 which is presently unused because LaTeX 
 output is a bit strange (as for \caret1). 

The idea is to make the output the same as \caret, of course (with the 
disadvantage that you can't wave your mouse over a piece of paper).

  - D.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

[isabelle-dev] Proof General 3.7 for Isabelle 2007 -- final issues on Trac

2007-11-12 Thread David Aspinall
Dear All,

Makarius asked me to post a note here.  If you have any issues you would 
like to see fixed in Proof General for the 3.7 release timed to coincide 
with Isabelle 2007, please report them to me via the Trac interface here:

You can create your own account or login with a shared account I just made,

   user name: isabelledev
   password:  isabelledev

When logged in, New Ticket appears in the tabs.  To see a list of 
outstanding tickets to fix for this milestone, try this query:

If you're reported something to me in the past (or even recently) by 
email it would help to upload the report, I find it hard to keep track 
of emails and what has been fixed or not otherwise.

I expect to get (a little bit) of time next week to work through these.


  - David