[ipjps] A win for the opposition is nearly impossible - Philip Bowring
Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:36 PM
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Malaysia's Rigged Electoral System [Print] 
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m&id=5425&itemid=178> Written by Philip Bowring    Friday, 17 May 2013

The playing fireld for Malaysia's next GE
A win for the opposition is nearly impossible

As  the smoke clears after the Malaysian election battle it has become 
clear that under the current electoral system defeat of the ruling 
Barisan Nasional (BN) was never quite on the cards, even without the 
electoral roll and election day cheating and vote buying claimed by the 

Indeed all other factors being equal it would  probably take another 4
percent swing against the BN for the opposition  Pakatan Rakyat (PR)
coalition to win the majority of seats.

As it  was this was a remarkable victory for the PR which won 51.7
percent of  the popular vote and 53 percent in under-represented
peninsula Malaysia.  Yet it took only 89 seats compared to the BN's 133
seats. Those numbers  tell the tale of just how rigged the system has

Each BN  seat cost an average of 39,400 votes while each PR one cost
63,200.  Those figures show the success of years of outrageous BN
gerrymandering  which has made nonsense of democratic, one-man one-vote
principles. The  extent of this has gone almost unnoticed by the foreign
media - and  foreign government reaction, treating the result as though
it were the  outcome of a relatively normal democratic process.
Gerrymandering on  Malaysia's epic scale is just as undemocratic as the
ballot-counting  frauds which President Ferdinand Marcos used to turn
defeat into claimed  victory during his years as president of the

Given  the BN's control of most media and the machinery of government,
the  result was a remarkable victory for the PR. So although there is
much  disappointment and some youthful anger among the ranks of the PR
that is  because expectations of what could be achieved were naturally 
over-optimistic. Assuming the PR holds together till the next general 
elections it will probably need to begin to reverse the gerrymander - or
break the Barisan - if it is to break UMNO's stranglehold on power.

More  immediately the opposition and its component, Anwar Ibrahim's
Parti  Keadilan Rakyat in particular, is focused on the cheating alleged
to  have taken place in a significant number of constituencies whether 
through giving ballots to non-nationals, voting more than once, 
manipulating the electoral roll or simply offering cash to those who 
prove they voted for the BN. The PKR says that as 27 seats were won by 
the BN with a majority of less than 5 percent of the vote, cheating 
could have made a critical difference. Certainly in some of the more 
closely fought contests, the arithmetic somehow seemed to favor the BN. 
Thus it was declared the winner in no less than 11 of the 15 seats where
the margin was less than 1,000 votes and in 25 of the 35 seats where 
the margin was under 2,000 votes. This may or not have been chance.

Nonetheless  given the other factors favoring the BN, cheating would
have had to be  on a more substantial scale than has been shown to be
the case so far,  and to have been well-targeted - some alleged
instances occurred in  constituencies where the BN was never under

So looking  ahead the PR must find some way to raise not just awareness
but real  anger at how the democratic process has been undermined to
protect the  BN's politics of corruption and patronage. Some of the
numbers are quite  startling thanks to Dr Mahathir's getting rid of the
rules which once  governed the relative size of constituencies. Thus
today the largest  constituency PKR held, Kapar in Selangor, had an
electorate of 144,159,  nine times that of the smallest, fittingly Putra
Jaya, the seat of  government with just 15,791.

In many countries rural voters are  somewhat favored over urban ones but
Malaysia has taken this to  remarkable extremes. This was originally
primarily aimed at limiting the  predominantly Chinese DAP which once
dominated all the inner cities and  remain strong there. But now it is
the mixed, mostly Malay majority new  urban and suburban districts which
are increasingly disenfranchised  primarily to the disadvantage of the
PR, and PKR in particular.

This  disenfranchisement can only get worse unless new constituencies
are  created and boundaries re-drawn for the simple reason that this is
where  most population growth is taking place. Selangor with its urban
centers  surrounding the federal territory now has 10 constituencies
with  electorates of over 100,000. By contrast, Johor, an UMNO
stronghold has  only one such constituency, that held by DAP leader Lim
Kit Siang. Other  relatively large constituencies in Johor are also
mostly DAP or PKR.  The same phenomenon is found in other major cities
such as Seremban,  where the DAP held seat has over 100,00 voters, the
cities of Melaka,  Ipoh, Taiping, Kuala Kedah etc etc. The extreme bias
combines ethnic  with political discrimination on a grand scale.

The most  egregious of all is found in Sarawak, whose PBB is now the
second  largest component of the BN, with 14 seats acquired at average
cost of  16,600 voters. Needless to say the urban constituencies of
Kuching, Sibu  and Miri with their large Chinese populations have vastly
larger  electorates. The rural Sarawak seats are not only mostly tiny
but  display the power of local leaders over the electorate. In one the
PBB  candidate polled 10 times that of his only opponent.

The  over-representation of Sarawak - and to a lesser degree Sabah -
owes  something to the special consideration they were given to persuade
them  to join Malaysia. But it has been augmented by UMNO's need for the
seats  that the PBB and its mega-rich leader Abdul Taib Mahmud could
deliver  to the BN. In both the Borneo states there appears a
constituency size  and boundary bias not just against the Chinese and
urban people  generally but also non-Muslim bumiputras.

It is ironic then that  these states, which often appear less starkly
divided by race and  religion than the mainland ones, and also harbor
some semi-separatist  sentiments, should now be the main prop of UMNO at
the federal level. No  wonder Taib is left alone despite the many money
scandals for which the  state has become especially notorious.

So is there any prospect  of the reform of the gerrymander? This year a
national boundary  delineation is due. But changing boundaries will do
relatively little.  New seats need to be created (or old ones merged).
That requires a  two-thirds majority in parliament. In the past the BN
two-thirds  majority enabled it to gerrymander by adding seats. Now any
new seats  will require agreement with the opposition. In theory the
status quo  suits the BN. But it also increasingly exposes it to
ridicule and  resentment by the new urban voters and makes it ever the
less likely  that Chinese support can be won back. So can it do a deal
which grants  some electoral reform?

There seems scant prospect of anything  remotely constructive while the
PR is still seething with frustration  and Najib is under pressure from
UMNO critics headed by Mahathir and  must face UMNO elections later this
year. But if UMNO is to do more than  circle the wagons of racial
discord around its bloated patronage system  it must take aboard some
lessons from its electoral defeat. The main  one is that class and
income distribution issues are now more important  than race for
increasing numbers of voters. With urbanization of a  youthful
population, that can trend only grow, especially in the  currently
disenfranchised new urban areas. The semi-feudal UMNO is  failing to
adapt to the modern urban Malaysia that it has actually, and  to its
credit, created.
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