--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Paul Hilder - Avaaz.org <av...@avaaz.org> wrote:

From: Paul Hilder - Avaaz.org <av...@avaaz.org>
Subject: Enough is enough
To: "umika...@yahoo.co.uk" <umika...@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Wednesday, 7 January, 2009, 1:17 PM

Dear friends, 

With over 600 dead in Gaza, it's time to stop this war, but the USA is 
obstructing a fair ceasefire at the UN -- let's deliver 500,000 voices for 
peace this week:

View the Ad and 
Sign the PetitionThe bloodshed in Gaza is escalating -- the death toll now 
stands at over 600 people and rising, almost half of them civilians and over 
100 children dead.[1] As Israeli tanks, airplanes and artillery bombard thickly 
populated urban areas, hitting UN schools yesterday, thousands more have been 
injured and 1.5 million terrified civilians have no escape from this 
prison-like enclave -- the borders have been sealed. Hamas continues to fight 
and fire rockets deep into Israel: 11 Israelis have died, including from 
friendly fire. 

Our worldwide call for an internationally-guaranteed ceasefire to protect 
civilians on all sides has begun to ring out loud and clear, winning the 
support of leaders in Europe, the Middle East and beyond, with hopeful outlines 
of a deal emerging from Turkey, Egypt and others.[2] But Israel is rejecting a 
truce for now and escalating its offensive, while US President Bush is blocking 
a negotiated UN ceasefire, trying instead to impose a skewed alternative that 
could legitimize Israel's suffocating isolation of Gaza.[3] 

Enough is enough: these civilian deaths can't go on, and we can't let Bush and 
co block a fair, negotiated ceasefire. 250,000 of us have signed the ceasefire 
petition, let's make it half a million -- we'll publish it in a hard-hitting ad 
in the Washington Post and deliver it in meetings with UN Security Council 
members -- follow the link below to see the ad, sign the petition, and forward 
this message to all your friends and family: 


Our efforts really can make a difference -- Israel's own foreign minister 
admits that international pressure, if intense enough, could ensure a 
ceasefire. As the international community debates and delays, civilians are 
dying by the day. The top UN official in Gaza says, "There's nowhere safe in 
Gaza. Everyone here is terrorized and traumatized." Opposing a United Nations 
resolution, Bush reportedly proposes to exclude Hamas from any ceasefire deal 
and leave Israel a free hand, something that would guarantee that the violence 
continues. That's why we're targeting incoming President Obama and US 
decision-makers, as well as the European Union and other international leaders, 
to pursue a fair and stable resolution. 

To be lasting, a ceasefire must protect civilians and end all attacks -- 
Israeli bombings and incursions as well as the rockets Palestinian factions 
fire into southern Israel. International supervision is desperately needed at 
the borders, to reopen Gaza's borders and crossings for food, fuel, medicine 
and goods, to prevent weapon-smuggling which has only grown under the blockade, 
and to monitor and enforce the ceasefire on both sides.[4] 

Hamas, which won elections in 2006 and now runs Gaza, suggests it will agree to 
such a ceasefire.[5] It should be challenged to live up to its word just like 
Israel. There is no military solution for either side -- it's time for world 
powers to step in, advancing a fair deal to protect civilians on all sides and 
let them live their lives in peace and security. Sign the petition now at the 
link below and send this message to everyone you know -- we'll publish it in 
The Washington Post and elsewhere, and seek face-to-face meetings to deliver 
the petition with the Obama team, the UN Security Council and European leaders: 


With hope and determination, 

Paul, Graziela, Ricken, Luis, Alice, Brett, Ben, Iain, Paula, Veronique, Milena 
and the whole Avaaz team 

P.S. We wrote to European, US and Arab leaders last week about our campaign, 
and received several responses -- now we need to escalate the pressure. For a 
report on many of Avaaz's other campaigns so far, see: 


1. Associated Press: "Israel Shells Near UN School, killing at least 30" (5 
January 2009) 

2. "Gaza: outlines of an endgame", Ghassan Khatib (6 January 2009)

Al-Jazeera: "Arab ministers hold UN ceasefire talks" (6 January 2009):

Associated Press: "Diplomats seek truce as civilian toll rises" (5 January 

3. Israel Today: "Israel rejects European, UN efforts for immediate ceasefire" 
(5 January 2009):

Yediot Aharonot: "Israel examining international treaty to isolate Hamas" (5 
January 2009)

4. These parameters are advocated by a broad range of experts and policymakers. 
See for example International Crisis Group's Ending the War in Gaza report (5 
January 2009):

5. Reuters: "Hamas seeks truce but says lifting siege a must" (5 January 2009) 

Strikingly, the US Army War College has just released a substantial report 
supporting the view that Hamas can and must be brought into negotiations and is 
capable of sustaining a long-term truce, or even peace with Israel. Linked via:

The inside story of the civil strife between Fatah and Hamas and the Bush 
administration's involvement in this debacle is best-told in The Gaza 
Bombshell, an investigative article published in the leading US magazine Vanity 
Fair in April 2008:

This news item from November 2008 provides more background to the story of how 
the Israel-Hamas truce collapsed: 


ABOUT AVAAZ Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning 
organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's 
people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) 
Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a 
global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, 
and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click here to learn 
more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and 
Myspace and Bebo pages!
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