Israel's leading writers demand talks with Hamas on a ceasefire 
By Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem
Published: 26 September 2007
A group of Israel's most influential writers - including David Grossman, Amos 
Oz and A B Yehoshua - have called on the government to open talks with Hamas on 
a ceasefire in Gaza.

Yehoshua, one of Israel's most revered novelists, underpinned the call 
yesterday by pointing out that Israel had "many times" negotiated in the past 
with its sworn enemies.

The 11 writers have signed a petition urging Ehud Olmert's government to 
negotiate to end both the militant rocket attacks on Israel and the frequent 
air strikes and military incursions into Gaza by the Israeli military. The 
conflict has repeatedly cost Palestinian -including civilian - lives in recent 
weeks as well as bringing misery to the western Negev border town of Sderot 
because of persistent Qassam attacks.

The Israeli cabinet - which has rejected the call - last week declared the Gaza 
Strip a "hostile territory" and decided in principle to start cutting off its 
fuel and power in a move which has provoked serious public concern by both the 
EU and the UN.

Yesterday in a further response to last week's cabinet decision, the Israeli 
bank Hapoalim announced it was severing connections with Palestinian banks in 

Yehoshua declared from his home in Haifa that he and his colleagues had made 
the call to end "the very disturbing, very terrible situation for the 
inhabitants of Gaza and for Israelis who live along the border".

He added: "We have many times negotiated with enemies who are totally hostile 
to Israel or didn't recognise Israel - Jordan, Syria and Egypt. In 1981 
Menachem Begin agreed to a ceasefire with the PLO [Palestinian Liberation 
Organisation] even though it was completely denying the legitimacy of Israel."

Yehoshua explained that of the two parts of the petition the first had been to 
encourage Mr Olmert to pursue his negotiations on an outline accord with the 
Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, who has established an emergency 
government in the West Bank.

But he warned that he doubted the Israeli public would endorse a peace deal 
between Mr Olmert and Mr Abbas, or sanction withdrawals of troops and settlers 
from the West Bank, "without calming Gaza".

He said that he believed Hamas should be offered ceasefire talks before 
implementation of "extreme measures" against the population of Gaza.

"I do not know how Hamas will respond." But he said the offer of talks - which 
would be unconditional on both sides - "would throw the dice into the hands of 
Hamas and say stop the stupid rockets you are launching into Israel".

Acknowledging that there had so far been no positive response from the 
government, Yehoshua said that one of the aims had been the longer term one of 
helping to "prepare the legitimacy" of such talks with Hamas.

He said the PLO - now headed by Mr Abbas - was these days a "dear son" to 
Israel but added: "I remember 20 years ago when we were calling for talks with 
them if you even mentioned the words PLO people said they wanted to kill you."

But he said he also hoped that the authors' declaration would "enter the 
consciousness" of Palestinians in Gaza so that they would bring parallel 
pressures on Hamas for a ceasefire.

Mark Regev, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, said: "We are an open and 
democratic society where people can hold different opinions. But the opinion of 
the government is that if you start to talk to Hamas and give them legitimacy 
and recognition, you undermine the [Palestinian] moderates."

Taher Nounou, spokesman for the de facto Hamas government led by Ismail Haniyeh 
in Gaza, said any ceasefire had to be conducted on both sides and that Israel 
had to "lift the siege" on Gaza. Any reaction to the intellectuals' proposal 
should await an official response from Israel.

Before Hamas's bloody takeover of Gaza in June, Hamas had insisted that any 
ceasefire had to operate in the West Bank, but Yehoshua said the West Bank was 
now an issue for the emergency Palestinian government - with whom there was a 

* Israel's Infrastructure Minister, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, said the jailed Fatah 
leader Marwan Barghouti should be released in a prisoner exchange involving the 
Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped in Gaza 14 months ago.

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