MIDEAST: Hamas Flag Goes Up in Lebanon Camps

By Anand Gopal

BADDAWI CAMP, Lebanon, Sep 5 (IPS) - There is a new look to the entrance of the 
Palestinian refugee camp Baddawi in northern Lebanon. Hanging above the armed 
man who guards the entrance are posters of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the slain 
spiritual leader of Hamas, and other fighters from the Palestinian guerrilla 
group. Nearby, a huge Hamas banner covers the side of a house, and down the 
road Hamas flags flutter in the wind.

Just months ago, such banners and posters would have been torn down by 
supporters of the rival Fatah party. But many residents here say that they have 
grown disillusioned with Fatah (known in Lebanon as Fatah Abu Ammar) after its 
defeat in Gaza in June and its handling of the crisis at the nearby refugee 
camp Nahr al-Bared. 

When Islamic militants opened fire on Lebanese security forces in late May, the 
Lebanese Army entered Nahr al-Bared despite a longstanding agreement that 
allows Palestinian groups to police the camps. The ensuing battle between the 
Army and the militants completely destroyed the camp and displaced thousands of 

Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) officials in Lebanon, led by members of 
the Fatah party, sided with the Army, despite what many here perceive as 
indiscriminate shelling of Nahr al-Bared. 

On Sunday, the Lebanese Army declared victory, after more than three months of 
fighting, and everywhere Lebanese are waving flags and honking horns in 
support. But instead of rejoicing, many Palestinians here are angry with Fatah 
and the PLO for failing to protect civilians. 

"These politicians allowed the Lebanese army to destroy the whole camp," said 
former Nahr al-Bared resident Abdel Salaam Khader, who lost a brother in the 
fighting. "We have been exposed many, many times to Israeli bombs, but even the 
Israelis destroyed certain places and not a whole camp." 

He added, "They could have dealt with the fighters in a different way, not in a 
military way. The Palestinian leaders made an agreement with the government 
that caused us to lose our homes and possessions." 

When fighting began and the first wave of displaced Palestinians arrived at the 
Baddawi camp, Fatah leaders promised funds for reconstruction, compensation for 
victims of violence, and talks with the Army to ensure that the camp would not 
be destroyed. But according to many of the displaced, the Palestinian 
leadership has not delivered on any of these promises. Locals also accuse Fatah 
and other PLO leaders of not preventing the Army from arbitrarily detaining and 
torturing Palestinians fleeing the violence. 

"Fatah Abu Ammar did not protect civilians, and on the contrary they gave the 
Lebanese army and government all the help they needed," said a former Nahr 
al-Bared resident who asked not to be named. "Until now we don't have a clear 
timetable about the future, about the rebuilding of our camp, the date of our 
return, or what will happen to Nahr al-Bared. Fatah Abu Ammar didn't give us 
any help; they only went on TV and made grand promises. They only give money to 
those who belong to them. But Fatah Abu Ammar has given us nothing." 

Samer Diad, another local resident, added, "While Abu Ammar (Yasser Arafat) was 
alive, we called them Fatah Abu Ammar. Now we call them Fatah of the Thieves." 

Lebanon's Palestinian refugee camps are home to over 400,000 Palestinians and a 
variety of political groupings. Many of the factions are grouped under the PLO, 
which includes Fatah as a leading party. The leadership of Fatah and other PLO 
factions came to Lebanon in the early seventies. By the end of that decade, 
Fatah became a powerful force in Lebanese politics and in the lives of 

Palestinian refugees looked to Fatah for social services, jobs, protection, and 
as the leading force in the fight against Israel. After the Israeli Army 
invaded Lebanon and expelled the PLO leadership in 1982, a steady decline of 
the PLO began, and with the onset of the first Intifadah in 1987, the 
frontlines of Palestinian struggle moved to the Gaza Strip and West Bank. 

Despite the PLO's decline, however, it always had a strong base in Lebanon. But 
with the ascendancy of Hamas in the Occupied Territories, Fatah's negotiations 
with Washington and Tel Aviv and the siege of Nahr al-Bared, many analysts 
contend that Fatah's support in the camps of Lebanon is at an all-time low. 

Ashraf Ibrahim, analyst and community leader at the Njaz Community Centre in 
Baddawi, insisted that many people looked to Fatah to represent the Palestinian 
people in Gaza and in Nahr al-Bared, but in both cases Fatah failed. 

"Fatah Abu Ammar wants to be the unique force in all of the camps," he said. 
"They want to crush the other groups and become the unique representation for 
the refugees. Therefore they have good relations with the government, but they 
don't talk about Palestinian rights." 

The PLO recently reorganised its command structure in Lebanon. According to 
some local reports, the PLO is moving to strengthen its position in Lebanon in 
an effort to counteract the rising popularity of Hamas and other groups. 

Dr. Kassim Subiyeh, a Fatah representative in Lebanon, said that "I feel that 
people's response to Nahr al-Bared is temporary. They expected more and did not 
get what they expected. Other movements and factions are using this against 
Fatah. But I am sure with a little time people will start using their mind and 
not their affections." 

Leading PLO representative in Lebanon and Fatah commander Munir Maqdah told IPS 
that "(Nahr al-Bared) is not the fault of Fatah. People are coming to trust 
Fatah more and more. Fatah is a movement for all Palestinians. It comes from 
the womb of the Palestinian nation, so no one can remove it." 

However, many Palestinians here in former Fatah strongholds are turning to 
Hamas. "Hamas is gaining influence here," Ashraf said, "because from the 
beginning they took the right position. They said we are against the military 
aggression of the Army. They said we will pressure the politicians to help our 
displaced and work until everyone is returned to their home." 

Moreover, Hamas' takeover of Gaza in June and its insistence on demanding the 
right of return of refugees to the Occupied Territories has only increased its 
standing in the eyes of many in the camps. When asked about the issue of right 
of return, Fatah representative Subiyeh told IPS: "Leave it for hundreds of 

For the Palestinians of Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared, many twice displaced and 
living eight to a room, this may be a hard pill to swallow. (END/2007) 

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