December 9, 2007


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George 
Santayana (1863-1952)

The Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF) view with much concern the events that 
have unfolded the past few weeks which only testifies to the wisdom of the 
abovementioned verse. 

Civil society and the world at large has been treated to dark images of the 
streets of Kuala Lumpur due to memory lapses on the part of both the government 
and the governed.

The unprecedented, highly inflammatory and malicious statements issued by P. 
Uthayakumar, as legal adviser to Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force), failed to 
recognized the decorum of civilized discourse and was calculated to incite 
racial and religious discord among Malaysians.

The perennial denial of  her citizens to a peaceful assembly and the 
inappropriate show of force by the police   only serve to demonstrate an unduly 
autocratic political governance out of sync with the higher  aspirations of the 
democratic process.

  1.. URGE the leadership of Hindraf to furnish the legal evidence for their 
alleged grouses and grievances and cease the distortion and falsification of 
historical facts; 
  b.. URGE the leadership of Hindraf to exhaust all the legal avenues within 
the Malaysian legal and judicial system to seek redress of their alleged 
discrimination and marginalisation; 
  c.. URGE the government to respect and honour the fundamental right of the 
freedom of expression and peaceful assembly of her citizens; 
  d.. URGE the government through the office of the Inspector General of Police 
to not inflame further the situation by its high handedness but instead observe 
due restraint; 
  e.. URGE the government through the office of the Attorney General to study 
the Court action filed by Hindraf in the UK and to take the necessary 
preemptive steps relevant thereto; 
  f.. CONDEMN in no uncertain terms the veiled threat of violence by some 
leaders of Hindraf if its demands are not met; 
  g.. SUPPORT the aspirations of all Malaysians to treasure   the peace and 
harmony we have thus far enjoyed and protect it against all forms of subversive 
Dr Mazeni bin Alwi
Muslim Professionals Forum Berhad

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