Dream begins to fade under state of siege
January 19, 2008

Palestinians see Israel's continued settlement building as proof of its bad 
faith in negotiations for a viable Palestinian state, writes Ed O'Loughlin.

Other related coverage
  a.. Israel hiding settlement facts to protect image
  b.. Bush urges end to Israeli 'occupation'
  c.. Bush gets new-style road map in Israel
  d.. Bush to land in Israel as Annapolis hopes fade
  e.. Bush a force for unity - in cynicism

Visiting the Holy Land last week the US President, George Bush, repeatedly 
spoke of his vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living in peace and 
security "side by side".
Had Bush experienced more of the occupied territories than he did on his two 
short trips to Ramallah and Bethlehem he might have seen another vision taking 
shape in valleys and on hilltops, one expressed not in words but in concrete. A 
future, already at hand, in which two peoples live not side by side but one 
beneath the other.

Take, for example, El Khader, only a few minutes' drive south of Jerusalem, 
where the Palestinian conurbation of greater Bethlehem comes up against Route 
60, the West Bank's main north-south highway.

Driving south along the road this Tuesday, the Israeli rights activist Hagit 
Ofran pointed out the high concrete wall separating the road, from which most 
Palestinian vehicles are banned, from the Arab city to the east.

Then she gestured towards a large hole being dug on the other side of the road. 
"That," she said, "is going to be a tunnel. Five Palestinian villages are now 
trapped west of the wall and the road, between here and the Israeli border and 
the Jewish settlements over there.

"So Israel is building a tunnel for the villagers under its road. The tunnel 
will also have an Israeli checkpoint. If they want to go to Bethlehem the 
villagers can wait however long it takes them to get through the checkpoint. If 
they want to have visitors they won't be able to. Only the people who live in 
those villages will be allowed through. Eighteen thousand people will live only 
through this tunnel."

El Khader fell away behind and she pointed to the left again, to long lines of 
handsome, red-tiled houses stretching for three or four kilometres along a 
scenic ridge.

"That's the Jewish settlement of Efrat. It lies on the east side of the road, 
so here the Israeli fence is going to go all the way round still further into 
the West Bank to include it on the Israeli side."

A little further on the road narrows and begins to wind a little, passing 
through a couple of small Palestinian villages.

"That nice valley you see below us, to the right, full of cultivation, is going 
to be a new bypass road for the settlers," she says. "So they don't have to 
pass through Palestinian villages any more. It's being built on security 
grounds, so the army doesn't even have to formally confiscate the land from the 
farmers. It can just tell them it's seizing it temporarily, and that maybe 
they'll get it back some day when it doesn't need it anymore."

That, she suspects, won't be any time soon. As a field monitor for the Israeli 
group Peace Now, Ofran is responsible for monitoring the steadily growing 
Israeli network of hilltop settlements and military bases, industrial zones, 
restricted "bypass roads", walls and fences.

Taken altogether, rights groups and United Nations observers say, Israel's West 
Bank infrastructure is turning the territory into an archipelago of 
disconnected Arab enclaves, controlled by walls, fences and checkpoints which 
Palestinian people and goods cannot cross without Israeli military permission. 
In the settlements and on the bypass roads, meanwhile, Jewish settlers and 
visiting Israelis - even foreign tourists with no connection to the land - 
enjoy freedom of movement and superior rights and protections to the indigenous 

Bush may have spoken forcefully of the need for a contiguous Palestinian 
territory - "Swiss cheese isn't going to work when it comes to the territory of 
a state" - but with at least half of the West Bank land already allocated to 
settler or Israeli military use, according to the Israeli rights group 
B'tselem, there seems to be little room left for a Palestinian state.

Even moderate Palestinians are now asking whether Israel's introduction of more 
than 450,000 settlers into the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, in 
defiance of international opinion and law, has killed off lingering hopes for 
the Palestinian state that both sides supposedly agreed to in the 1993 Oslo 

Increasingly there is talk of a "one-state solution", whereby the 3.7 million 
Palestinians of the occupied territories would, like residents of black 
homelands in apartheid South Africa, reject talk of autonomy and instead demand 
equal citizenship in the state that in practice controls their lives.

Together with the 1.4 million Arab citizens of Israel, the Palestinians are 
already approaching in number Israel's 5.4 million Jews. Palestinian demands 
for equal rights would therefore pose a deadly threat to the Zionist state's 
aim of remaining both Jewish and democratic as even the Prime Minister, Ehud 
Olmert - formerly a champion of "Great Israel" - recently warned.

"For me the one-state solution is not a political goal - the Israelis would not 
accept it - but it's rapidly becoming a reality," says Hanan Ashrawi, an 
independent Palestinian MP and winner of the 2003 Sydney Peace Prize.

"The settlements and walls and roads and tunnels are the superimposition of an 
Israeli reality over Palestinian land, a grid put in place to control 
Palestinian movement, resources and land, that is making it impossible to build 
a Palestinian state."

The facts established, she says, already closely resemble the former Israeli 
prime minister Ariel Sharon's proposal to impose on the Palestinians a "state" 
consisting of isolated "cantons", connected by Israeli-controlled bridges and 

"Any sane person knows they can't swallow the land without the people, they 
can't expel all of us and they can't destroy all of us," she says. "What they 
are condemning us to instead is to occupation that will last for generations."

While most Israelis blame Palestinian terrorism for the repeated failure of 
peace initiatives, Palestinians see Israel's incessant settlement building as 
proof of its bad faith in past negotiations. Far from declining with the 
signing of the Oslo Accords, the pace of settlement growth accelerated 
dramatically, so that there are now three times as many Jews living in the 
occupied territories as there were in 1993.

The Israeli Government even drew rare criticism from the US when, only days 
after Bush's Middle East peace conference in Annapolis last November, it 
announced plans to build hundreds of new homes in two Jewish settlements on the 
outskirts of Jerusalem, further isolating Arab areas of the city from the rest 
of the West Bank.

The announcement was a grave embarrassment to Israel's supposed negotiating 
partner for the "two-state solution" - the Palestinian Authority chairman, 
Mahmoud Abbas - struggling to retain some authority despite his loss of the 
Gaza Strip to Hamas last year and his repeated failure to win any significant 
relaxation in the occupation regime in the West Bank. The Palestinian 
Authority, a rump government without a state or territory, responded by 
cancelling several meetings with Israeli negotiators.

Bush's visit last week finally gave the impetus for talks to begin, even though 
Olmert bluntly stated in Bush's presence that Israel's previous promises to 
freeze settlement do not oblige it to stop building in large West Bank 
settlements or anywhere in East Jerusalem, which Israel has unilaterally 
declared to be its sovereign territory.

"We do believe that there is a natural growth issue - if a family has another 
child and needs another room we approve that, if they need a new school we 
approve that," says Arye Mekel, a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry. 
"As far as Jerusalem is concerned there is a basic disagreement between us and 
the Palestinians . We don't see that this is a settlement issue. We need to set 
it aside for a little while."

He rejects Palestinian charges that the settlements have left them no room for 
a viable state and that, by continuing to expand them, Israel's actions speak 
louder than its words.

"The fact is that we are discussing every issue and every issue can be on the 
table," says Mekel. "The borders of the Palestinian state are a real issue. We 
are trying to define them together . Nobody has said all the settlements will 
stay. All that is said is that there will be painful concessions on either 

But after Israel's 2005 withdrawal of 7500 settlers from Gaza, the 
predominantly Jewish fundamentalist settler movement has vowed to resist, 
violently if need be, any further attempts to uproot Jews from what they see as 
their sacred homeland. Not only do these "religious Zionists" feel, like many 
of their secular counterparts, that Jews have a superior historical right to 
live in the Holy Land, most also believe it is their religious duty to further 
extend Jewish control over all of "the Biblical Land of Israel".

"It was never their [the Muslims'] land," says Arieh King, a leading campaigner 
for Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem and a reserve officer in an elite 
Israeli commando unit.

"They lived there but for how long? One hundred or two hundred years. Can you 
compare that to two thousand years or three thousand years, like the Jews? The 
Christians have more rights here than the Arabs. They were here before them."

He dismisses the notion that today's Palestinian Muslims could be descended in 
large part from the mainly Christian Palestinians who converted to Islam 
following the Arab invasions in the seventh and eighth centuries.

"There was nobody here when the Arabs came. The Christians all ran away back to 
Europe, and there was only 10 or 12 thousand Jews who never left their 

A self-avowed racist, King is a leading light in a movement, financed as far as 
is known mainly by wealthy foreign Jews and - critics say - with quiet backing 
from the state, to secretly acquire Arab property in East Jerusalem to build 
Jewish settlements.

"It's racist because I believe any Jew that believes in our holy book, the 
Bible, or any Christian who believes in the Bible, he knows that Jerusalem was 
and will forever be a Jewish city, the capital of the Jewish nation, of the 
state of Israel. I'm a Jew, and I'm not ashamed to say that what is interesting 
to me is the future of the Jewish nation, not the future of the Muslim nation . 
The Arabs can do whatever they want. I'd prefer them to take the money that we 
are offering them to sell up and leave the country."

Such views have their counterparts on the Palestinian side, where Muslim 
fundamentalists talk of all Palestine, including Israel, as sacred Islamic soil 
from which all infidels - and especially Jews - should forcibly be driven.

Rabbi Arik Ascherman bemoans the notion that Jews should concern themselves 
only with Jewish rights and welfare. A leader of an 80-strong Israeli group 
called Rabbis for Human Rights, this week he and several supporters were again 
risking assault and arrest by placing themselves between Palestinian farmers 
and the extremist settlers who were trying to prevent them from tending their 
olive trees.

"A lot of what the settlers say has some basis in the Bible, but at the same 
time one of the first things we learn from the Book of Genesis is that all 
people are created in God's image," he said. "One way to understand that is 
that we have an obligation to honour God's image in every human being. I think 
the major dividing line in the Jewish world today is not whether you are Reform 
or Conservative or Orthodox or secular. It's whether you see our basic 
obligations as human beings as only being towards our fellow Jews - or even 
just to our fellow Jews in our own community - or do you have the same 
obligations towards all other human beings."

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