Children in Chad charity case are not orphans, UN says
DAKAR, Senegal: Virtually all of the children a French aid group tried to fly 
out of Chad had been living with family members in villages and were not 
orphans of the Darfur conflict, as the group claimed, the United Nations said 

That finding was based on interviews with some of the 103 children as the 
government and aid groups tried to figure out where they came from and how to 
reunite them with their families.

"These were not orphans in the desert," said Annette Rehrl, a spokeswoman for 
the United Nations refugee agency. "They were living with their families."

A French aid organization, L'Arche de Zoé, or Zoé's Ark, had claimed that the 
children were sick, hungry and abandoned, and had raised money from European 
families to rescue the children and place them temporarily in French homes. But 
checkups showed the children to be in good condition, Rehrl said.

"In the context of Chad these are healthy, well-fed children," she said.

Six French aid workers and seven Spaniards, the crew of the plane that was to 
take the children to France last Thursday, have been arrested and charged with 
attempted kidnapping and fraud. The plane was stopped moments before it was 
scheduled to take off from Abéché, a small, dust-choked city that is the base 
of operations for dozens of aid groups working in eastern Chad.

Interviews were conducted with the children who are old enough to talk, and 
many were able to give basic information about where they had come from and who 
they lived with, Rehrl said. But because the children are so young - they range 
between 1 and 10 years old - gathering specific information has proved 

"When you ask a child what is his father's name he will say daddy, not Robert 
or Muhammad," said Inah Kaloga of the International Committee of the Red Cross, 
which will oversee the effort to find the children's families. Using 
photographs and information in interviews the organization hopes to reunite the 
children with their families, but that is likely to be a long and complex 
process, Kaloga said.

The majority of the children came from Chadian villages along the border with 
Sudan, but aid officials were not able to say if the children were Chadians or 
Sudanese. The border between the two countries is long and porous, and the 
violence in Darfur and in eastern Chad has pushed residents of both countries 
into each other's territory.

As they wait, the children are being kept in Abéché's orphanage, where they are 
attended to by health and social workers, Rehrl said. She was quick to add that 
the children were being kept there not because they are orphans, but because 
the orphanage was the only "child-friendly space available, with a courtyard 
and toys and places for them to sleep." The children had been asked how they 
came to be in the custody of Zoé's Ark, but Rehrl declined to describe their 
stories, citing confidentiality.

The scandal has sparked outrage and condemnation across Africa, where it has a 
deep resonance from the colonial era, when slave traders, missionaries and 
colonial officials blithely separated African families with little regard to 
their wishes. In Congo, government officials suspended all adoptions by 
foreigners to examine their procedures more carefully, according to The 
Associated Press, and protesters angry about the attempted kidnappings took to 
the streets in Chad.

The scandal has also raised tensions between Chad and France just as the 
European Union begins deploying a peacekeeping force in the region aimed at 
shoring up Chad, which has been increasingly drawn into the four-year-old 
conflict in neighboring Darfur.

In the close-knit world of aid organizations operating out of Abéché the 
bizarre tale has brought a mix of apprehension and anger. White trucks bearing 
the flags of many well-known international aid groups like Oxfam, Doctors 
Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee ply the rutted dirt 
roads of Abéché, part of an army of aid workers helping hundreds of thousands 
of Sudanese refugees and Chadians displaced by the fighting in both countries.

The Chadian government said this week that it planned to tighten its procedures 
for aid groups. The hullabaloo around the abducted children has proved a burden 
on already stretched aid workers, Rehrl said. Figuring out who these children 
are, where they are from and uniting them with relatives "will take several 
weeks if not months," she said.

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