Respected Jock

I have a registred company  "Clear Speech" for Trans & Interpretation.
We translate Grom English to Urdu. and Urdu to English.
Pl contact if u need.



To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 13:36:51 +0000Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Fw: Translators needed for poem

FROM: LindaPlease contact
directly if you can translate this!  Hi,I'm looking for translators -- Spanish, 
Arabic, French, German, etc. (Italian's taken care of :)Thanks,Jock"The 
Revolution Will Not Be Organized"The revolution will not be organized,the 
revolution will not be organized .com,the revolution will not be Yahoo Grouped, 
Meetuped,downloaded, uploaded, QWERTY'd, or blogged.The revolution will not be 
handled by webmasters,think-tankers, authors of policy position papers,authors 
of anti-policy position papers,secretaries, executives, executive 
assistants,insiders, whistle-blowers, informants, counter-informants,committees 
or sub-committees.Your neighbor with excellent leadership qualitieswill not 
lead you into, through, or out of the revolution.The revolution will not be 
inspired, instigated, managedor controlled by him, her, or them.The revolution 
will not be organized.No matter if you eat at McDonald's and can barely walk,no 
matter if you drive an S.U.V. and rarely walk,no matter if you were public 
school indoctrinated,vaccinated, humiliated, ostracized, terrorized, 
minimized,no matter if you live in a house owned by BofA,no matter if you eat 
cat food, dog food,Puppy Chow for your inner child,no matter if you shop at 
Salvation Army, Saks, TJ Maxx,when the Cold Hand of Power touches you,it 
touches revolution.They will come to chip you, rape you,tell you you are 
theirs, imprison you in FEMA campsbecause you spoke out,because you doubted the 
official story,because you looked with your own eyes,spoke from your own 
heart.They will come for you in black uniforms, black helmets,swinging black 
batons, symbols of the New Authority,and you will say,"No, my children and I 
will not come with you."You will say no -- not because Charlie Sheeninspired 
you one night on FOX Newsto look more closely at falling towers.You will say no 
-- not because Alex Jonesled you through the darkness with a bullhorn.You will 
say no -- not because Howard Zinnhanded you the Book of Truth on a silver 
platter.You will say no because you are your ownstar of truth shining the 
way.At your unique hour, in the dark,beneath a burning paper currency moon,the 
Cold Hand of Power will touch you and revolt you.At your unique hour,when they 
come for you because you asked questions,because you did not lower your 
eyes,because you did not bow down,at your unique hour,in your unique 
circumstance,you will find yourself in the grip of a courageyou have not known 
but which you are.You will stand in front of black helmets with invisible 
faces,and you will say,"No, my children and I will not come with you."Daughters 
and sons of revolutionaries,blood burning for freedom,eyes set toward 
tomorrow,each of you alone in the darkness,beneath tender constellations 
burning gold and silver,each of you will remember the path to takewhen the Cold 
Hand of Power comes for you,each of you will make your way without direction or 
encouragement,as those before you made their way without direction or 
encouragement,forging history, embracing destiny.You will not march in file.You 
will not march.The revolution will not be organized.In your darkest 
hour,beneath the burning moon,you will pledge allegiance to the truth,as those 
before you pledged allegiance to the truth.The truth cannot be organized. *  *  
*  *"The Revolution Will Not Be Organized"written by Jock Doubleday on 
September 24, 2008

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