RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

2008-04-13 Thread gee camarudin
assalamo alaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuho.. i am very much interested in recieving your books to improve my ispiritual knowledge. here is my address GUIARIA S. CAMARUDIN #53 Cosette Dormitory, Marulas, MacArthur Hi-way, Valenzuela City philippines [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Re: [IslamCity] Please respond

2006-04-17 Thread gee camarudin
WA ALIKOM MISALAM... I THINK THE IDEA IS GREATfatimas_73 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Assalamu alaikumI have a survey regarding an online subscription based arabic educational website. It's for children and may be used by parents, homeschoolers, and teachers alike.If anyone here is interested

[IslamCity] MSG or Monosodium Glutamate: does anyone knw what enzyme used in making MSG here in the Philippines? is it the porcine (from pork) or bactosoytone??? really need help

2005-07-08 Thread gee camarudin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Asalamualaikum, Your question makes logical sense. I can remember when the United States citizens boycotted French wines because the French would not help them go to war. When all of us on Allah's earth are here for a temporary time, I would let Allah "judge"

Re: [IslamCity] 10 islamic books free from islamic center in egypt for new muslims

2005-06-29 Thread gee camarudin
assalamo alaikom wr. wb. please send to Guiaria S. Camarudin #53 Cosette Dormitory Marulas, MacArthur Hi-Way Valenzuela City, Philippines we are students FatimaUniversity,College of Medicine we are actually very much involved in propagating da'wah among non-muslims... "Dr.