Subject: Democracy and Rights are also for Palestinian Refugees
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 00:10:38 +0100
From: "Office Civitas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  View Contact Details  View Contact Details

Democracy and Rights are also for Palestinian Refugees

Karma Nabulsi, The Electronic Intifada, 10 May 2005 

At this very moment in the Arab world, Europe, and further afield,
Palestinians from all walks of life have been gathering together in
large and small meetings to discuss the issues that concern them, in
open debate. They choose the things they wish to speak about, and raise
the issues that concern them. They discuss how to advance their rights 
and there are certainly a multitude of them - legal, economic, civic,
political, and social. 

The Civitas project, based at Oxford University and facilitated by a
team of just three Palestinians based there, is helping to establish 
Palestinian refugee communities living in exile in the Middle East,
Europe and further afield can have better channels of communication 
their national representative the PLO and its institutions, the host
country where they currently reside, the humanitarian agencies that
serve them, and ways to connect to other refugee communities, both
inside and outside of Palestine. In this way Palestinians can 
themselves, and reconnect to the institutions that serve them, and
mobilise for their rights. Each refugee community has taken it upon
themselves to run their own needs-assessment where they determine which
mechanisms they might need - for example by strengthening existing
structures such as unions and associations, by regular newsletters,
delegations, monthly meetings, education committees, and other means of

This project is based upon the right of Palestinians everywhere, both
inside and outside of Palestine, to participate together in the 
for achieving these rights. In Sweden, in Germany, in Yemen, in 
in Greece, in Iraq, in Spain, this basic right to participate is
something the Palestinian people insist upon - the right to speak for
themselves, the right to struggle for their rights and not to wait for
them. This follows a long tradition of political struggle and activism
directed from the ground up, and it is this right that has sustained 
Palestinian people for so many generations. No leaders, no government
(in the Arab world or in the West), can deny the power of this energy
and commitment, nor its legitimacy. The people speak for themselves.

The results have been extraordinary, and quite unprecedented. Run by
local activists and grass-roots associations on a volunteer basis in
each of these refugee and exile communities, the meetings have
demonstrated a key reality that is often ignored and misunderstood, 
in the Arab world and in the West. The Palestinian body politic is 
and united on a variety of central concerns, and has not been 
or destroyed in spite of more than 10 years of concerted attempts to do

The early findings from the debates also demonstrate the centrality of
certain issues- the first is that the PLO is the sole legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people wherever they are. This
declaration of representation and popular sovereignty does not come 
the leadership - it comes from the people themselves, and is a
confirmation of the utmost significance. Although the PLO has
facilitated some meetings in a number of countries through their
embassies, it is not run or organised by the PLO, but by local 
activists. Palestinian political life is still made up of the
traditional democratic mechanisms - parties, factions, unions and
associations of all kinds. Although the political parties and factions
have supported the objectives of the project from its inception, it is
the local associations on the ground that convene, invite, and involve
their own community to attend these public debates, so that everyone 
speak for themselves, and no-one can speak on their behalf.

The other key concern that emerges is the centrality of the right of
return. Whatever the differences in living conditions and civil status'
of the refugee and exile communities in various host countries, this
common understanding is evoked time and time again. Whether in
Vlaartegan in Holland or Rashidyeh camp in South Lebanon, this issue is
one of the first to be raised, demonstrating that it is the essence of
Palestinian political identity, and a central unifying factor, rather
than an issue that divides Palestinians.

The debates and workshops are taking place in dozens of cities in over
25 countries across the Middle East, Europe, North and Latin America.
They follow different models according to the local geographic, social,
and political constraints. Active members of Palestinian refugee
communities have the responsibility to reach out to the different
sectors of their community so the debates can be as inclusive and
popular as possible. During the debates care is taken to ensure that 
ideas and suggestions of the participants are noted down in detail and
are also recorded on audio and sometimes also video cassettes, so as to
guarantee that their voices and views are accurately recorded. 

In Denmark meetings have been held in the different towns where there
are sizeable Palestinian refugee communities. Similarly, such meetings
have taken place throughout Sweden in the cities of Malmo, Uppsala and
Stockholm, and are set to take place in other towns in May. In Berlin,
and Frankfurt, Germany, where the largest Palestinian communities in
Europe is to be found, meetings have begun, and larger ones will take
place in the major towns this month and next. In Holland on Land Day, a
large public meeting was convened, and a series of smaller meetings
follow this month. In Athens and Thessalonika in Greece, in Barcelona,
Madrid, and the United Kingdom in the coming days, in Canada and 
next month, Palestinians are finding ways to ensure Palestinians
everywhere can have the possibility to participate in the issues that
concern them, at the same time.

An extensive series of meetings have been held all over Lebanon..
Volunteer teams working on the project have organised meetings in the
key regions, ensuring participation of different sectors of the
Palestinian refugee community and a large attendance. The meetings 
with public as well as syndicate meetings of workers, youth and
students, and women for the Tyre region: a public meeting in the
El-Rashidiyeh refugee camp was followed by a syndicate meetings in 
El Shamali, El-Rashidiyeh, and El-Bass refugee camp. An open public
meeting in Bourj El Barajneh refugee camp initiated syndicate meetings
that have taken place in the Beirut area, including Shatila and Mar
Elias. Additionally, an opening public meeting was held for the north
area of Tripoli, where more than 400 Palestinians from the refugee 
of Nahr El Bared, El-Baddawi, and the surrounding areas attended, many
arriving in buses in order to actively participate in the meeting which
lasted for several hours, and were followed that next week by syndicate

Participation has been impressive and diverse, varying in attendance
from 20 up to 400 people, depending on the form of the meeting, the 
of the community in the region in question, and the capacity of local
organizers to reach out to the community at large. Many of the new
generation are participating in the debates and expressing their
concerns, and in many areas these meetings are the first time they had
come together for many years, if at all. Suggestions and ideas brought
forth during the meetings so far have been creative and rich, both in
their content and their quantity. Ideas range from enhancing existing
civic structures; practical issues such as obtaining Palestinian I.D.
papers for local refugee communities in Europe as a way to both prove
and protect Palestinian identity; twinning programs and 
between Palestinian refugee communities around the world; radio 
and web-sites; maintaining and updating registration with UNRWA if they
are currently residing outside UNRWA mandate areas; organizing
delegations and committees to voice concerns with all relevant bodies:
the PLO, international humanitarian agencies such as UNRWA and the
UNHCR. The refugees express the view that improving their political,
economic, social and legal conditions will empower them, give them
better chances to participate effectively in decisions relating to 
future, and will help them better argue for, and obtain, their rights.
More ideas and recommendations are coming in daily as the debates

Most encouraging for the Palestinian refugees, isolated and ignored by
the international community, is that they are learning about other
refugee communities across the world. There is a common hunger to learn
about the situation of Palestinians everywhere, from Iraq to Chile, to
el Bass, to Sweden, about which they now know little. They are
discovering common concerns, common quests, common hopes and dreams.
Young Palestinians all over the world are learning about their common
history and the present reality of Palestinian refugees, forging new
friends and alliances, and taking forward this cause into the coming
years. This is our strength and our hope.

Dr Karma Nabulsi is a Research Fellow at Nuffield College, lectures at
Oxford University, and was formerly a PLO representative. For more
information about the Civitas project, see 


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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