McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam : 

Senator John McCain hailed as a spiritual adviser an Ohio megachurch pastor who 
has called upon Christians to wage a "war" against the "false religion" of 
Islam with the aim of destroying it.

'False Religion'


McCain 'Spiritual Guide' Says America Founded to See Islam Destroyed.


The War Camp is Intent on Striking Iran

By Mehrnaz Shahabi 

The current accusations and threats against Iran are in clear violation of the 
United Nations Charter. The tragic death of over a million Iraqis and thousands 
of coalition soldiers must be a dire warning to politicians and journalists 
alike that the consequences of a possible war on Iran would be even more 
catastrophic, not only for the people of Iran, but globally.


Expanding The "War" In Order To End It

 By Jane Stillwater

Did you know that Richard M. Nixon was elected to the US presidency in 1968 on 
a platform that claimed he would end the war on Vietnam? It's true. And what 
did Nixon do once he was safely elected? He broke his promise, escalated the 
war on Vietnam and then went on to bomb Cambodia! "Why did you bomb Cambodia?" 
the press asked Mr. Nixon.



By Charley Reese

Nothing alarms me more than the thought of an irrational person in the White 
House. I'm OK with stupid. I can live with venal. I can tolerate a womanizer, 
even a drunk, but a crazy person in command of our nuclear forces gives me the 
heebie-jeebies. Somebody who can't tell the difference between a nuclear-free 
Iran with no ICBMs and Russia with thousands of nuclear warheads sitting atop 
advanced intercontinental missiles has no business being allowed in the White 
House, even as a tourist.


Oil: A Global Crisis

By Geoffrey Lean

The Iraq War means oil costs three times more than it should, says a leading 
expert. How are our lives going to change as we struggle to cope with the $200 


Wake Up, America. We're Driving Toward Disaster

By James Howard Kunstler

The public, and especially the mainstream media, misunderstands the "peak oil" 
story. It's not about running out of oil. It's about the instabilities that 
will shake the complex systems of daily life as soon as the global demand for 
oil exceeds the global supply.


Carter Urges 'Supine' Europe To Break With US Over Gaza Blockade

By Jonathan Steele and Jonathan Freedland 

Ex-president says EU is colluding in a human rights crime.


The Old Lie

Dulce et decorum est - Pro patria mori 

By Kristina M. Gronquist 

As Memorial Day approaches, much of the media will roll over backwards to 
glorify war and all the soldiers slaughtered in wars. Tributes to the dead are 
easy; the dead don't talk back.


Clinton, You Invoked a Political Nightmare 
 Special Comment By Keith Olbermann - Video and Transcript
 Olbermann: Referencing RFK's assassination as a reason for staying in the race 
is unforgivable.


Iraq: At least 8 killed as US occupation grinds on: 

A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed at least six members of a U.S.-backed 
neighbourhood patrol and wounded 18 in the town of Tarmiya, just north of 


US occupation forces kill another two civilians, child wounded: 

Two civilians were killed and a child was wounded on Saturday by alleged 
U.S.ocupation force fire in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, a local police 
source said.


Hezbollah 'to back Iraq resistance' : 

Hassan Nasrallah, 'the secretary-general of Hezbollah, has said that his 
organisation "is siding with the resistance in Iraq" in a speech to hundreds of 
thousands of supporters in Beirut, the Lebanese capital.


Manufacturing Consent For An Attack On Iran:: 

Iran 'paid Iraq insurgents to kill UK soldiers': 

Iran has secretly paid Iraqi insurgents hundreds of thousands of American 
dollars to kill British soldiers, according to a leaked government document 
obtained by The Telegraph.


Building a Case for Attack on Iran's Nuclear Sites: 

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) is preparing the case for 
why an attack - either by the U.S. or Israel - on Tehran's nuclear facilities 
might not be as calamitous as most analysts, including top Pentagon brass, 


Jimmy Carter says Israel had 150 nuclear weapons: 

Israel has 150 nuclear weapons in its arsenal, former President Jimmy Carter 
said yesterday, while arguing that the US should talk directly to Iran to 
persuade it to drop its nuclear ambitions.


Jimmy Carter calls for US to make friends with Iran after 27 years: 

Mr Carter also suggested the US should provide nuclear power technology and 
fuel to Iran as a show of goodwill.


Fact or fiction? 

Palestinians reject Israeli offer to hand over 91.5% of W. Bank : 

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the negotiations are 
being conducted behind closed doors, said Palestinians were ready to trade only 
1.8 percent of the West Bank for Israeli land.


Lebanon's New President to Strengthen Ties with Syria: 

After a six-month vacancy, Lebanon swears in a new president Sunday. The vote 
in parliament for Gen. Michel Suleiman ends 18 months of political stalemate.


Bush Invites New Lebanese President To White House: 

President George W. Bush on Monday invited incoming Lebanese President Michel 
Sleiman to Washington for talks after congratulating him on taking office, 
Bush's spokesman said


Seven civilians killed in heavy Somali fighting, witnesses say: 

At least seven civilians including a two-year- old boy died and several others 
were injured Monday during heavy fighting between Islamic insurgents and 
government forces in occupied, south Mogadishu, witnesses said.


Possible US Attack On Somalia: 

Officials in Somalia say a series of air strikes, possibly by US planes, have 
caused explosions in the country's south.

Foreign Occupation Force' In Somalia Rejected: 

A Somali Islamist commander yesterday rejected a United Nations resolution that 
could see UN peacekeepers sent to the war-racked African nation, calling for a 
"war" against any such deployment.


FBI files indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as war criminals: 

The report makes it absolutely clear that torture was ordered and planned in 
detail at the highest levels of the government-including the White House, the 
National Security Council, the Pentagon and the Justice Department.


'Sleeper cell' case questions Bush authority to hold US residents as enemy 

Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri is a U.S. resident being held in a South Carolina 
military brig; he is the only enemy combatant held on U.S. soil. That makes his 
case very different.


UK: MPs warn that defence giant could give census secrets to US spy chiefs: 

Personal details from the next census could be disclosed to US authorities if 
an American defence company wins the contract to run it, the Treasury Select 
Committee says today.


Does Lieberman Still See Hagee As Moses Incarnate?: 

Though this disturbing information was widely disseminated, and was accessible 
simply by Googling Hagee's name, the John McCain campaign courted Hagee's 
endorsement, and ultimately accepted it in a highly publicized ceremony three 
months ago.


Former Bush aide Rove again subpoenaed in probe: 

The former deputy White House chief of staff quickly indicated through his 
attorney he would again refuse, citing executive privilege that protects 
conversations between a president and his staff.


George Soros: rocketing oil price is a bubble: 

Speculators are largely responsible for driving crude prices to their peaks in 
recent weeks and the record oil price now looks like a bubble, George Soros has 


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