Report: Muslim Boycott Hurts Denmark's Economy (

The Danish Arla Foods Company announced recently that it had suffered serious 
losses due to a Muslim consumer boycott.  If the boycott continues for the 
entire year, the company could lose $372 million, managers said.

Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller recently spoke to the local daily 
Boerson and warned that a third printing of the caricatures could cause Denmark 
serious long-term financial losses.



Great news

Hope you all know about the Denmark newspaper who made fun upon our loving 
Prophet and till now they never regret. let us make them regret for all time.

The Denmark ambassador, prime minister and Denmark channel they all try to do 
something just to stop the boycott made by Muslims last month, by which their 
losses has reached to 2 billion Euro.  If we continue to boycott Denmark 
products after 7 months it could reach around 40 billion Euro's destruction.

Dear All, please spread the news to all your friends you know in order to rise 
up our spirit and warning Denmark and other hostile nations towards Islam, we 
Muslim are united and not easy to break against any one who think to harm or 
insult Almighty's messenger (peace be upon him).

Now we need to start boycotting the Dutch products also so the people and 
government can let Wilders know how they feel about loosing money

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