Dubai detains 79 for indecent behavior on beaches 

By BARBARA SURK, Associated Press Writer -  July 15, 2008

Westerners were getting too racy on the beaches of this Persian Gulf tourist 
haven, and a police crackdown on topless sunbathing, nudity and other indecent 
behavior has resulted in 79 arrests in recent days.

Undercover officers are strolling the sand while others stand guard in new 
watchtowers to enforce the social mores of this Muslim city-state, which is a 
booming business center that is attracting growing hordes of foreign tourists.

Authorities said they began the decency campaign after police detained a 
British man and a woman who were having sex on one of Dubai's sprawling beaches 
earlier this month.

Over the past two weeks, police have detained a total of 79 people whose 
behavior was "disturbing families enjoying the beach," Zuhair Haroun, a 
spokesman for Dubai's Criminal Investigation Department, said Monday.

First-time offenders may be issued a warning, but if caught twice, tourists 
could be referred to the public prosecutor for possible criminal charges, 
authorities said.

Thousands of European and Asian expatriates live and work in Dubai, where 
native Emiratis make up only about 20 percent of the estimated 1.2 million 
residents. Shopping malls and fast food restaurants have replaced traditional 
Arab houses, and English has overtaken Arabic as the emirate's lingua franca.

Many Emiratis and Arabs visiting from other Persian Gulf countries increasingly 
feel Dubai's ambition to become a cosmopolitan metropolis and tourist 
destination is overrunning their own traditions and contradict what they feel 
is culturally acceptable.

Unlike elsewhere in the conservative Persian Gulf, tourists in Dubai are often 
seen wearing skimpy bikinis on public beaches and walk the city's streets in 
shorts. Alcohol is freely available in hotel bars and restaurants in this 
regional businesses and entertainment hub.

While pursuing the police crackdown, Dubai has embarked on a public awareness 
campaign to remind its Western visitors and foreign residents that the city may 
have flashy hotels and glitzy skyscrapers but it also is a Muslim country with 
traditionally conservative values.

The city is installing signs warning tourists in Arabic, English and several 
other languages not to sunbathe topless or change clothes in public, said 
Abdullah Mohammed Rafia, an official with the Dubai Municipality whose office 
is overseeing the public awareness campaign.

Authorities are "taking action in response to numerous complaints" filed by 
people who visit the city's beaches, Rafia said. Complaints have ranged from 
families "offended by displays of nudity" to women sunbathers who say groups of 
men stare at them while at the beach.

The police campaign also will target people who harass beachgoers with acts 
"deemed offensive, immoral or disrespectful," including loitering and 
voyeurism, said Dubai's acting police chief, Maj. Gen. Khamis Mattar al-Mazeina.

Some tourists who were enjoying Dubai's simmering sun Monday said the new 
campaign left them confused about what is considered appropriate in Dubai.

"I understand that I have to respect the rules of the country," said John 
MacLean, a British tourist on holiday with his girlfriend. But, he added, "I am 
not sure if I can kiss her or touch her in public."


It seems that Dubai is operating their government on dual standards and is 
confusing many of its visitors.

If a country is Muslim, shouldn't it be regulated by Shar'iah law? Shouldn't 
obvious "sins" be evident and eliminated? Why allow alcohol to be served in 
nightclubs that promote Western ideals? why are women in Dubai allowed to bare 
their bodies in bikinis and shorts?

This article is a classic example of "crying over spilt milk" or "closing the 
barn door after the horse has already gotten out". 

When a Muslim society opens doors and makes allowances for non-Muslims to 
infiltrate bringing their own values or lack of values in, you have to question 
"is the gain of money worth the stigma branded on ethics?"

It was bound to happen. Viruses infest their host quickly - there needs to be 
something to ward off the parasites to begin with!

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