Fatah's Fifth Column 
                  [ 29/06/2008 - 11:53 PM ]  
                  By Khalid Amayreh

                  While the vast majority of Palestinians have welcomed the 
Egyptian-mediated ceasefire between the Hamas movement  and Israel, the 
American-backed "fifth column" within Fatah is viewing the tahdiaa  or  brief 
calm in the Gaza Strip  as an existential threat to its very survival.

                  Since the conclusion of the fragile  ceasefire nearly ten 
days ago, these rouge elements have spared no effort trying to thwart the truce 
by firing primitive projectiles across the border. They also have been accusing 
Hamas of betraying the resistance and undermining the vital interests of the 
Palestinian people.

                  Of course, the purported  concern for  the resistance is 
plainly insincere and disingenuous.  It is an exposed and cheap distraction 
aimed at blurring the real purpose of these thugs,  namely  to provoke Israel 
to revoke the ceasefire and carry out an all-out invasion of Gaza to destroy 
Hamas and hand over the coastal territory to Israel's and America's agents.

                  Isn't  exactly  this goal that these "Fatah leaders" have 
been intimating to western news agencies and Israeli correspondents, always "on 
condition of anonymity."

                  We all know and the bulk of Palestinians know that  these 
mercenaries are first and foremost   answerable to US General Keith Dayton, who 
 effectively serves as American High Commissioner in Ramallah, and  is himself  
answerable to  Elliot Abram, who is more or less AIPAC's representative in the 
Bush administration.

                  Abrams has always worked strenuously toward igniting the 
flames of  civil war between the western-backed "moderates" and the "extremist 
elements" led by Hamas. He had actually made several public statements to that 
effect, but the self-absorbed regime in Ramallah wouldn't pay attention to 
that, preferring to believe that Abrams was only making jokes.

                  The Bush administration's  goal was from the very inception , 
 and probably still i   to push the Palestinian society toward a sort of 
violent and bloody implosion that would eventually allow Israel and the neocons 
in Washington to liquidate the Palestinian cause, once and for all.

                  This is exactly what Abrams had in mind last summer when he 
okayed the transfer of huge sums of money and shipments of arms to America's 
man in Gaza, Muhammed Dhalan.

                  We all know the rest of the story as Hamas moved swiftly and 
decisively to pre-empt Abrams'  criminal designs by putting an end  to Dahlan's 
coup-in-the-making and ousting his men and cohorts from Gaza.

                  Defeated, embittered and  expelled, these people have never 
stopped hatching plots to sow the seeds of civil war and violence in the Gaza 

                  They tried every conceivable conspiracy to beat  Hamas, 
effectively on Israel's behalf,  even as the Israeli occupation army was  
murdering Palestinian civilians in droves.

                  At one point the Fifth Column in Fatah seemed fully embedded 
with Israel in the common battle against Hamas. Their collusion  with Israel 
and the US in maintaining the harsh blockade on  Gaza's 1.5 million inhabitants 
speaks volumes. It constitutes a stigma of shame on the foreheads of the 
traitors and their supporters  that will stay with them for the rest of their 

                  Having failed to dislodge Hamas, these traitors are now  
trying to sabotage the ceasefire in Gaza under the rubric of resistance. This 
happens as tens of thousands of Fatah "forces" are working in close 
coordination with  the Israeli occupation army to hound and eradicate real  
freedom fighters, including Fatah's own,  in the West Bank. Obviously, this is 
done  on Israel's behalf and in order to obtain a certificate of good conduct 
from the likes of Bush, Rice, Dayton and Abrams.

                  I realize that Fatah is not a monolithic movement. I also 
know for sure  that the movement includes many dignified and patriotic elements 
that reject the shameful behavior of  certain elements within the group  that 
claim to be speaking and acting  in the name of Fatah when they  are 
effectively at Israel's and the CIA's beck and call.

                  Unfortunately, these rouge elements have the money (American 
dollars)  and the wherewithal not only to corrode Fatah from within but also to 
destabilize the internal Palestinian front, all in the service of Israel and 
her diabolical designs against our people and enduring just cause.

                  Hence, it is imperative that  true patriots within Fatah move 
swiftly and decisively to undercut these fifth-columnists and prevent them from 
morphing the largest political  movement in Palestine from a liberation 
movement into a quisling entity.

                  Fatah leaders,  especially those who had spent many years in 
Israeli jails and dungeons, should understand that these perfidious 
money-grabbing careerists are not merely seeking Hamas's demise. They are also 
seeking Fatah's demise as well, and also the liquidation of the Palestinian 
national cause including the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

                  They  are the enemies from within. If you don't eradicate 
them, they will eradicate you.





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