amas condemns the Holocaust     Hamas  condemns the Holocaust
 Bassem  Naeem
 May  12, 2008 2:30 PM
 As the Palestinian people  prepare to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 
Nakba ("catastrophe") - the  dispossession and expulsion of most of our people 
from our land - those  remaining in Palestine face escalating aggression, 
killings, imprisonment,  ethnic cleansing and siege. But instead of support and 
solidarity from the  western media, we face frequent attempts to defend the 
indefensible or turn fire  on the Palestinians themselves.
 One recent approach, which  seems to be part of the wider attempt to isolate 
the elected Palestinian  leadership, is to portray Hamas and the population of 
the Gaza strip as  motivated by anti-Jewish sentiment, rather than a hostility 
to Zionist  occupation and domination of our land. A recent front page article 
in the  International Herald Tribune followed this line, as did an article for 
Cif about  an item broadcast on the al-Aqsa satellite TV channnel about the 
Nazi  Holocaust.
 In fact, the al-Aqsa  Channel is an independent media institution that often 
does not express the  views of the Palestinian government headed by Ismail 
Haniyeh or of the Hamas  movement. The channel regularly gives Palestinians of 
different convictions the  chance to express views that are not shared by the 
Palestinian government or the  Hamas movement. In the case of the opinion 
expressed on al-Aqsa TV by Amin  Dabbur, it is his alone and he is solely 
responsible for it.
 It is rather surprising to  us that so little attention, if any, is given by 
the western media to what is  regularly broadcast or written in the Israeli 
media by politicians and writers  demanding the total uprooting or "transfer" 
of the Palestinian people from their  land.
 The Israeli media and  pro-Israel western press are full of views that deny or 
seek to excuse  well-established facts of history including the Nakba of 1948 
and the massacres  perpetrated then by the Haganah, the Irgun and LEHI with the 
objective of  forcing a mass dispossession of the Palestinians.
 But it should be made  clear that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian government 
in Gaza denies the Nazi  Holocaust. The Holocaust was not only a crime against 
humanity but one of the  most abhorrent crimes in modern history. We condemn it 
as we condemn every abuse  of humanity and all forms of discrimination on the 
basis of religion, race,  gender or nationality.
 And at the same time as we  unreservedly condemn the crimes perpetrated by the 
Nazis against the Jews of  Europe, we categorically reject the exploitation of 
the Holocaust by the  Zionists to justify their crimes and harness 
international acceptance of the  campaign of ethnic cleansing and subjection 
they have been waging against us -  to the point where in February the Israeli 
deputy defence minister Matan Vilnai  threatened the people of Gaza with a 
 Within 24 hours, 61  Palestinians - more than half of them civilians and a 
quarter children - were  killed in a series of air raids. Meanwhile, a horrible 
crime against humanity  continues to be perpetrated against the people of Gaza: 
the two-year-old siege  imposed after Hamas won the legislative elections in 
January 2006, which is  causing great suffering. Due to severe shortages of 
medicines and food, scores  of Palestinians have lost their lives.
 It cannot be right that  Europeans in general and the British in particular 
maintain a virtual silence  toward what the Zionists are doing to the 
Palestinians, let alone supporting or  justifying their oppressive policies, 
under the pretext of showing sympathy for  the victims of the Holocaust.
 The Palestinian people  aspire to freedom, independence and peaceful 
coexistence with all their  neighbours. There are, today, more than six million 
Palestinian refugees. No  less than 700,000 Palestinians have been detained at 
least once by the Israeli  occupation authorities since 1967. Hundreds of 
thousands have so far been killed  or wounded. Little concern seems to be 
caused by all of this or by the erection  of an apartheid wall that swallows 
more than 20% of the West Bank land or the  heavily armed colonies that devour 
Palestinian land in a blatant violation of  international law.
 The plight of our people  is not the product of a religious conflict between 
us and the Jews in Palestine  or anywhere else: the aims and positions of 
today's Hamas have been repeatedly  spelled out by its leadership, for example 
in Hamas's 2006 programme for  government. The conflict is of a purely 
political nature: it is between a people  who have come under occupation and an 
oppressive occupying  power.
 Our right to resistance  against occupation is recognised by all conventions 
and religious traditions.  The Jews are for us the people of a sacred book who 
suffered persecution in  European lands. Whenever they sought refuge, Muslim 
and Arab lands provided them  with safe havens. It was in our midst that they 
enjoyed peace and prosperity;  many of them held leading positions in Muslim 
 After almost a century of  Zionist colonial and racist oppression, some 
Palestinians find it hard to  imagine that some of their oppressors are the 
sons and daughters of those who  were themselves oppressed and massacred.
 Palestinians had nothing  to do with the Holocaust but find themselves 
punished for someone else's crime.  But we are well aware and warmly welcome 
the outspoken support for Palestinian  rights by Israeli and Jewish human 
rights activists in Palestine and around the  world.
 We hope that journalists  in the west will begin to adopt a more objective 
approach when covering events  in Palestine. The Palestinian people are being 
killed by Israel's machine of  destruction on a daily basis. Nevertheless, we 
still see a clear bias in favour  of Israel in the western media.
 The Europeans bear a  direct responsibility for what is befalling the 
Palestinians today. Britain was  the mandate authority that handed over 
Palestine to Israeli occupation. Nazi  Germany perpetrated the most heinous 
crimes against Jews, forcing the survivors  to migrate to Palestine in pursuit 
of safety. We, therefore, expect the  Europeans to atone for their historic 
crimes by restoring some balance to the  inhuman and one-sided international 
response to the tragedy of our  people. 
 Envy parading behind the mask of Justice is an ugly brute.  Gai Eaton - The 
King Of The Castle 


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