*High oil price? Blame India and China, says Bush!*
*Tuesday , May 06, 2008 *

Close on the heels of President George W Bush's remarks linking Indians'
food habits to rising global prices of commodities, the United States has
now partly attributed the surge in oil futures to the increased demand in
India and China.

"There are a lot of different ways that we can reduce our dependence, but we
have more to do and it's just – and also I would point out that, obviously,
the demand for oil is growing around the world," White House Deputy
Spokesman Scott Stanzel said in a briefing.

"Many developing nations like India or China are having greatly increased
demand, which obviously is having an impact on price," the senior White
House official said responding to a question on the crude oil price crossing
USD 120-mark.

The senior White House official stressed that it was important for the
United States to become less dependent on foreign sources of energy.

Highlighting the need for "domestic exploration", he said. "We also have to
do more in terms of building refineries. We haven't built refineries in
about 30 years".

Stanzel also spoke regarding Bush's remarks, which have drawn a lot of flak
from every section in India, saying the United States saw "higher living
standards" of people there as a "good thing".

"We think that it is a good thing that countries are developing; that more
and more people have higher and higher standards of living," he said.

However, he apparently did not go back on Bush's point that Indian food
habits were contributing to spiralling prices of commodities, which in turn,
were worsening the global food crisis.

"The point that I think was to be made is that as you increase your standard
of living, the food that you eat can venture more into meats that require
more commodities to feed the livestock which, you know, uses more of those
commodities, whether it's corn, or wheat, or other commodities and it drives
up the price. So that is just a function of how those food prices that we've
seen spike around the world," Stanzel said.

Three days ago, Bush had specifically took the case of Indian middle class
to argue that its demand for better nutrition was a factor in pushing the
global food prices up.

"There are 350 million people in India who are classified as middle class.
That's bigger than America. Their middle class is larger than our entire

"And when you start getting wealth, you start demanding better nutrition and
better food, and so demand is high, and that causes the price to go up,"
Bush had said.

Meanwhile, the senior White House official also defended US policy on
biofuels saying it was having just a "small impact" on the rising prices of
food commodities.

"There's been a lot of discussion about biofuels and the impact that
biofuels have on increase food prices around the world. As you'll see here,
over the last year, food prices have increased about 43 per cent around the

"Of that portion, an increase in the biofuel production, about 1.5 per cent
of that is due to an increase in biofuel production," he said.

"So the fact that we are making more biofuels so we reduce our dependence on
foreign energy has an impact, but we believe it is a small impact," he

*US clarifies Bush remark on food crisis
Ashish Kumar Sen writes from Washington*
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The White House on Monday sought to cool passions in India ignited by
President George W. Bush's remarks that an increased demand for food in
India had contributed to the global food crisis.

White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said the point Bush was trying to make
was that "as you increase your standard of living, the food that you eat —
it can venture more into meats that require more commodities to feed the
livestock, which uses more of those commodities, whether it's corn or wheat
or other commodities, and it drives up the price. So that is just a function
of how those food prices that we've seen spike in the — around the world."

Last week Bush, citing India as an example, said, "Their middle class is
larger than our entire population. And when you start getting wealth, you
start demanding better nutrition and better food, and so demand is high, and
that causes the price to go up."

The comments created an uproar in New Delhi. But Stanzel was quick to
clarify that a growing middle class is a "good thing."

Nicholas Minot, senior research fellow at the International Food Policy
Research Institute in Washington told The Tribune, "Rather than blaming
India and China for purchasing more food than they used to we need to focus
on what can be done to meet those increasing demands."

Analysts say the focus on producing bio-fuels, a so-called green alternative
to gasoline, is in part to blame for the food crisis. Stanzel agreed, "As
you'll see here, over the last year, food prices have increased about 43 per
cent around the world," he said, adding, "Of that portion, an increase in
the bio-fuel production, about 1.5 per cent of that, is due to an increase
in bio-fuel production."

The other causes for rising food prices, he said, was "increased demand,
increased energy prices, or weather-related problems in Australia or in
Eastern Europe - problems with wheat production, as an example — that's
driving up the price of those commodities."

With rising gasoline prices, there is an increased interest in bio-fuels.
Yet this alternative takes a heavy fuel on the food market as maize that
would otherwise have been used to produce corn syrup or animal feed is
diverted toward producing ethanol.

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