Hillary As  US Secretary of State



US President-elect Barack Obama has nominated  Hillary Clinton as his secretary 
of state. The news follows weeks of speculation as to what role the former 
first lady would play in the Obama administration. Mrs Clinton lost out to Mr 
Obama when the two contested a bitterly fought race for the Democratic Party 
presidential nomination. At a news conference in Chicago, Mr Obama also 
announced nominations for other key National Security team posts. Although the 
two repeatedly clashed during the nomination race, Mrs Clinton went on to 
campaign for Mr Obama as he took on Republican John McCain in the race for the 
White House. 
Former president Bill Clinton had cleared the way for his wife's appointment by 
reaching a complicated agreement on his financial arrangements, reports said. 
Correspondents said there had been fears her nomination could falter over the 
appearance of conflicts of interest between her husband's charitable foundation 
and lucrative speechmaking schedule. 


We feel it is a very important appointment for the US.As Mr Obama wants change 
in most respects, we hope Mrs hilary Clinton will be an asset for him with her 
experience  as a Senator, highly scholarly back ground and her close 
observation of the operation of foreign policy during Mr Clinton’s time.

We hope she understands the long –standing problems of the world in Palestine, 
Kashmir, festering civil wars in Africa, nuclear issues with Russia and other 
countries, Iraq , Afghanistan and so many others.If Obama wants change, she has 
to bring some moral judgment of the issues.Only national interest  will not 
bring any real solution.The crisis in international arena is really the 
abandonment of moral positions and in the last fifty years we have seen only 
multiplication of problems in the international arena. Wars, application of 
force, bias towards some nations , brinkmanship have produced nothing positive 
as we have seen in Iraq, Afghanistan  and many other places.We hope and pray 
that  Mr Obama and Mrs Hilary Clinton  really take some serious steps  to 
enhance peace and harmony in the world.

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