Hindu extremism has been on the rise since these older reports but it never 
went checked and now it has led to them doing current day bombings among other 
worse things.


Hindu Extremism Being Ignored

Monday January 19, 2004

The American media often has a lot to say about Islamic militants and Muslims 
who commit violence in the Middle East, and it is true that they pose a threat 
to others (as well as to other Muslims). However, that same media typically 
ignores similar extremism and similar violence committed by Hindu nationalists 
in India. Pakistan's Daily Times reports: 

Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at Freedom House's Centre for Religious Freedom 
who recently published a book on the rise of Hindu extremism in India, writes 
that a country once personified by Mahatma Gandhi is fast becoming known for 
religious hatred and violence. While India remains the world's largest 
democracy, the ruling BJP is linked to Hindu extremist groups like the RSS, the 
Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), which mount hate campaigns and 
sometimes-violent attacks against religious minorities and demand that Hinduism 
dominate society and politics. The RSS was founded by admirers of fascism and 
Nazism, produced Gandhi's murderers and is now perhaps the world's largest 
paramilitary organisation, with millions of members, he adds. 


India's political traditions are founded upon liberalism, democracy, and 
tolerance - but the growth of extremism in that nation threatens those 
foundations, and threatens to ignite not only internal violence, but also 
conflict with other nations like Pakistan. There are justifiable concerns about 
the possibility of Muslim extremists taking over in Pakistan, a country with 
nuclear weapons, but we should have similar concerns about India as well - a 
country which is much larger, more powerful, and which possess more nuclear 
weapons than Pakistan.


Hindu Extremism on the Rise in India

Conservative News Service, Feb 14, 2000

NEW DELHI, India (CNS) -- Hindu fundamentalist groups in India are trying to 
curb the activities of other religious groups and control the "expressions" of 
those not conforming to their world view, according to analysts here. As 
examples, analysts point to Hindu attempts to change the Indian constitution in 
ways that would curb artistic free expression and restrict the right of 
minority Christians and Muslims to preach and practice their religion freely. 

"Increasing intolerance among the Hindu fundamentalist organizations, which 
pose a grave threat to democracy, are an indication of the rise of fascist 
forces in India," said politics professor M. Mohanty of Delhi University. 

"What happened with European fascism is now happening with the Hindus," he told 

Kanti Bajpai, professor of international politics at Jawaharlal Nehru 
University, agreed, telling CNSNews.com that "the rise of right-wing politics 
in India is far more advanced and violent than in Austria." 

More than 80 percent of India's nearly one billion people are Hindus. Muslims 
form a sizeable minority of around 15 percent, while just 2.5 percent are 

Although Hindu fundamentalist leaders have formally denied responsibility for 
attacks on minority religious communities, their propaganda is characterized by 
threats of violence. 

In Orissa, where Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were 
murdered 13 months ago, the local government passed an order last November 
prohibiting religious conversions without the prior permission of the local 
police and a district magistrate. 

The order, an amendment to the 1967 Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, stipulates 
that a citizen wishing to convert must undergo a police inquiry to explain his 
or her reasons. 

India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, has passed a bill restricting the 
building and use of places of worship. It is awaiting the approval of the 
Indian president. 

The western state of Gujarat recently lifted a ban on government employees 
being members of the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (national 
self-service organization, or RSS). 

The RSS, which claims to be a socio-cultural organization, is the main think 
tank of several fundamentalist bodies in India, including the ruling Bharatiya 
Janata Party (BJP). The RSS functions as the principal guardian of Hindu 

An RSS member assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. It has been banned three 
times since independence for its activities. 

Also in Gujarat, lawmakers soon will debate a draft Freedom of Religion Bill, 
which makes it a criminal offense to use force or fraud in converting a person 
from one religion to another. 

Hindu fundamentalists forced an Indo-Canadian movie director, Deepa Mehta, from 
filming a movie that reportedly depicted an upper caste Hindu widow falling in 
love with a lower caste laborer as well as widows being forced into 
prostitution by those in the upper castes. 

Taking exception to the storyline of "Water," activists said it "tarnished the 
image of the country and Hindus." 

Actress Nandita Das, who stars in "Water," said the fanatics were misleading 
people and causing trouble for the whole society "in a country known for its 
unity in diversity." 

Political scientist Mohanty warned that the greatest danger to India's 
"extremely strained social fabric" may come not from Sikh or Muslim 
separatists, but from Hindu fundamentalists. 

The vice-president of the ruling BJP, J.P. Mathur, said Hindus were known for 
their tolerance, but that "Muslim fundamentalism has now forced us to raise our 
head and counter it. It is all because of the survival of the fittest." 

India has a long history of violence between the Hindu majority and Muslims. 
Recently, Christians also have been targeted. 

The New Delhi-based United Christian Forum for Human Rights has documented more 
than 120 attacks against Christian individuals, churches, and schools, 
allegedly by Hindu fundamentalists, in the past year. Half of the incidents 
have occurred in Gujarat. 

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Delhi, Alan de Lastic, said extremists were 
employing a national-level strategy to try to stem the influence of Christians. 

"It is more pronounced in states where there is a government affiliated to the 
Hindu ideology and a small Christian population," he said. 

A resurgence of Hindu fundamentalism has taken place over the past decade, 
beginning with an RSS television campaign in the late 1980s to forge a 
self-conscious collective Hindu identity. 

In 1991, present Home Minister L. K. Advani undertook a historic "chariot 
journey" from a Hindu temple in Gujarat to the legendary birthplace of the 
Hindu god Ram. 

The symbolic journey helped transform the BJP from marginal group with just two 
seats in parliament a decade ago to the ruling party today. 

In 1992, Muslims became the main targets of Hindus with the destruction of a 
mosque built in the 16th century on a site some Hindus believe a Hindu temple 
once stood. 

International politics professor Bajpai compared the strategy used by the RSS 
to that of Joerg Haider and the Freedom Party in Austria. 

"The right here too advocates extreme and flagrant positions and then retreats 
and recants as a way of disarming critics and opponents - and succeeds only too 

The fundamentalists had also used the fear of "outsiders within" to build a 
support base. 

"Immigration has been one way of doing this, but more important here has been 
the portrayal of religious and ethnic minorities as aliens whose loyalty to the 
nation is questionable," Bajpai explained. 

"Measures need to be taken to curb this trend, otherwise it will destroy the 
multi-cultural fabric of India," warned Mohanty.





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