IAEA Should Not Give-Up Its Independence: Stand Up Against Pressure

International news agencies said , Iran accused the UN nuclear watchdog on 
monday of giving in to Western pressure in its latest report on the Iranian 
nuclear drive which struck a tougher tone."We were expecting more than this 
from the agency," foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told 
reporters."If it was not for the pressure from one or two countries, the agency 
could have made a better report which would not have given any opportunity for 
some countries who are seeking pretexts to put pressure on us."In its report, 
the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed "serious concern" that Iran 
was hiding information about alleged studies into making nuclear warheads as 
well as defying UN demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Hosseini's remarks 
underline Iran's growing frustration with the IAEA after Western countries 
seized on the report to repeat their concerns about the contested nuclear 
programme.The new speaker of parliament Ali Larijani, a former nuclear 
negotiator, has condemned the agency's attitude as "regrettable" and warned 
that Tehran will consider revising its cooperation should this continue. 
Hosseini also protested the IAEA was "not acting on its commitments" by 
continuing to investigate a document which shows how to machine uranium metal 
into two hemispheres of the kind used in nuclear warheads.Iran in November 
handed over the document to the agency, which had been demanding it for two 
years.He complained the agency previously said this case was closed: "One 
negative point in the (IAEA) report is to leave open the metal uranium 
document... Thus, we believe that the agency has not acted based on its 
commitments."In the report, the IAEA says that "Iran needs to... provide more 
information on the circumstances of the acquisition of the uranium metal 
document."According to diplomats, the IAEA's deputy director general Olli 
Heinonen described the document as "alarming" at a closed door meeting."The 
agency should not permit any pretext from certain countries to affect the 
relations between the agency and this country," Hosseini added.

We are concerned at the accusation of IAEA that Iran is hiding information to 
IAEA about its nuclear program. Such allegation without proof will encourage 
the war-mongers of USA and other powers.We have noted in the past that IAEA is 
cowed down by US and others. US at a point of time campaigned against even 
AL-Barade, the IAEA Chief. This is a way of weakening the resolve of IAEA. We 
hope that IAEA will remain neutral and should not fall in trap of war-monger 


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