Manik Mukherjee, General Secretary of the International Anti-imperialist and 
People’s Solidarity Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC), has issued the following 
statement condemning the indictment of President Omar Hasan Ahmad Al Bashir of 
the Republic of Sudan by the International Criminal Court.
The International Anti-imperialist and People’s Solidarity Coordinating 
Committee (IAPSCC) strongly condemns the recent action of the International 
Criminal Court of issuing a warrant of arrest of H.E. Omar Hasan Ahmad Al 
Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan. This is an assault on the 
sovereignty of an independent state, and is nothing but an imperialist 
conspiracy against Sudan which is following a policy of development not guided 
by the imperialist dictates. Sudan has not granted the imperialist powers 
access to its rich oil resources and opposed the US-led war against Iraq and 
its subsequent occupation. This has infuriated USA and its allies who are bent 
on destabilizing the country. They fanned up ethnic conflicts in Sudan and 
militarily trained, aided and incited the rebel groups to fight against the 
Sudan Government. It is a common imperialist strategy to foment mistrust and 
division among the different ethnic groups in a country, to
 instigate civil wars, and to allow these to continue through direct 
intervention and supporting one group against the other. Afterwards they cry 
hoarse on ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’, and demand that the 
perpetrators must be tried and punished. We witnessed it in Cambodia, in 
Rwanda, in Yugoslavia. And everywhere such charges were leveled against that 
side which was most opposed to the imperialists. On an entirely motivated and 
false allegation about possession of weapons of mass destruction USA and its 
allies invaded and occupied Iraq and devastated the country. We witness a 
similar imperialist policy in action against Sudan - a conspiracy is being 
hatched against the country. After instigating the internal conflict the 
imperialist powers are now vocal about ‘genocide’ in Darfur. They have launched 
a propaganda blitz on the sufferings of the people in Darfur and are calling 
for direct military intervention and a permanent
 presence of Western powers in Sudan to monitor the situation.
The imperialist powers are using the International Criminal Court as their tool 
to destabilize independent countries and bring them under their control. They 
have done this in the past and they are doing it now. We emphasize that the 
Sudanese people are the sole custodians of their country. It is they alone who 
can chart out a course for tackling all their internal problems without any 
foreign interference or any external pressure. Sudanese people do not need to 
be taught by the imperialists how to protect human rights. The IAPSCC affirms 
its solidarity with the Sudanese people in their fight against imperialism to 
protect the sovereignty of their country. The IAPSCC calls upon the 
freedom-loving people all over the world to come out in protest against the 
imperialist maneuvers and organize movements to foil their conspiracy.
Sent by: Office of International Anti-imperialist and People’s Solidarity 
Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC). e-mail –


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