Iran's package for global problems
Tue, 29 Apr 2008 00:13:35

   Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili says Tehran will soon unveil a
package of proposals which aims at solving the world problems.

In a news conference after talks with acting Russian Security Council
Secretary Valentin Sobolev in Tehran on Monday, Jalili said he discussed the
'outlines' of the package with the Russian official.

Jalili added that the package could provide a basis for negotiations with
world powers including p5+1.

In response to a question about the details of the package, the Iranian
senior official said "Iran and Russia agree that the world could no longer
be unipolar."

"All countries should participate in the developments that are brought about
in the world," he added.

"In the move towards a multi-polar world, Iran's capacity and power can not
be ignored and the country could contribute to the world security," the
Iranian official said.

When asked if nuclear issues were discussed during his meeting with Sobolev
and if there is any relation between Iran's nuclear issue and the package,
Jalili said that "the package is about important international issues and we
believe that the nuclear issue could be a subject for discussion between the
world powers and the Islamic Republic."

"Iran has serious proposals on how to minimize the nuclear threat around the
world and how to encourage nuclear disarmament around the globe and at the
same time promote continued technological cooperation in the field of
peaceful nuclear energy."

Sobolev, speaking through an interpreter, said Russia supports any new
suggestion which stabilizes international security and global peace.

He reiterated that Iran's activities are peaceful and not a threat against
any country.

Russia's Sobolev arrived in Tehran late on Sunday to hold talks with Iranian

*Mahathir calls for war crimes tribunal for US, UK leaders*
Sunday, Apr 27, 2008, Page 4

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad called on Friday for an
international tribunal to try Western leaders for war crimes over the war in
Iraq, a spokesman for the organizers said.

In a speech at Imperial College, Mahathir called for a tribunal to try US
President George W. Bush and former prime ministers Tony Blair of Britain
and John Howard of Australia for their part in the conflict, said a
spokesman for the Muslim group the Ramadhan Foundation, which organized the

The spokesman, Mohammed Shafiq, said that Mahathir, who was in office from
1981 to 2003, wants to see the trio tried "in absence for war crimes
committed in Iraq."

"[The speech] was a opportunity for students to put a range of questions
about war crimes and the international situation. He said that people have
to stop killing each other and use arbitration, negotiation and discussion
as an alternative to violence, war and killing," the spokesman said.

On the war in Iraq, Mahathir spoke about "the thousands dying, the economic
war, the power of oil and how we could utilize some of these tools to have a
leverage against the people who commit countries to war," Shafiq said.

He purposely did not speak about or answer questions from students on the
political situation in Malaysia, Shafiq said.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is facing growing demands to
quit, following an unprecedented electoral setback last month.

More than 450 people attended the speech and about 200 more had to be turned

Mahathir was in Cuba earlier this week to take part in the first
International Conference of the Cuban Center for Studies on Defense

The Ramadhan Foundation is a leading British Muslim youth organization
working for peaceful co-existence and dialogue between communities.


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