Islamic values for Good Governance 
  Undoubtedly, Islam is "Din-e-Kamil" a perfect religion.  
Its laws and commandments are in conformity with laws  
of nature. Islam is a complete code of life for salvation  
and welfare of mankind in this world and afterlife. There,  
is nothing in Holy Quran which can be regarded as contrary  
to the scientific findings. It is supposed to be a book of  
guidance not only for Muslim but the entire humanity. In  
fact the Holy Quran goes to the extent of saying that All  
Men are a Single Nation.  
In Holy Quran we can find broad principles of good governance, 
justice and fairplay - rather than any specific system or 
method - not only for the rulers but also for those who  
exercise bureaucratic authority and power as well as for 
the politicians and members of opposition. Study of Holy 
Quran and Sunnah would help our bureacrats and aspiring  
rulers to evaluate the manners in which the powers and  
authorities are to be exercised and improve performance  
and conduct according to that. 
  Islamic values for Good Governance 
  Late President General Ziaul Haque had  wrItten a letter of  
commendation to Altaf Ahmed Kherie for  his book "Islam -  
A Comprehensive Guide Book". In that he has discussed the  
Islamic values for good governance  in the light of the verses 
in Holy Quran and practices and sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).  
As he mentions all the fundamental Human Rights, the principle of  
equality of human beings and Islamic brotherhood, the right to  
freedom of speech, expression and conscience, the guarantees of  
safety of life, property and honor, the right of everyone to get  
his just dues, the right of governance by consultations are all  
enshrined in the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet's sayings and  his  
last sermon and his precepts and practice. These did not remain  
merely as a paper declaration but were fully implemented and  
acted upon by the four rightly directed Caliphs, who performed  
all the functions of an Islamic State.  
  According to H. G. Wells in 'Outline of History'; "Abu Bakr  
and Umar are two master figures in history of Islam. Abu Bakr's  
reign was short; but his achievements were momentous. His  
imagination and his determined leap into Syria and Iraq laid  
the foundations of the Arab World empire."  Umar streamlined 
the administration of the Islamic state and created separate 
departments for justice, finances, military and police. 
All the four caliphs strictly observed the sanctity of 
governance by consultations and justice for all - including 
Non-Muslims equally.  
  It is ironical that the principles of human rights and  
governance through consultations as enunciated over 1, 500  
years ago by the Holy Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) have been  
forgotten by Muslims but they have been adopted by the West  
in some way. The system of governance in USA appears to be 
based on the some of the same basic ideals as laid down in  
Holy Quran. Examples for good governance were not only 
by the Holy Prophet but also by his immediate successors -  
the four rightly directed caliphs (Khulfa -i- Rshidin). 
  In the light of different verses of Holy Quran, scholars like  
Altaf Ahmed Khairie and Dr. Fazlur Rehman Ansari have pointed  
out that  the sovereignty belongs to Allah. Man is merely a  
vicegerent of Allah on the Earth and cannot be absolute owner  
possessing absolute sovereign rights. He can act only as a  
trustee and has to perform the duties as a ruler, in  
consultation with the Shura and according to the commandments  
of Holy Quran and as laid down in Sunnah.  
  a) Allah's promise of granting power and authority is for  
those who believe and act righteously for the benefit of  
the society. And this authority must be exercised for  
establishing Islam and peace and to ensure justice, fair  
play and progress and to guard against oppression,  
injustice and wrong doings.  
  b) The role of Shura i.e. consultation to help the rulers  
in good governance has been part of our traditions and that  
paved the way of Parliament and Senate in the constitution  
of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.  
  c) But the qualifications of rulers and their deputies as  
well the voters are two major areas where conformity to  
Islamic ideals needs to be ensured. 
  The qualification for bestowing authority or eligibility  
for an office for public administration would appear to be  
knowledge (qualifications), piety, fear of Allah and  
unflinching faith and ability to do justice in comformity  
with the standards of conduct as laid down in Holy Quran  
and the Sunnah.  
  The qualification of piety would render such politicians  
ineligible to contest or vote if they have been convicted 
by a court of law of a sovereign state. The familiarity  
with the commandments and prohibition laid down in Holy  
Quran would be a must. "Deenyat" or Islamic Studies has 
been a compulsorty subject in our schools but the courses  
need to be simplified and made more practical. 
  It would do well if all the politicians and bureaucrats  
are made to undergo a refresher course relating to  
Justice, trust and other commandments of Holy Quran. 
Adult Franchise 
  An important question is that whether  the concept of the 
adult franchise or universal suffrage is in accordance with  
the Islamic values. This needs to be settled by Ijtehad. 
  There are qualifications for voters in the Western democracy  
such as age, nationality etc. Israel is purely a Jewish state.  
Muslims and Christians do not have the same right as Jews. 
  The qualification of voters according to the Islamic values  
may not be materially different as the constitution of  
Islamic Republic of Pakistan was adopted after taking into  
account Islamic values and traditions. But a review of that  
appears to be advisable. Although the beggars,  destitute,  
illiterate Muslims who do not know even the basics of Islams, 
deserve our sympathy and help, it is doubtful if their  
judgement in electing a competent representative can be  
relied upon specially as the experience has indicated that  
their votes are purchasable cheaply and easily.  Moreover,  
according to some traditions, the opinions of persons  
of guilty of moral terpitude are to be ignored! Only by  
Ijtehad we can learn if this applies to voters or candidates! 
  In his article 'Voting can be Ibadah', by Dr. Ahmad Shafaat  
writes that Ibadah, as understood in Islam, includes  
every action that is performed with the intention (or niyyah)  
of fulfilling the wishes of the Creator, whether directly or  
indirectly. --- Now, it is one of the divine wishes that  
believers run their affairs through mutual consultation  
(shura banahum) (42:36-38). --- Now, voting is a form of  
shura or consultation. ---  Consequently, it would be  
counted as ibadah in Islam if a Muslim votes with honesty.  
  When mere voting is as sacred as Ibadah, running political 
movements would require much greater responsibility and the  
all the principles for authority and use of powers apply in  
organizing political parties and their leaders must set  
example by running the party according to Islamic ideals.  
  While the Holy Quran does not specifically abolish the  
institution of monarchy, there is no trace in the holy book of 
any divine right to rule by any individual, or family or class  
or race. Although there is mention of kings, there is no specific  
provision or religious sanction for automatic succession to the  
office of ruler. According to Holy Quran the sovereignty belongs  
to Allah. Man is merely a vicegerent of Allah on the Earth and  
cannot be absolute owner possessing absolute sovereign rights.  
He can act only as a trustee and has to perform the duties as  
a ruler, in consultation with the Shura and according to the  
commandment of Holy Quran and as laid down in Sunnah.  
  Honesty and Justice in All Dealings 
  As mentioned in Sahih Muslim, the Holy Prophet (sws) based his 
dealings strictly on truth and justice. He strongly disapproved  
all transactions which involve any kind of injustice or hardship 
to the buyer or the seller. One should not take undue advantage  
of the simplicity or ignorance of the other.Islam, which condemns  
every kind of injustice and exploitation in human relations,  
wants its followers to conduct business in a sublime spirit of  
justice tempered with human kindness. 
  Holy Quran shows us that, because of moral weakness of mankind,  
God sent prophets to teach both individuals and nations correct  
moral and spiritual standards and values. As the messages of all  
prophets emanate from the same divine source, religions are  
basically one. All prophets are are the most perfect exemplars  
for humanity. And Muhammad (sws) was the last and final prophet  
and that the Quran is the final and perfect revelation of God,  
consummating and superseding all earlier revelations like  
Torah and Bible. Believe in day of judgment for rewards and  
punishment in afterlife for good and bad deeds, is among the 
basic articles of Islamic faith. 
  Excerpts from my article at
  Shah N. Khan


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