Israel hit by Bible burning row:

Yehuda's deputy mayor says he received complaints about the books, and arranged 
for them to be burnt. He has now apologised after his actions have been 
compared to those of Nazis who burnt Jewish holy scriptures.


Where Are Those Iranian Weapons in Iraq?

Analysis by Gareth Porter

A long-delayed U.S. military report on Iranian arms is unlikely to offer any 
data on what proportion of the weapons in the hands of Shiite fighters are from 
Iran and what proportion comes from purchases on the open market.


Any Change From Bush's Fundamentalism Will Do

By Adrian Hamilton

No American should be in any doubt. The world is desperate for a change of tone 
and course from the US of George Bush. Nothing short of a revolution will do.


For His Treatment of Children in the 'War on Terror,'

Bush Is a War Criminal

By Dave Lindorff

For his abuse, imprisonment and killing of children, this president should 
stand trial for war crimes.


A Loss of Balance on Israel

By Linda McQuaig

To continue to portray Israel as uniquely vulnerable stretches credulity. Yes, 
crude Palestinian rockets can reach into Israel. But Israel's existence is 
well-established. It is one of the world's best-armed countries, with a massive 
nuclear arsenal and unwavering U.S. support.


This State Cannot Survive

By Saleh Al-Naami

A growing number of Israeli intellectuals believe their state may soon implode 
by force of its contradictions and failures.


Howard Zinn: Anarchism Shouldn't Be a Dirty Word

By Ziga Vodovnik

"No doubt that anarchist ideas are frightening to those in power. People in 
power can tolerate liberal ideas. They can tolerate ideas that call for 
reforms, but they cannot tolerate the idea that there will be no state, no 
central authority. So it is very important for them to ridicule the idea of 
anarchism to create this impression of anarchism as violent and chaotic"


U.S. occupation forces kill 8 Iraqi civilians:

A U.S. helicopter airstrike on Wednesday night killed eight civilians, 
including two children, north of Baghdad, police officials said on Thursday. 
Relatives said some of those killed were fleeing on foot after the U.S. 
military arrived in the area.


TV station says U.S. troops killed cameraman:

The body of a second journalist, Haidar Hashim al-Husseini, a reporter for 
al-Sharq newspaper, was found dumped in a field with nine other corpses in 
Diyala province, police and colleagues said.


Cheney says Iraq surge is a success:

Vice President Dick Cheney told graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy that 
the recent surge strategy in Iraq has "succeeded brilliantly."


U.S. Senate approves $165 billion for more death and destruction:

The U.S. Senate Thursday approved an additional $165 billion to wage war in 
Iraq and Afghanistan for another year after lawmakers rejected proposed 
timetables for withdrawing American troops from Iraq.


Billions of Dollars Unaccounted For in Iraq, Pentagon IG Reports:

1.8 billion in Iraqi assets were also simply given away, without any 
accountability. IG investigators examined 53 payment invoices. Not one made 
note of the money's ultimate destination.


Bush is dealt a defeat on Iraq bill:

Senate Republicans have broken with President Bush to help Democrats add 
support for veterans and the unemployed to a bill paying for another year of 
the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


Iran slams US for terrorists support:

Iran's foreign ministry summons the Swiss charge d'affair to protest the 
terrorist operation carried out by a US-backed group in Iran.§ionid=351020101


Iran's surprise package tests waters:

The White House has been quick to dismiss it, and certain European diplomats 
have criticized it for "sidestepping" the nuclear issue, yet a close scrutiny 
of Iran's "Proposed Package for Constructive Negotiations" reveals a new 
Iranian sentiment in favor of compromise and flexibility on the country's 
nuclear activities.


U.S., Britain warn of new sanctions:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary David 
Miliband on Thursday stepped up warnings to Iran to "come clean" about its 
nuclear programs soon or face new sanctions.


Obama backs off from pledge to talk with Iran:

The emerging position is much more guarded than Obama's pledge during a YouTube 
debate last July to meet the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North 
Korea without preconditions during his first year in the White House


Israel kills Palestinian protesterat Gaza border :

One Palestinian has been killed and 17 more injured after Israeli troops fired 
on a demonstration at the Karni crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip.


Syria questions Israel's seriousness on peace, wants full return of Golan 

A government-run newspaper in Syria is questioning whether Israel has serious 
intentions of achieving peace and says Damascus won't accept anything short of 
a full return of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.


Bill proposal to require two-third MK majority for ceding Golan:

At least 57 MKs have already voiced support of legislation that would require 
government to obtain Knesset majority of 80 representatives before withdrawal 
from Golan Heights in future peace deal with Syria,7340,L-3546323,00.html


Netanyahu: Golan pullout would put Iran on Israel's doorstep:

Opposition leader and Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu warned Thursday that a 
withdrawal from the Golan Heights would put Israel on Iran's front lines.


Syria must cut ties with Iran: Israel:

Israel said on Thursday that Syria must distance itself from Iran and cut ties 
with groups like Hezbollah and Hamas if wants to conclude a peace with the 
Jewish state.


Lobbying for Armageddon:

Some influential evangelical leaders are lobbying for an attack on Iran. But 
it's not about geopolitics -- it's about bringing about the End Times.


McCain's Pastor Hagee on Hitler and the Jews:

John Hagee, the controversial pastor who has endorsed John McCain, argued in a 
late 1990s sermon that God sent Hitler to help the Jews get to the promised 


Two Afghans, one occupation force soldier killed in Koran protest:

A protest over the shooting of the Koran by a U.S. soldier in Iraq turned 
violent in Afghanistan on Thursday, killing a Lithuanian soldier and at least 
two Afghan civilians.


Chavez says United States is spying on Venezuela:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused the United States on Wednesday of 
using anti-drug flights for spying - and said that fighter jets are ready to 
defend Venezuela's sovereignty.


Cluster bomb ban could hurt cooperation:

A senior U.S. official said Wednesday that a proposed treaty banning cluster 
bombs would hurt world security and endanger U.S. military cooperation on 
humanitarian work with countries that sign the accord.


UN: Food costs hitting world's poor :

Food import costs to the world's poorest nations are set to rise by 40 per cent 
in 2008 on the previous year, a report by the UN's Food and Agriculture 
Organisation (FAO) says.


Oil Rises Above $135 After Unexpected Drop in U.S. Inventories:

Crude oil rose to a record above $135 a barrel in New York on concern that 
supplies are inadequate after U.S. stockpiles unexpectedly dropped last week.


Oil execs defend huge profits before Senate:

The executives, whose companies reported $36 billion in profits during the 
first three months of the year, wanted to talk about tight supplies and growing 
global demand.

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