Israeli war against Hamas scars Gaza's children

JEBALIYA, Gaza Strip – Surrounded by mountains of rubble that were once their 
homes, two dozen children sat on a rainbow-colored blanket and drew with 
They quickly filled the pages passed around by trauma counselors with pictures 
of Israeli tanks, dead bodies and Palestinians firing assault rifles — scenes 
they saw when Israel's war on Hamas came into their neighborhood.
"We felt we will die soon," 11-year-old Sharif Abed Rabbo told the group, 
describing his family's escape. "And I am sad I lost my house."
Psychologists say Israel's three-week offensive inflicted more severe trauma 
than previous conflicts in Gaza because civilians in the crowded sliver of 
territory had no safe place to run. A wartime study among hundreds of Gaza 
children showed a rise in nightmares, bedwetting and other signs of trauma, 
said psychologist Fadel Abu Hein.
Counselors and aid workers fear that Gaza's children, who make up 56 percent of 
the 1.4 million people here, will grow up hating Israel and become easier prey 
for extremists.
"We are losing the next generation," said John Ging, the top U.N. aid official 
in Gaza. As a buffer against militancy, U.N. schools are launching human rights 
classes for their 200,000 students this week.
Children and teens were particularly vulnerable in Israel's military offensive, 
launched Dec. 27 to try to halt eight years of Hamas rocket fire on towns in 
southern Israel. The rocket attacks have frightened children there and 
frequently sent them running for cover.
In Gaza, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights counted 280 children among 
1,285 dead and said one in four of the more than 4,000 wounded was a minor.
Facing the Israeli invasion, Hamas gunmen often operated from densely populated 
Gaza neighborhoods, drawing massive Israeli fire that killed and wounded large 
numbers of civilians, along with fighters. Tens of thousands fled their homes, 
seeking shelter in U.N. schools.
Among the refugees was Ansam Rahel, 10, who fled shelling of her home in the 
town of Beit Lahiya and sought cover, along with her family, in the town's U.N. 
school. On Jan. 17, when an Israeli shell struck the shelter, Ansam was hit by 
shrapnel that sliced across the top of her head. A thick welt of stitches runs 
diagonally across her partially shaved scalp, and she covers it with a ski cap.
The little girl, who carries herself with quiet grace and sadness, is back 
home, but her life has changed. Her father is in Egypt, where her 5-year-old 
sister Dima is undergoing treatment for a serious war injury. Ansam said she 
takes painkillers and doesn't sleep well.
On Saturday, she briefly returned to her school to say goodbye to friends. She 
is not well enough to attend and was told by school officials she might be 
taken to France for further medical treatment. "I didn't let them cry or feel 
pity for me," she said of her classmates.
Abu Hein, a psychologist who runs a community health center in Gaza City, said 
his teams interviewed 950 families, among them 2,180 children, in U.N. shelters 
across Gaza during and after the war.
A majority of parents told the team their children had become more clingy, and 
about one-third said their children insisted on sleeping in the same room with 
Since a cease-fire took hold a week ago, Abu Hein's center and other aid groups 
have sent teams to the most devastated areas, seeking out children for 
emergency counseling.
On Sunday, three of his counselors drove to the Abed Rabbo neighborhood of the 
town of Jebaliya, a few hundred yards from the Israeli border. The neighborhood 
came under heavy fire during Israel's ground offensive, which began Jan. 3. 
House after house in a radius of hundreds of yards were destroyed, with nothing 
left except mountains of rubble.
The counselors spread a large blanket on a small patch of grass, and children 
soon came running. About two dozen, from toddlers to young teens, sat in a 
circle and played games, raising their hands or clapping, to break the ice. A 
counselor then asked the older kids to tell what happened to them during the 
Asra Aref, 8, said her father raised a white flag when soldiers came closer and 
spoke Hebrew to them. "The soldiers told him he has just five minutes to 
evacuate the house," she said. 
Counselor Farraj al-Hau tried to assure the children, especially the boys, that 
it's OK to be scared, that he was also frightened during the war. 
Then he asked the children to draw. The youngest ones just managed a few 
squiggles, but almost all the drawings of the older ones included tanks, 
helicopters or bodies sprawled on the ground. One boy drew a Palestinian gunman 
firing an assault rifle at a tank. In another picture, two blue dots meant to 
be land mines were planted under tanks. 
At one point, 5-year-old Saja Abed Rabbo, in pigtails and pajamas, started 
crying. Counselor Mustafa Haj-Ahmed led her away and sat with her on a nearby 
chunk of cement, gently asking her what happened. She barely spoke. 
Haj-Ahmed walked with her and a relative to her wrecked home. Her grandfather, 
Mohammed, explained that the family, Saja among them, came under heavy fire in 
the house for three days before fleeing. He said Saja saw the bodies of two 
cousins, ages 13 and 14, who were killed in the fighting. 
The counselors said they'd return to the neighborhood for more intensive 
Gaza's 221 U.N. schools are also trying to help the children cope. On Saturday, 
the first day of school, teachers asked students to share their stories. 
The weekly human rights classes will include lessons about nonviolent ways of 
solving conflicts. Ging said the new program had been planned for awhile, but 
now has greater urgency. 
"We have to stand with the mothers and fathers who want their children to grow 
up to be doctors, lawyers and civilized in their behavior and their thinking," 
Ging said. "But for sure, the circumstances here, day by day, are working 
against all of us who have that agenda." 
For 14-year-old Zakariya Baroud, the trauma is still too real. He lost three 
classmates in an Israeli mortar attack that killed 42 people, most of them 
civilians, near a U.N. school in the Jebaliya refugee camp. Israel said at the 
time that troops were firing at a Palestinian rocket squad in the area. 
Zakariya said he saw bodies strewn across the main road, including that of his 
best friend, Bashar Deeb, with a deep gash in his throat. 
His father, Baker, spent eight years in Israeli prisons for activities in the 
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a violent group. He said he'd 
like Zakariya to attend university, but wouldn't talk him out of taking up 
"He is seeing suffering right now," he said of his son. "For 22 days, we were 
not able to sleep. He has witnessed the events by himself, so he, by himself, 
hates Israel."
For Immediate Release
January 25, 2009

Help Rebuild Gaza Community Mental Health Program

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is seeking financial
donations to assist the Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP), which
has suffered massive damage to its headquarters during the recent Israeli

Help is needed urgently. At this moment in the Gaza strip, the destruction
caused by the recent murderous Israeli assault has resulted in patients
being out of touch with health care professionals. The victims of the recent
military action are in dire need of medical assistance to deal with the
consequences of war-induced trauma.

Concern has been raised among health care professionals world-wide. These
professionals have called for immediate actions of solidarity to help combat
the lasting impacts of murderous bombardment, ground invasion and carnage in
Gaza. Those most affected in the Gaza Strip are the elderly, women and
children who are at the greatest risk of long term mental health problems.

While the number of people in need of help is increasing fast there are
little resources to help. As a consequence of the continued bombardment and
blockade, the Gaza Strip has witnessed a terrifying growth in mental health
problems with victims suffering from stress related conditions including
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medical sources have even noted how
some mental health workers have needed to receive counseling themselves to
enable them to cope with the terrors which have been imposed upon their
patients. Mental health services within the Gaza strip are "over-stretched"
and lack substantial funds. Without a properly functioning Gaza Mental
Health Program in the Gaza Strip, patients will continue to suffer and will
remain at a great risk.

The staff of The Gaza Community Mental Health Program provide crucial and
irreplaceable mental health services to thousands of Gaza residents with a
special emphasis on vulnerable groups such as children, women, and victims
of torture and human rights violations. For more information about the
program, see http://www.gcmhp. net/

How you can help: To help with the reconstruction of the Gaza Community
Mental Health Program, please donate online at .
Alternatively please address your check or money order to:

Al-Awda, PRRC
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA

Thank you for your support.

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442
E-mail: i...@al-awda. org
WWW: http://al-awda. org

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is the largest
network of grassroots activists and students dedicated to Palestinian human
rights. We are a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable
501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of
the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC
are tax-deductible.

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