early September the Jewish state… announced it was sponsoring an upcoming 
festival… Entitled “Facing Jihad: A Lawmaker’s Summit” , the 
meeting isto be held at (where else?) the Knesset… the purpose 
of the conference is “the formation of a new Judeo-Christian alliance to 
confront the spread 
of Islam and the violence that inevitably follows in its 
in the neighborhood of 30 million DVDs of the documentary “Obsession: 
Radical Islam’s War Against the West” were inserted into 70 of the 
largest newspapers circulating in America and distributed throughout the 
country… No one should be surprised to hear that the film and its mass 
distribution are the handiwork of Israeli partisans and Mossad assets. The film 
written and produced by Israel’s own Rabbi Raphael Shore in 2006 under the 
auspices of his Mossad-connected group The Clarion 

'Obsession' with 
Christian/Islamic Conflict
Qur’an says:
8:30 Remember how 
the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or 
get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the 
Best of Planners is 
Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews 
and Pagans; 
and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 
"We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men 
who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
The Qur’an is not a temporary book but it is truth for all times.  The Qur’an 
identifies Jews and 
Pagans as the worst enemies of Muslims. It is amazing to see that after 1400 
years the Qur’an is still true.  Imam WDM has spoken extensively 
about the Jahcubites identifying them not as all Jews but as elites amongst 
the Jews bent on world rule and domination.  The deliberate 
effort being brazenly made to demonize Al-Islam and to war against Al-Islam and 
Muslims is being made by these same people who Allah has identified as 
“strongest in enmity to the Believers”.  Today the 
Jahcubites plan is openly in full force but as Allah revealed in Qur’an “They 
plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the Best of Planners is 
As Muslims we need to not 
go to sleep but be very aware of this. We need to continue practicing the best 
of Al-Islam and building interfaith relationships, friendships, etc with other 
righteous people. But at the same time we need to be very aware of Jewish plots 
against Al-Islam and do what we can to expose them.  We cannot 
ignore what Imam WDM taught so extensively and laboriously about the 
Jahcubites because according to the Qur’an and further elucidated by the 
illustrious leader, these elite Jews are our worst enemies!!! They are boldly 
and brazenly operating on the world stage to stop the spread of Al-Islam, 
demonize ALL Muslims and spread chaos and destruction in the Muslim world. 
American Muslims should not feel that somehow we are exempt. Their target is 
ALL Muslims.  We need to be alert to their plans and 
ready to fight against them.

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."

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