Manner   Islam is a religion which tell us how to lead life .     Dawud :: Book 
32 : Hadith 4120   Narrated Usamah: 
  The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) forbade (the use of) the skins of 
beasts of prey. 
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4126   Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: 
  It is part of the Sunnah that when a man sits down, he should take off his 
sandals and place them at his side.
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4129   Narrated AbuHurayrah: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When you put on (a garment) and when 
you perform ablution, you should begin with your right side.
  Dawud :: Book 33 : Hadith 4149   Narrated AbuUmamah Ilyas ibn Tha'labah: 
  The Companions of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) mentioned this 
word before him. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Listen, listen! 
Wearing old clothes is a part of faith, wearing old clothes is a part of faith.
  Dawud :: Book 33 : Hadith 4150   Narrated Anas ibn Malik: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) had sikkah with which he perfumed himself. 

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