Migrant Workers Rights : Protection A High priority

Press has reported that a three-day regional dialogue yesterday recommended 
that South Asia should have a mechanism to monitor the state of labor migrants 
both in sending and receiving countries to protect their rights, as migrant 
workers are subjected to exploitation and abuses. South Asian speakers said the 
countries can involve all stakeholders, including international organisations, 
NGOs, independent women's organisations, media agencies, migrant associations 
and civil society organisations, in the process.The region should also adopt a 
regional legal instrument on migration based on international human rights laws 
to uphold migrants' rights, they added.International Organisation for Migration 
(IOM) and United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) jointly organized 
the dialogue on 'Implementation of international instruments on protecting 
rights of migrant workers' on August 18-20 at a city hotel. Government 
representatives from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well 
as from international organisations, NGOs, civil society groups and private 
sector took part in the dialogue.Acknowledging that South Asia is a major labor 
sending region and their workers overseas face similar challenges, the speakers 
said the region should have a common strategy to address the challenges of 
labor migration and develop an institutional framework at official level to 
facilitate the process.“Speakers said there could be shared solutions to these 
challenges. Therefore, there is a need for cooperation and collaboration in the 
field of labor migration among these countries,” said IOM regional 
representative in Dhaka at the closing session.
The speakers further noted that women migrant workers are particularly 
vulnerable and they face exploitation of specific forms that emerge from 
discrimination based on their sex, gender and the nature of their work, which 
require a special attention.
The dialogue suggested that South Asian countries should set up institutions 
for capacity building of overseas jobseekers, enabling them to be competitive 
in accessing the global labor market and exchange information and expertise on 
global labor market.

We agree with the main recommendations of the dialogue that there should be a 
mechanism to check the situation of the migrant workers in the receiving as 
well as sending countries. It has to be institutionalized to have long term 
effect. It is also not appropriate to send unskilled women as housemaids, 
whatever be the colorful  name given as governess and such other titles.In fact 
this increases sex crimes and prostitution. It is a different matter for 
educated professional women who can fgo as teachers and doctors.

Bangladesh is facing serious problem now with its migrant workers in the Middle 
East and Malaysia.The trouble in Kuwait and Malaysia require very thorough 
study to determine the problems both at sending and receiving countries and 
then holding discussion with the concerned countries. We should correct our 
policies where needed and to request the host countries to do thir duties where 
thereare problems at their end.

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