Media Advisory
    March 26, 2008
      Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians 
Independent Jewish Canadians meet to form alternative to
  Canadian Jewish Congress; Naomi Klein to kick off conference
More than 100 Jewish activists from across Canada will gather March 28-30th in 
Toronto at a conference to form a network of anti-occupation groups dedicated 
to building real peace and justice in the Middle East. 
Convened by the Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians (ACJC), the conference 
will gather Canadian Jews belonging to 18 groups who are coming together to 
challenge the views of the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canada-Israel 
Committee and B’nai Brith, along with the Stephen Harper government—all of whom 
uncritically support the Israeli government’s violations of international and 
humanitarian law. 
Author Naomi Klein will kick off the conference this Friday evening with a talk 
entitled “The challenges facing us: Why we need a Canadian Jewish progressive 
movement”. The meeting is being held at the Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St. in 
Participants share a common opposition to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank 
and siege of Gaza as well as the Harper government’s one-sided approach to the 
crisis in the region. The meeting will also include non-Jewish allies who share 
the ACJC’s concern about what is happening in the West Bank and Gaza and who 
wish to work together with the ACJC in common pursuit of a lasting peace, based 
on justice for all of the peoples of the region. They include Katherine 
Nastovsky, Canadian Union of Public Employees; Deborah Bourke, Canadian Union 
of Postal Workers; Vicky Obedkoff, United Church; Khaled Moummar, Canadian Arab 
Federation; Chris Jones, Canadian Peace Alliance, and Susan Howard-Azzeh. 
Media are invited to hear Naomi Klein as well as a panel of representatives 
from international Jewish organizations that share ACJC’s concerns about the 
Middle East including:
                    · Jewish Voice for Peace from the U.S.
                    · Brit Tzedek v’Shalom from the U.S. 
                    · Independent Jewish Voices from the U.K.
                    · The International Jewish Solidarity Network
                    · European Jews For Just Peace 
Date:               Friday March 28, 2008
Time:              7:30 p.m.
Location:       Steelworkers’ Hall
                        25 Cecil Street, Toronto, Ontario
Conference spokespeople will also be available for interviews on the formation 
of the new group at the close of the conference on Sunday March 31st at 2:30 
p.m. at the Steelworkers’ Hall.
For further information, please contact: ACJC Administrative Council Members & 
Conference Coordinators:
Diane Ralph: 613-314-1805                      Sid Shniad: 604-314-5589

                                          Palestinian Canadian National Voice - 
Founding Conference - May 31-June 1, 2008 - Montreal

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