New book : Islam in Inter-War Europe

Islam in Inter-War Europe
Nathalie Clayer and Eric Germain (eds)
In the enormous literature on the Muslim world, one of the few gaps in our 
knowledge is the status of Islam in inter-war Europe, an imbalance this book 
aims to address.

The Muslim population of Europe in the period from 1918-1939 was not one of 
isolated islands of belief and practice. Rather, there was far more interaction 
between Muslim communities than had hitherto been imagined. For example, there 
was much correspondence and exchange of ideas between the Ahmadi-Lahori 
missions of Berlin and Woking, near London, and Albanian religious leaders.

Other topics discussed in this book include the earlier than imagined emergence 
of notions of a distinctly ‘European’ Islam, the fraught interplay of politics 
and Islam, especially the development by some governments of Muslim ‘agendas’, 
the richness and importance of debates within Europe’s Muslim community, the 
attempts by the Nazis to foment ‘jihad’ and the modus operandi of 
trans-national networks.
London, Hurst New York, Columbia University Press

*Introduction* ;
*i: Muslim networks in Christian lands;*
Making Transnational Connections: Muslim networks in early Twentieth-century 
Britain – Humayun Ansari;
Between National and Religious Solidarities: the Tatars in Germany and Poland 
in the Inter-War Period – Sebastian Cwiklinski;
The first Muslim Missions on a European Scale: Ahmadi-Lahori Networks in the 
Period – Eric Germain;
*ii: Towards the Building of a ‘European Islam’ Behind the Veil*; The Reform of 
Islam in Inter-War Albania or the Search for a ‘Modern and ‘European’ Islam – 
Nathalie Clayer;
Shakib Arslan’s Imagining of Europe: The Colonizer, the Inquisitor, the 
Islamic, the Virtuous, and the Friend – Raja Adal;
European Neo-Sufi Movements in the Inter-war Period – Marc Sedgwick;
*iii: From state control to Foreign Policy; *
Islam in the Service of Social Control: Arab Seamen in Britain – Richard
The Reform of Shari’a Courts and Islamic Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1918-1941 – Fikret Karcic;
Euro-Islam by ‘jihad Made in Germany – Wolfgang Schwanitz;
*iv: Minorities Between acculturation and identity Claim;*
Farewell to the Ottoman Legacy? Islamic Reformism and Revivalism in
Inter-war Bosnia-Herzegovina – Xavier Bougarel;
The Muslim Minority in Macedonia and its Educational Institutions during
the Inter-War Period – Muhammed Aruci;
The Episode of the Turkish Spelling Mistakes in Greek Thrace, 1929– Yannis Bonos

Nathalie Clayer
UMR 8032 Etudes turques et ottomanes
54 Bd Raspail
75006 Paris
tél. : 01 49 54 23 02

10 Avenue Paul Appell
75014 Paris
tél. : 01 43 20 23 90



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