A Message by:
  Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei 
        Leader of the Islamic Revolution
  In the wake of the Saturday atrocious (terrible) attacks by the Zionist 
regime against the Gaza Strip in which dozens of innocent people, including 
children felt martyred.
Bismillah'e Rahman e Rahim

Great Islamic Umma Dear Iranian nation, 

The bloody events in Gaza are so gory (violent) and heartrending that it could 
not be conveyed through pen or tongue. The na?ve children or innocent women and 
men having already endured months of hermetic siege are now slain in their 
homes; before the eyes of their parents the blossoming children are perishing 
in the rancorous (ruthless) blaze of callous (heartless) usurpers, ditto 
parents before the eyes of their na?ve children whereas those who profess 
civilization and humanity have sat watching the colossal (massive) human 
tragedy with ultimate audacity (boldness), even some sit pleased with impudence.

  The world of Islam is by no means excused to remain tight-lipped towards the 
rare atrocity.

The Islamic Umma is expected to generate waves of wrath and the Islamic leaders 
must slap the wrath of their nations in the face of the Zionist regime.

The hands of the American government are soaked with the blood of the innocent 
Palestinian people. This is the support of the arrogant and rogue state which 
has emboldened the Zionists to commit the unforgivable crimes.

The Islamic nations and governments must make the voice of the innocent 
Palestinians heard throughout the world and let their reposing consciousness 
wake up. 

Has the American nation realized that their authorities have sacrificed all 
human sanctities for the sake of the Zionists? Have the European nations got 
aware how far their politicians have gone under the reign of the Zionist 

  It is not accidental that in simultaneity with those military ferocities, the 
most sacred Islamic sanctities are left at the mercy of profanity in some other 
corner of the arrogance-dominated areas of the world. There certain malicious 
(unbearable) pens backed by some devil policies are insulting the Mercy for the 
World People (a title for Hazrat Muhammad S.A.) to whom, the venerable, and to 
his Divine message the whole human being is indebted.

Yes. The holy Islam by its freeing message and anti-oppression note could 
resurrect (revive) dignity in the nations, setting off alarm in the midst of 
the domineering powers and triggering fire of rancor in their hearts against 
the Muslim nations depicted in their wayward moves.

The rogue dominance-seekers should mind that they are not able to put out the 
ever-lightening flame of Islamic awakening through savagery or violence. The 
epic resistance of the Palestinian nation and the stunning valiance (bravery) 
of their men and women, both young and old, in the face of the blood-thirsty 
Zionists provides evidence to that claim.

'The ultimate result of the conflict would be the triumph of the truth over the 
false as He said 'then We took vengeance (revenge) upon those who committed 
crimes; and it was ever a duty incumbent (present) upon Us to help the 
believers' (30:47).

I offer greetings to the Gaza people, to its innocent and persevering men and 
women, to its na?ve children and to the withered (shrunken) blossoms. I pray 
God to confer patience and deliverance on them and make them the victors.

Greetings to you and Mercy of God. 
Sayyed Ali Khamenei 

Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Saviour of mankind 
the descendent of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

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