Sermon of the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) welcoming Ramadhaan 
Salman(R.A.) of Persia related to us that "the Apostle of God (sallallaho 
alaihi wa sallam) delivered a sermon on the last day of the month of Shaban." 

In it, he said: "O’ people ! A blessed month is casting its shadow upon you ; a 
night of this month (the Night of Power) is better than a thousand months ; 
Allah has prescribed the fasts of this month and ordered as a supererogatory 
worship the standing up in his presence (i.e.; the offering up of Taraweeh 
prayers ) during its nights ( on which there is great reward ). Whoever will 
offer, in it, a non - obligatory ( i.e.; Sunnat or Nafl ) prayer with the 
object of seeking the countenance of the Lord, will get a reward identical in 
value to the reward on a Fardh ( i.e.; obligatory) prayer on the other days of 
the year. It is the month of patient perseverance and the reward on patient 
perseverance is Paradise, and it is the month of kindness and compassion. It is 
the month in which the sustenance of the faithful bondsman is increased. 
Whoever will invite a person who is fasting to break the fast with him will get 
the same reward as the one who was
 fasting and there will be no reduction in his reward either. Upon it, It was 
enquired from the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) `Everyone of us does 
not have the means to ask (people) to break the fast with him. (So, will he 
remain deprived of the great reward ?) The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa 
sallam) replied `Allah will give the reward to him (also) who will have a 
person who is fasting break the fast with a little milk or a draught of water.` 
(Continuing the prophet observed): ` And whoever will feed fasting person with 
a full meal (at the time of breaking the fast), God will satiate him in such a 
manner from my pond (i.e.; Kausar) that, after it, he will not feel thirsty 
until he has reached heaven.( After it, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa 
sallam) said) : `The first part of this blessed month is Mercy, the second part 
is Forgiveness, and the third part is Freedom from the Fire of Hell.` (After 
it, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
 said ): `Whoever will make a reduction in the work of his slave or servant, 
Allah will forgive him and grant him Freedom from Hell.` - Baihaqi 

Commentary: The purport of the above Hadith is clear. Yet we will offer a few 
comments on some of the points here. 

(I) The first and the greatest virtue of the month Ramadan is that there occurs 
during it a night which is better than thousand nights but months. It has, 
also, been mentioned , as we know, in Sura-i -Qadr of the Quran. In fact, the 
whole of the Surah deals with the suspiciousness and splendour of this night 
which it should be enough to appreciate its worth and importance. 

Approximately, one thousand months thirty thousand nights. The superiority of 
the Night of Power to a thousand months should, therefore, be taken to mean 
that the devotees who are keenly desirous to earn the good graces of the Lord 
and His propinquity can make as much progress in one night as in a thousand 
other nights. Just as in the material world we see that by a jet propelled 
aeroplane one can, nowadays, cover as much distance in a day as, or even in an 
hour, as we done in a hundred years in the past, the rate of advance of the 
earnest seekers of the countenance of the Lord, too, is increased so greatly in 
the night of Power that they can attain in it was is possible in hundreds of 

The Prophet's (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) remark that if a person will seek 
the propitiation of Allah, in the month of Ramadan, by performing a 
superogatory act, it will be treated as equal in recompense to the fulfilment 
of an obligatory duty in the other days of the year and if he will fulfil an 
obligatory duty during it, it will be treated as equal in recompense to the 
fulfilment of seventy obligatory duties during the rest of the year should be 
seen in the same light. Thus, while the superiority of the Night of Power 
peculiar to a particular night of Ramadan, the fetching of seventy times reward 
by a virtuous act is the characteristic attribute of every day and night of the 
blessed month. 

(ii) Ramadan has been described in the sermon quoted above as the month of 
fortitude and compassion. In the Islamic usage `fortitude` signifies the 
suppression of sensual desires and urges and endurance of painful and 
unpleasant things the sake of learning the good pleasure of Allah. This is what 
fasting stands for, from the beginning to the end. In the same way, while 
fasting the bondsman has an experience of the rigours of starvation, and, from 
it, he learn to feel for and sympathise with those who are forced by their 
circumstances to go hungry. 

(iii) It, also, tell that, in this month, the provision of the truthful 
bondsman is augmented. The experience of every fasting believer is that he more 
and better to eat and drink during Ramadan than in the other eleven months of 
the year. In whatever way or through whatever course this increase may take 
place in this world of cause and effect, it by the command of Allah in any 

(iv) At the end of the sermon it is said that the first part of the month of 
Ramadan is Mercy, the second part is Forgiveness, and the third is Freedom from 
the Fire of Hell. 

The most satisfactory explanation of it, in our view, is that there can be 
three kinds of bondsmen who avail themselves of the boon and blessings of 
Ramadan. Firstly, the pious souls who habitually take care not to commit a sin, 
and if they ever fall into error, they immediately make amends for it through 
sincere repentance. On these bondsmen the Mercy of the Lord begins to descend 
from the very first night of Ramadan. Secondly, those who are not so pure in 
the heart but are not altogether bereft of the fear of Allah as well. such 
Bondsmen improve their state and make themselves deserving of the Mercy and 
Forgiveness through fasting, repentance and other virtuous acts during this 
part of Ramadan, the decision for their forgiveness is taken in the second part 
of the month. Thirdly, those who have been unjust and have made themselves 
wholly worthy of Hell through their misconduct . When even they atone somewhat 
for their sinfulness through fasting and
 repentance along with the common Muslims during the first and second parts of 
Ramadan, Allah decides upon their freedom from Hell during the last one-third 
of the month when the Divine benevolence is at its peak. 
FROM Meaning and Message of the Traditions 
BY SHAYKH Mohammad Manzoor Nomani (RA
Fiqh: (Hanafi) 
Masaa'il Pertaining to the Saum of Ramadhaan
1. The Saum of Ramadhaan is Fardh. The one who denies the fardhiyaat (being 
Fardh) of the Saum of Ramadhaan becomes a kaaflf while one who accepts its 
fardhiyaat but neglects its observance is described as a faasiq. 
2. The Saum of Ramadhaan commences, when the sighting of the Ramadhaan hilaal 
(crescent moon) has been confmned in accordance with the rules of Shariat. 
Niyyat for the Saum of Ramadhaan should be renewed each day. A single niyyat at 
the beginning of Ramadhaan will not suffice for the Saum of the entire month. 
Partaking of the Sahri meal will be an adequate niyyat for the validity of the 
Saum. While it is better to recite a verbal niyyat as well, the mere act of 
rising from sleep to participate in Sahri with the intention of fasting 
constitutes the actual niyyat. 
3. If on account of a reason accepted as valid by the Shariah, one does not 
fast during Ramadhaan, one should not eat in the presence of others. 
4. If a woman ' s haidh begins during the course of the fasting day, the fast 
is not valid It is not incumbent to abstain from eating during the remaining 
part of the day. However, she should not eat in the presence of others.
5. A woman whose haidh ends during the course of the day (i.e. during 
Ramadhaan) should compulsorily abstain from eating, etc. Her fast on the 
particular day her haidh ended is not valid. Hence, she has to make qadhaa in 
spite of having to refrain from eating etc., on that day.
6. A fast of Ramadhaan broken deliberately without valid reason, after having 
made the niyyat for fasting during the night, i.e. before Subah Saadiq brings 
about the penalty of Kaffaarah. Kaffaarah for flagrantly breaking a fast of 
Ramadhaan is to fast 60 consecutive days -sixty days,one after another, without 
missing any day in between.


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