PETITION! Lift Travel Restrictions on Palestinian Journalist

By Mary Rizzo • May 28th, 2008 at 15:36 • Category: Israel, Khalid Amayreh, 
Mary's Choice, Newswire, Palestine, Petitions, Zionism 
SIGN THE PETITION To:  Israeli and Palestinian Authorities  -
Palestinian journalist Khalid Amayreh, who lives in the West Bank, has been 
invited to attend a media conference in Germany. As required, he set about to 
request all of the necessary travel documents, including a visa that needs to 
be granted from the German representative office in Ramallah. After routine 
questioning regarding his political affiliations, it was not only determined 
that he was not a member of any party, nor formally associated with any 
organisation, but it was clear that he had never been arrested or detained by 
Israeli authorities. Mr Amayreh was granted an entry visa to Germany. However, 
the Israeli military authorities have refused to give him a permit to leave the 
West Bank. No Palestinian can travel abroad without receiving such a permit 
beforehand, otherwise he or she would be turned back once arriving at the 
Israeli-controlled border terminal at the Allenby Bridge.

Mr Amayreh then went to his local District Coordination Office in Dura, where 
he was informed that his information was forwarded to the Shin Bet (General 
Security Services) of the Israeli government. Then two days later, the GSS 
informed the Palestinian office that Amayreh was "barred from leaving the West 
Bank for security reasons." No further explanation was given.
His fortune in obtaining the required travel permission did not change as he 
applied to the Civil Administration Headquarters in Hebron, a metallic pen 
holding persons seeking the mandatory permission even to go to East Jerusalem 
for medical treatment, where it is not unusual to find them huddled and waiting 
their turn for ten or more hours, under the watchful eye of Israeli military 
The Palestinian Civil Affairs Coordination Office in the West Bank was also 
unable to mediate on his behalf, as they too are entirely dependent upon the 
decisions, without clarification, evidence or justification, made by the 
Israeli Security division.
There is indeed no justification for the violation of this man's civil and 
human rights, and along with him, the rights of all others who are denied 
freedom of movement with no justification whatsoever. The Occupation 
authorities, while they have no sovereignty over citizens of the Palestinian 
Authority, dictate what must be done with those citizens and the world seems to 
consider the violation of their rights acceptable and normal praxis. These 
people are not pawns on a chessboard, but are individuals who seek the basic 
liberties that all democracies are obligated to provide for their people. The 
Palestinian Authority does not exercise its duty of guaranteeing civil 
liberties to its own citizens, and treats them as if they shall be subject to 
the whims of the Occupier.
We ask for the immediate revision of the decision regarding Mr Amayreh, so that 
he is granted the documents necessary for him to exercise his freedom of 
movement allowing him to continue to provide for himself and his family in the 
work that he is employed in, as well as for the Palestinian Authority to assume 
a position that sets the freedoms of its citizens as a priority that is greater 
than the perceived "security" risks declared by the agency of the State of 


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