*US marines in hot water over Christian coins in Iraq*
Date : May 30, 2008

The US military said on Friday it was probing complaints that marines handed
out coins inscribed with a verse from the Bible to a group of Sunni Muslims
in Iraq, sparking outrage among local residents.

It said a service member involved in the incident in the former flashpoint
city of Fallujah west of Baghdad was removed from his duties on Thursday.

"US forces initiated an investigation into reports that a coin with a Bible
verse written in Arabic was distributed to Iraqi citizens as they passed
through a Fallujah entry control point," the military said in a statement.

"A coalition force service member was removed from his duties Thursday amid
concerns from Fallujah's citizens regarding reports of inappropriate

Residents of Fallujah, scene of one of the bloodiest post-invasion battles
between insurgents and US forces in Iraq in 2004, said that marines had been
doling out the token-like coins to residents to promote Christianity.

The incident occurred less than than two weeks after a US soldier was
removed from Iraq for using a Koran for target practice at a firing range
near Baghdad and writing graffiti in the Muslim holy book.

The incident sparked outrage from the Iraqi government of President Nuri
al-Maliki and prompted an apology from US President George W. Bush. But it
triggered protests that left several people dead in Afghanistan.

 ----- Original Message ----- **

 *Iraq probes allegations of Marines' proselytizing
*Muslims angered by Christian verse printed on coins
*May 28, 2008, 10:52PM*

FALLUJAH, IRAQ — At the western entrance to Fallujah on Tuesday, Muamar Anad
handed his residence badge to the U.S. Marines guarding the city. They
checked to be sure that he was a city resident, and when they were done,
Anad said, a Marine slipped a coin out of his pocket and put it in his hand.

Out of fear, he accepted it, Anad said. When he was inside the city, the
college student said, he looked at one side of the coin. "Where will you
spend eternity?" it asked.

On the other side it read, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life. John 3:16."

"They are trying to convert us to Christianity," said Anad, a Sunni Muslim
like most residents of this city in Anbar province. At home, he told his
story, and his relatives echoed their disapproval: They'd been given the
coins, too, he said.

Fallujah, the scene of a bloody U.S. offensive against Sunni insurgents in
2004, has calmed and grown less hostile to American troops since residents
turned against al-Qaida in Iraq, which had tried to force its brand of
Islamist extremism on the population.

Now residents are abuzz that some Americans whom they consider occupiers are
acting as Christian missionaries. Residents said some Marines at the western
entrance to their city have been passing out the coins for two days in what
they call a "humiliating" attempt to convert them to Christianity.

In the markets, people crowded around men with the coins, passing them to
each other and asking in surprise, "Have you seen this?"

In an e-mail, Rear Adm. Patrick Driscoll, a U.S. military spokesman, said "Iraq
is investigating a report that U.S. military personnel in Fallujah handed
out material that is religious and evangelical in nature. Local commanders
are investigating since the military prohibits proselytizing any religion,
faith or practices."


---------- Forwarded message ----------
 *Is This The Right way?*
*"Holy War Against Islam" *
*Watch The Movie <http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=L6p1NzUci1I>*

They are talking about holy war.
They see themselves as martyrs.
For them, other religions are heresy.
You will probably think it's about radical islamists.
No, this time we are talking about radical Christians.
There are several millions of these fanatic fundamentalist in the U.S.A.
Thanks to them, George Bush became the president.
But the activities of these Christian fanatics aren't limited just to the
They want to convert the whole world to Christianity.
A suddent chance is given to them, with the start of the war in Iraq.
Just after the occupation, came the missionaries.
And while people get killed every day they are trying to convert muslims to
In most of cases secretly, but with permission of US government.
John Goetz i Volker Steinhoff about christian holy war.
It seems unnoticable from the outside, but this is a new-built church.
Iraq Christians during liturgy. Among them there are american missionaries.
The church is their base.
>From here, they are planning to convert the Iraq to Christianity.
Tom White has dyed his hair.
We disguise ourselves as tourists. I have these glasses, I dye my hair
black, false beard etc.
In the next room we have several tons of christian literature.
We have given away tons of thousands of these colorful Bibles in Iraq.
Bible for Children, The life of Jesus, etc.
We, Christians, are always in war.
The man with children bibles is a chief of a million-dollar-worth
organization called "Voice of the martyrs".
The martyrs are Christians who have died in a holy war for their religion.
For "God's agressive love".
This war is a material struggle. The Iraqis are to be converted to
Christianity with the help of propaganda and humanitarian help.
Some Muslims become very angry. In an Islamic country, a person who converts
to Christianity is subject to be killed.
Wouldn't that mean that your activities can lead to people dying?
Our activities can lead to people dying, We are aware of that.
But to spend the eternity in heaven and not in hell - seems like a good
Even if it results in a physical punishment here on Earth.
"The martyrs" aren't the only missionaries in Iraq.
The internet is full of propaganda videos.
Christian fundamentalists have come here, with the support of the American
The things that are forbidden in other Arabian countries, have been allowed
here by the American generals.
Missionary work
American holy war in Iraq finds disapproval.
These politically motivated missionaries support the tensions and hstility.
Radical Christians as disguised humanitarians, want to convert Iraq.
But the cover isn't always helpful. It's often seen missionaries being
Such is the case with these radical Baptists.
Their organization "The Southern Baptist Convention" sends the biggest
number of missionaries to Iraq.
The imams are scared.
If the Christianity gets settled here than it will continue to be the case
in the whold Middle EAST.
Right now the most important place is Iraq.
"The Southern Baptist Convention" supports G. Bush's war.
And he is grateful for their work.
You represent more than 16 million Baptists in the whole country.
And many other missionaries for from home.
And all of you are feeling invited to spread the world of God and proclaim
the Kingdom of God.
The president of the United States G. Bush himself has spoken about the
Christian war.
There is a rising number of right-oriented funamentalists, seated on highest
positions who see all of this as a holy war against Islam.
One of them is positioned in Pentagon, and coordinates the search for Osama
bin Laden.
General William Boyken; When he is not busy with hunting Islamists, he loves
to attend Baptist meetings.
It's not about Osama bin Laden. The enemy lies in the spiritual Realm.
And then the general has said something that was documented only on audio
For muslims, this was a huge provocation "My god is greater than theirs"
Including "Their God is a false God - an Idol"
This major fight against Islamists has spread his convictions in this
Baptist church.
This community fell in love with the general William Boyken. He has risked
his life in the army. We love our military.
The members of this church have the same opinions on the war in Iraq as the
general himself.
It's a religious war. They don't hate us they hate our God. they are
believing in a lie.
There have been a lot of fals Gods like their Allah, but that stays a lie,
and that's what prophets have said.
Mass in the city of Broken Arrow. Middwest.
Hundreds of people who are a part of this Baptist church.
There are over 40,000 churches like this on in America.
All of these churches belong to "The southern Baptist Convention"
Our president needs you. Our military needs you.
The people will be sent on a journey.
Over 5,000 of them are positioned on various places of the world.
This group is going to Mexico. But they would also like to go to Iraq.
I am willing to die. I would go to Iraq, even if it meant my death.
We have to defeat them, they want to kill us. They have killed 3,000 of our
All Iraqis should be converted. All of the Middle-East, as a matter of fact.
It's a spiritual war.
We are fighting the forces of darkness.
A backup for Iraq.
Including new volunteers doesn't seem to be a problem.
Over 16 million Americans belong to "The Southern Baptists Convention".
And one of them, who wants to be elected again, the president of the U.S.A.
The freedom is not America's gift to the world, it's a God's gift to every
man and women who lives in this world.
Good times are ahead for the holy war.
There are numerous challenges, awaiting them next week.
The Iraqi Government.
But than missionary work will be more difficult.
But that is motivating for these American holy fighters.
Conflict is a natural part of Christianity.
Politics and religion are being joined here. That reminds me of Al-Qaida

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